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No Outrage Here!

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  06-10-10

When I see a BUSINESS that has elaborate buildings, and Shiny new equipment every other year I have no problem with that… So long as the wealth that was created by the workers is fairly distributed amongst those that helped, NO not helped, those that actually created the wealth in the first place, by beeing the ones that actually built the products sold.

Just because someone had an idea to make a Car, why should they continue to pay slave wages for the labor that creates THEIR PRODUCT, FOR IF IT WAS NOT FOR LABOR THERE WOULD BE NO CAR TO BEGIN WITH. Do you think that Henry Ford would or could build his Model “T” by himself, and if he did how many cars do you think he would have made if it weren’t for labor. Labor is every bit as important if not more so for without labor to create the item, their items would only be an IDEA, yet to become a Reality.

How much longer must we hold a majority of the labor force captive to near slavery existence, while a hand full of people take the lions share of the profits for themselves.

How much longer do we allow the cannibals to eat our life force, In the name of profit, and give us little to nothing for it? 

When will we realize that we are becoming the CANNIBALS!

 Yes you heard me, “We Are Becoming The Cannibals”…


NOT ME You Say!

But You Are.


Every time you buy into the lie that unions are destroying America by wanting to high a wage.

STOP AND THINK about that logic You bitch that a union person gets paid an average of $50 bucks an hour with bennies which comes to around $100,000.00 a year and of which they pay 35% in taxes so they actually get to keep $65,000 thousand dollars…well not exactly $65,000, don’t forget part of that $65,000 is their cost of healthcare which is paid directly to the insurance company. So when all is said and done they wind up with about $55,000… FOR ONE YEAR!!!

BUT YOU NEVER BITCH, that the Ceo’s of these companies making $5 million, $10 million, or in the case of William McGuire who took home a 1.7 Billion in just one bonus for one year... that's $6,538,461. a day. Yes that's not a typo I said 6 and a half MILLION dollars a day.  Did I mention that "Will" was a Ceo for an insurance company?

The only responsibility of his company has is to pay your doctor…he sells medical insurance and gets $6 1/2 million bucks a day, and tells you that your Brest cancer isn't covered, "Pre-existing" thing you know.

No outrage there, but that dam union guy making $50 bucks an hour needs to be drawn and quartered.

Now how can you justify your anger at a union wage, when the very same talking heads that are condemning a union salary of $400 bucks a day while they get paid $7,693 dollars a day to “READ The NEWS”. That's  an hour The days of Cronkite and Mural actually finding and writing the tough investigative news on things that matter other than what blond girl is missing are gone on most mainstream news.

You become a cannibal, every time you go to Communist Red China’s outlet store, WALL-MART, which led the way to off-shoring American Jobs.

Every Time you don’t even TRY to buy an American Made Product.

Every time you think that someone else’s labor is worth less then yours.


Do you think your life is less valuable then say your Boss, or better yet that old guy that sells you your coffee and a roll in the morning?

If you come up with any other answer than the same, you are well on your way to becoming a cannibal. 

So With that in mind if you think that you can be more valuable then the old guy selling you your coffee and roll, then you must be less valuable then your boss, and when will it be acceptable to have your lungs and heart cut out to “Donate” to your sick boss?

By:  William A. Peary   06-10-10

Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com


Revel... Today For Tomorrow The Work Begins

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 11-05-08  

    Today We Continue The Celebration....Tomorrow We Begin The Work. The Work Of Correcting The Last 30 Years Of This Current Republican Party Birth By Ronald Reagan and Currently Lead By George W. Bush and His Minions. Like The Unforgettable Tom Delay, Karl Rove, And Dick Cheney... And Who Can Forget Names Like Donald Rummsfield's  Porter Goss, John Ashcroft, And Arguable The One Whom Without None Of This Would Have Happened, Justice William H. Rehnquist Now Deceased. And So Many  More Like Trent Lot, Scooter Libby, Bob Ney, Jack Abamoff and Alan Greenspan For Cooking The Books For Everyone For The Last 30 Years. As They Leave Office We Will Finally Get To Audit The Books, And I Think That What We Will Find Is Far Worse Then What We Think.

But First We Need To Restore Our Constitution. 

Then We Need Begin To Investigate George W. Bush, & Dick Cheney For Their Part In Altering The Intel Information To Get Us Into An Ill-Legal War.

We Need To Investigate War Profiteers Like Halliburton, & Backwater.

Yes This Is Only The Very Short List Of Things That Need To Be Started, And We Need To Be More Involved Then Ever Before In The Process Of Our Government, We Need To Be On The Phones Calling Our Senators And Congressmen And Tell Them What We Want, After All The Past Model Has Bin A "Pay To Play", Meaning That Corporations Have Pored Millions Of Dollars Into The Past Administrations, And Then Demanded That The Senators Had To "Pay Back The Favor"... Well Now It Has Bin "Us" The Little Guy Who Paid The Bill, And Now We Need To Be The One To "Call In The Favors".

Now Is The Time For National Health Care,

Now Is The Time For Renewable Energy, and Put To Rest The Use Of Oil Just As We Did With Stone Knives & Buggy Whips.

Now Is The Time To End The Privatization Of America.

Now Is The Time To Stop Privatized Corporate Controlled And Run Sections Of Our Commons From Feeding The Wealth, By Theft Of The Commons, By Their Demanding That More And More Of Our Behavior Be Criminal And We The People Get Sent To Jail. Did You Know That We Incrassate In Not Only In Percent, But In Overall Numbers, More People Than Communist Red China, And They Have A much Larger Population.

Now Is The Time To End The Persecution And Imprisonment Of Individuals For Using Marijuana For Medical Use. Which By The Way Back In The 70'S A Government Commission Found That Marijuana Should Not Be Ill-legal. It Should Barely Be A Controlled Substance, Like Alcohol. 

And Just To Shine Some Light On The Elephant, ... No Make That The Herd Of Elephants In The Room. Marijuana  Has Proven To Now Be The Only Substance That Can STOP Alzheimer's Disease, And Treat ALS, Diabetes Mellitus, Dystonia Fibromyalgia, GI Disorders, Gliomas, Hepatitis C, HIV, Hypertension, Incontinence, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Pruritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sleep Apnea, Tourette's Syndrome, And Cause Some Forms Of Cancer To Go Into Remission, Or Not Begin At All. SO MY POINT IS THIS, IF IT CAN WORK ON ALL THESE ILLNESS, AND WE WILL DRINK ORANGE JUICE AND TAKE VITAMINS TO PREVENT ILLNESS WHY NOT DECIMALIZE MARIJUANA, SO THAT IT CAN BE ANOTHER TOOL IN PROTECTING OUR HEALTH. LET ME ALSO POINT OUT THAT NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THE LAST 5,000 YEARS HAS EVER DIED FROM THE USE OF MARIJUANA. 

Now Is The Time To Stop Rendition, & Torture.

Now Is Not The Time To Be Afraid, Now Is The Time To Remember The Words Of FDR... "The Only Thing We Have To Fear...But Fear Itself". Which By The Way When He Used That Statement It Was In Reference To The Great Republican Depression Of 1929.

We Must Work To Break The Strangle Hold Of Corporate America On Our Lives, And Have Corporations Restored to "Servants Of The Economy"... And Not Owners Of The Economy.

Now We Must Stop The Privatizing Of Our Nation, And Reclaim The Commons... We Must Work To Change Health Care From A For Profit Corporation, But Change It Back To A Non Profit Status. After all Profiting From Someone Death or Illness On A Par With War Profiteering.

We Need To Take Back Our Monetary System From Private Hands And Put It Back In The Hands Of Our Government, So It Does Not Cost Our Country Every time We Need To Use Our Money.

Now Is The Time To Either Fix NAFTA, CAFTA, GAT, And All The Rest Of The Alphabet Soup, With Import Tariffs So That If A American Corporation Wants To Save A Buck On Labor By Going Overseas Then Let Them Pay A Import Tax equivalent To The Labor Difference In America And If We Cannot Protect Our Economy And Jobs Then Scrap Them completely.

Now Is The Time To Work On Creating A Real Educational System In Our Country. A System That Teaches The Student In Ways That Encourages Thought, That Sparks That Wonder Of Never Getting Enough Knowledge. We Have To STOP "Teaching To The Test" (No Child Left Behind,) School System.

Now Is The Time To Fix Our Voting System And Take It Back From Privatization By Dibold, ESS and Other  Private Corporations, What's Wrong With Paper Ballots Counted By Human Hands?

Now Is The Time For Change

Now Is The Time To Take Back Our Country, And We Can Do It... But To Do It We Need To Participate, To Make It Happen.

We Need To Call And Write Our Newly Elected Officials And Tell Then What "We The People" Want.


 By:  William A. Peary   11-05-08

Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com



And Still…Another Shell Game

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 07-23-08

 The Markets started down today until George W. Bush decided to extend Multi billion... perhaps trillion-dollar transfer of wealth from the public treasury to the Filthy Rich.

You know that top 1% of the population, that some how you conservatives think, pay way too much money in taxes. The very same people who’s idea of trickle down economics is to Piss on your head and tell you, don’t worry prosperity is just around the corner. I’ve heard that now for the last 30 plus years starting with Ronald Reagan.

After you deduct everything that you owe like your mortgage balance, your credit card payments, and other major loans then compare that to your savings… how much is left that you own outright?

How is that trickle down economics working out for you now?

Markets shoot up as Bush Agrees to sign a 3.9 billion dollar aid to homeowners and... a BLANK CHECK TO THE BANKS THAT COULD EXCEED 3 TRILLION DOLLARS.

The homeowners get a cheaper mortgage, now that they paid the bulk of the interest up front and the new loan includes NEW interest on top of the old interest already paid, and the banks get to borrow the money in totally unlimited amounts, that they lend to the government, to cover self created losses while they get to keep the homes and property, which more than offsets the interest difference from what they borrow to what they lend. Now because we the people got hoodwinked back in 1913 when we PRIVATIZED our money and let the Federal Reserve deal with the countries money, we now borrow the money from the same people that say that they are broke…THE BANKS!!!!

So let’s understand this together, we borrow the 3 TRILLION PLUS from the banks who have no money that is why we are borrowing it to give it to the banks that are broke so we can in turn give it the homeowners who in turn give it back to the banks that now collect interest from The US Government, and the Homeowners and the banks get to pay back… Nothing!!!

Oh sure on paper it looks like they are borrowing the money but look closer. First they created the Massive housing bubble, much like the 1920’s then they collected the bulk of the interest upfront on the loans that they made and in some cases even the house. Now while they still have you’re house they claim that they lost money and need to borrow money but rather then lend it to themselves they let the government borrow the money from them, (with interest of course), so that the government can give it back to the banks, to subsidies their self created losses…but now… after all the CEO’s VP’s and managers have absconded with billions if not trillions in Bonus and Golden bail outs they now shift the debt over to us we the people.

“They are Internalizing the Profits and Externalizing the debt”.

What’s happening now reminds me of a scene from an old movie. There were two people in a lawyers office settling a divorce, one lawyer starts describing the terms of the settlement that divides everything equally between the two parties. He starts out that his client gets the bank accounts, and the house; your client gets the mortgage payments. His client gets the cars, your client gets the payments, and my client gets the diamonds from their diamond mines. When the other lawyer asks what does my client get from the diamond mine the first lawyer replies… Oh your client gets the shaft. 

It is Equal in a twisted sort of way. One gets all the positives, while the other gets an equal amount but in a Negative. Equal… Yes... Fair... No One Said Anything About Fair.

Isn’t privatization just grand?

By:  William A. Peary   07-23-08

Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com


At Long Last Our Democratic Party Finally Stood Up To The Liar And Thief, And Said NO! 

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com  

Published 02-15-08

NO!  to his twisted "I want to know what everyone is doing"

NO! to his immature perverse voyeurism of assuming every single American is bad and He and He alone is the only one who can protect you, from yourself.

   Just how long will it be before you like so many other before you... how long will it be till the voices of decent are carted away, to a place of your choosing. You get to arrest me because you were listening to every thing I think do and say,

    I implore you read the Constitution and stop shredding it and pissing on it.

But you won't... Because if you did you would be forced into another temper tantrum because you would most assuredly find out that that document does not instill the power of God on the wearer of the title of President. It does not make you a smarter or wiser person.

    It just makes you President, with one job and one job only...To Quote the Constitution... I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States... Did you get that last part of the sustenance...preserve... protect... and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    I think its time you Mr. Bush Grow up. I think playtime is over.

    You have failed yet again at another life's endeavor, except this time you took nearly 6 billion people with you on a ride that we did not want. Oh sure you and your minions lied to us day after day and week after week and month after month till finally some people got that glazed look over their face and turned to the TV Machine and recited your mantra of... 911... Fear...Terrorist ...911... Fear...Terrorist...911... Fear...Terrorist...

    Well it's over Mr. Bush Just as the day comes that every child looks at the Christmas package and realizes that mom wrote the tag and not Santa, which means that there is no Santa, Well sir let's hope that this is one of those moments when you realize that the strings really do make Howdy Doody come to life, and it's the puppet master pulling the strings.

    At least for the House, finally became the adults today and took away one of your toys, A toy that you have battered senseless, and nearly unrecognizable.  What they did was take back the Constitution from your dirt and mud encrusted hands before you have a chance to soil it any further by scribble little signing statements all over it like a board pre pubescent child scribbling on posters in a train station.

    That new word that you heard... NO….  Possible for the first time in your life was the first of hopefully many that you will hear as the Adults begin to exert their leadership skills...skills that you are so severely lacking. Your skills, if you can call it a skill, are that of a buffoon. That is why people said that they wanted to have a beer with you. Because every drunk needs an even bigger drunk when they go out so no one will laugh at them.

    Your press conference was like watching a spoiled brat demanding to get his way or you’ll, you’ll, you’ll… you’d what… hold your breath until you turn Blue, Mr. Bush! Not very likely.

    I for one happen to like that 230 plus year old document that you referred to as “A damn peace of paper”. I along with a hell of a lot of other people like it just the way it was before you and your minions started to defile it by every way imaginable.

    In closing Mr. Bush the word is NO, it means you can’t have your way, you are merely the appointed president. You are not God. You Are the President in service to the Constitution, and not in charge of the Constitution.

By:  William A. Peary   02-15-08

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


And Now A Trip Into Our Future... 

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 07-01-07

  And now a trip into our future... that is if we don't do something about taking back our country from the "New Robber Barons".

Carlos Slim Helú may be the richest man in the world. And in Mexico, where tens of millions of people live in seemingly intractable poverty, that distinction has been drawing some heat.

Mr. Slim’s companies dominate Mexico’s telecommunications industry, and they have sold cell phones to 130 million people throughout the Americas. His businesses have a hand in just about everything: one company built Mexico’s largest offshore oil platform, another sells CDs. He has interests in retailing, banking, insurance, mining, road building and cigarettes.

Because Mexico’s income distribution is severely skewed, Mr. Slim has come to personify the small elite who control vast sections of the economy. So he has been feeling the pressure...Source NY Times.

Wait just one minute Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, how about either paying your workers more money, and charging them less to buy your products, after all you are the new slave baron.

Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, you own the land that a lot of your workers live on and you own the factories that they work in. You pay their salary, which you happily take back from them in the form of rent on the house which you probly own, or the phone they buy or the bank they use, or the oil they buy, or the road they drive to work on, or the cigarettes they buy...right down to the food they buy.

Sounds a lot like slavery to me the people working in Carlos's empire are paid just enough money so pay for food, housing , and clothing, and still manage to be how did the article put it "live in seemingly intractable poverty"

Sounds like "outsourced slavery" to me, you get paid just enough to slip ever deeper into poverty each day, no wonder why there are so many people leaving Mexico to work in America. When we were told that we as American workers must now compete in a global market, no one said that we would have to compete against "Outsourced Slavery" wages.

Why is it that we as Americans have to give up our jobs and our money so that just one person can become insanely wealthy, while even more of his country cross the border to work in America, while taking even more American jobs from us "We the people"

Well at least it can't happen hear you say!

Guess again, a lot of our major corporations are heading down that road right now. Corporations are getting so big and buying up more and more of their competition, as well at the support industries, when one day it will be just one more merger and they will own your life, lock stock and barrel.

Well we don't have to look very far but we are heading that way except our Carlos is actually a hand full of Carlos's, and the biggest leader is Wall-Mart, a is a family run business that shared a $9 Billion dollar profit last year between 9 families. Or William McGuire who got a $124.8 million pay check and a 1.78 BILLION dollar BONUS last year. Oh for those of you who don't know who William McGuire is, he was the CEO of United Health, a medical insurance company. You know those people that are charging an average of $11,000 a year for medical insurance, and then when you really need your insurance for something other than a hang nail you get told that your not covered or that they cannot afford to pay.

Disney has already started down the "Carlos" road several years ago with the building pf Celebration city. You see Disney built a small city in Disney world in Florida several years ago. Then they sold you a house and gave you job to work in Celebration City. They provide the shopping and everything else you need to live on.

It can't happen here...Think again, it already is, and if it progresses trust me it won't be a Disney Ride, It will be more like Tinker Bell Marries Freddy Kruger.

By:  William A. Peary   07-01-07

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Pretzel Logic

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 04-22-07  

     Bush said that he wants a guest worker program because it would be easer than rounding up illegal aliens and deporting them.

Where do I even begin with that pretzel logic?

Let’s just list then rather than try to list them in any kind of order.

As to this administrations belief that to protect Americana from terrorist they need to take away our rights, but we can just ignore the estimated 20 million people from other countries that that are here illegally. People that we know nothing about and are not beholding to any American laws.

The idea just continues to lower wages here at home for every kind of job that employs them, and with an estimated 20 million people that an awful lot of jobs affected.

Did I mention that they are breaking several laws just being here, and their employers as well!

Now let’s just apply that logic to another crime, like say one that we spend Over 1 BILLION dollars a year on. So much time and resources on that we arrest someone every 41 seconds for.

We are arresting people for pot, a victimless crime. Pot that is the only Drug that can stop the advancement of Alzheimer's… Pot the original Prozac… Pot the drug that helps cancer patients, aids patients, Parkinson patients and people who suffer from chronic pain. 

We won’t even talk about the fact that hemp (which by the way won’t get you high, but is lumped together with pot, and considered by law to be as dangerous as heroin). Hemp can yield more useable paper products, per acre that an acre of trees, and at a much faster rate, in fact the constitution is written on hemp paper. Hemp can produce more useable ethanol than corn or other organic crop, per acre. Hemp a better, more lasting fiber product than cotton, and the list goes on and on.

Maybe it’s still illegal because of the drug companies, the logging companies, the oil companies, and others. After all if you put a Prozac pill in the ground and water it you get…nothing. However if you plant a pot seed in the ground you get more pot. Good reason why drug companies want to stop it. 

So why don’t we just create a guest pot consumer program and stop arresting people who use pot and hemp, in any form, and no matter what you have heard Pot has never caused the death of even one person, except for maybe when a rope was made of hemp and you hang someone.

Say I bet that we could use some of the idle police time to go after those illegal aliens, with that kind of arrest record of every 41 seconds, there would be no illegal aliens here in no time at all... or at least 26 years at the rate of 1 arrest every 41 seconds, which does not include any new people coming into the country.

Let's do something simple, like enforcing the immigration laws in existence, and go after the employers hiring the illegal aliens, and the politicians who want to build hiring halls with public money so the illegal aliens can have a place to go and get a job for the day. 

I'm for building the halls, BUT ONLY If the hiring halls are staffed with the I N S, and the first real clue as to the persons immigration status is when they need an interpreters, because one of the requirements of citizenship is a working knowledge of the English langue.

By:  William A. Peary   04-22-07

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com  


What Will You Bring To America’s Banquet Table?

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 11-23-06

What will you bring to the table of the America legacy this Thanksgiving? Past generations have brought freedom from tyranny, and Freedom of speech.

There were those like Thomas Jefferson that believed that education was one of the most precious legacies he could give to posterity.

Others have brought the extensions of our founders in the form of labor unions, to extend Democracy in the work place.

Still more believed that all men deserved a seat at the table no matter the color of their skin or religion that they practiced.

Then there came those that realized that women rightfully belonged there to, and not as the cook, but as equal partners in this experiment call America, for they were there from the very beginning, and without them there may not be an America.

Over the last several years there are those that have sought to take away from the banquet of the American table. They are not from outside but from within. They have not done it in the name of any noble cause but in the name of greed.

They have stolen the wealth of American to divide it up amongst but a few of their friends.

They have saw fit to use the Constitution as a doormat so as to have a place to wipe their feet. While using the Bill of Rights as a hand towel to wipe the blood from their hands of those they have sent to their deaths either in war or at home... for we as a nation have been bleed of so much of our resources that we can no longer take care of our children and Grandparents and our the rest of our fellow Americans in need here at home.

On Nov 6th 2006 there was an awakening and millions of Americans decided it was time for a change. But that was merely the first step in what will be a series of steps to take back from threes Robber Barron’s what they have stolen from the American Banquet table.

Sadly some things can never be brought back…

Hopefully though, we can learn from our mistakes and teach future generation to be vigilant of those among us who seek to twist the truth and pervert the facts so as to distract us, so that once again, they can steel from the American Banquet Table.

            I  bring the belief in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I am asking my Senators and congress people and even those from other states, that we need to investigate what these Robber Barron’s have done.

            I will bring speech to the table, for now more then ever we need to keep talking to continue to expose the lies and the theft of our rights and freedoms.

For in talking to one another about what we believe politically and keeping it in the open in the light of day we learn and we grow and we understand that, differences make us all that much stronger.

I will continue to write and speak my mind, with the freedoms that our founders have given me, for I am their posterity.

So on this Thanksgiving Day I ask…

What Will You Bring To The American Banquet Table?


By:  William A. Peary   11-23-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


You Can’t Spend History…So George W. Don’t Care

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 11-13-06

It’s difficult not to say anything without seeming like I’m just pilling on to the stunning rebuke of this administrations policy by “the rabble, as John Adman’s like to call the middle class.

            So many pundits and George W. Bush himself talk about how history will view his presidency.

            Well November 7th 2006 officially marked the death of any favorable remembrance at all, of his legacy, in history.

While a fair number of Americans were lead blindly to the edge of the abyss, with corporate rule and Fascism waiting at the bottom of the pit... Waiting to engulf America... When finally… at the very edge of the abyss, with rivulets of freedom and individual rights trickling into the crevasse, from under the feet of millions of Americans… America finally awoke from its long hypnotic trance. A trance induced by lies and threats of fear, and unspeakable hideous acts of evil, to be thrust upon America if we "make the wrong choice".

Finally either the lies became too big, or the fear became all too real... and that fear was finally seeing that you... you Mr. president are what we needed to be afraid of. You and all your cronies, and not the terrorist, were taking away everything that made us Americans.

You and your Republican Party were spending America into a 9 trillion dollar Abyss, and that does not even include the 400,000 Billion for the cost of the war so far, not the cost to rebuild the military, or the future cost to care for the estimated 25,000 wounded veterans returning home from your war of choice.

You and your Republican Party was condemning our sons and daughters and parents to die in a war that made the likes of you and your elk rich from the profits of war and oil.

You and your Republican Party made it all too easy for nearly every major corporation to shut its doors in America and send good paying American jobs over seas.

You and your Republican Party seen that none of your war profiteering friends would have to pay the cost, so you shifted the burden to the average American worker, while lying to their face and telling them you were giving them a tax cut, while, knowing that the state and local government would now have to raise their taxes many more times than the pitons you gave them in your so called tax cut.

Well Mr. President on November 7th 2006 Americas collectively and abruptly stopped and turned back from that abyss, you were leading them into. Americans realizing that “stay the course” was not an option.

Americans Decided, They Were "The Deciders"... not you.

The tragedy is that in Reality George W. Bush does not care what history will say, for history is for the “rabble”.

What George cares about is how a hand full of people will remember him. To them George is a hero to be idolized.

Who are the people you might ask? They are in the 1% that 719,910 households in America with an average income of $326,000. They had 19.8% of the nations total per tax income.  And 129,000 households that is the elite 1/10th of 1% of the American population that had an increase of 10% of there total income from 2004 to 2006. While everyone else saw only a 1.6% increase. In round numbers, $326,000 income increased by nearly $33,000. And the average working family making $40,000 got $640 before inflation.

That top 1%, are the ones that Gorge W. Bush and the Republican Party took out a credit card in the name of America, which is you and I and began charging 9 trillion dollars. Gorge W. Bush and the Republican Party mortgaged America so they could be the big man on campus with the unlimited bucks buying everything that they wanted for themselves and their friends.

Not for a Health care system for all Americans. Not to put in education. Not to fully fund the VA. Not to insure that our troops have proper body armor or armored vehicles, no not for one program that Americans wanted.

Gorge W. Bush and the Republican Party went on a spending spree to benefit that 1% of the population.

That’s a debt that will have to be paid, by not only us, but our children and grandchildren. They have made our children into indentured servants, to pay for their good time.

Mr. Bush does not care how history will speak of him, the only thing that matter to him is that is what that 1% think.

That 1/10th of 1% that consider money the only history that maters and now that they have even more than before, they even have your money as well as the future earnings of your children’s money.

That is all that counts to George W. Bush, for history is for the “Rabble” and you can’t spend history.

By:  William A. Peary   11-13-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com  


Peter To Pay Paul 101

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published 10-27-06 

There has been a comparison going around in an attempt to describe the state of our economy, and it goes something like this.

  The government has this credit card that they are charging everything on, which is for all practical purposed is a high interest loan. Now what do they, the Republican Party do with that money? They convince the average working person that it’s your money and that they are going to give it back to you in the form of a tax cut. What you do not realize is that the money you gave them is long since spent so they have to go out and borrow the money to pay the tax cut with. In face we are paying over $130,000,000.00, that’s 100 Million dollars in interest payments just this year alone, on the money that Reagan borrowed some 25 years ago. Reagan borrowed the money so he could make the economy look good, and for those of you that don’t remember that gave us the great Republican Recession of the late 80’s and into the 90’s.

  Well now the Republicans have borrowed even more money then Reagan, and Bush Senior and all of the previous Presidents combined, with the bulk of the money going to just 2% of the population, that’s why the stock market keeps climbing because if you only invest your money and you don’t earn your money by working like the rest of us then you only pay 15% in income tax, and I’m willing to bet if your reading this your not in that 2%.

  Oh sure some of you may seem like you may be paying less in Federal income tax by a $100.00 or $200.00, but are you? You local taxes and state taxes are going up by 10, 20, and 30 times that amount and why? What you may not realize is that the Federal government normally allocates money back to the states for schools, and road construction, and other public works. But the Federal government is not doing that, they are cutting the amount of money going back to the states, so your local and state government must raise taxes and cut spending to survive, to pay for police and fire and emergency services.

  You see the Republican Party say that we need a smaller government, so what do they do with that borrowed money? They give; yes give not loan, Billions, $10 Billion to be exact to Exxon, and other oil companies so that they can “go find more oil”. Why not give to local companies to develop solar power or wind power? They give it to 100 million airs and billionaires with the mantra, “Don’t worry it’ll trickle down”… Has any of it trickled down to you yet?

  But now this is the part that says that we as a nation under Republican leadership are in very serious trouble. I’m sure that some of you or even most of you have at one time or another paid one credit card with another to avoid missing a payment. You did that because you didn’t have the money, which means that times were really bad. Right?

Well consider this ever since Reagan under the advise of Alan Greenspan we have been doing just that. Remember when George said that the Social Security trust fund is nothing but a bunch of IOU’s? Well that’s because he has been doing just what you did when times are really tough, he is paying off one debt (Credit Card) by paying it with money from the Social Security Trust Fund (another Credit Card).

  Oh and when you hear on the news that the stock market is reaching new highs, that only means that the money is not about to trickle down to you any time soon, it only signifies that the rich are just getting richer, while you… well you know the rest, your living it.

  One more thing as you well know that when you borrow money that some day some way some how the debt must be paid. Well look around you do you have any children, nephews, nieces, grand children? They’re the next in line to pay that debt even if you die tomorrow, by allowing the Republican Party to continue doing what they are doing of Borrow and Spend are those people around you. That Bill amounts to $35,000 for every man woman and child in this country. Or consider it this another way…every working person now in America now owes $200,000.00. It clearly is a debt that is going to be passed down to our Children and Grand Children.


By:  William A. Peary   10-27-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


We Will Fight Them Over There... A Lesson In History

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of FoundingFreedoms.com

Published  10-17-06 

There is a saying that goes something like this, "those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

This administration continues to try to instill fear in everyone with the tired old bumper sticker slogan, "We will fight them over there so we won't have to fight them over here". This is not the first time, nor I fear it will be the last time a line like this will be used, to not only instill fear but to also imply that the purveyor of the statement has the divine power to protect you. 

Well thought out history the purveyors of this thinking never did... nor will they now.

There was a time in our recent past when the French were presented with just that same problem. It was just after World War l and France felt the need to protect themselves from Germany. The decision was to build a line of heavy fortification at their eastern border with Germany and Belgium. The line consisted of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, machine gun posts and other defenses. There were interconnecting bunkers the entire length of the line. It cost the French government over 3 Billion Franks.

You could say that France wanted to Fight them over there (at the entrenched fortifications) rather than Fight them over here (in the streets of Paris). 

As any student of history can tell you the very name of the project became synonymous with the word " *Folly".

You see when the German army decided to attack France they looked at the "Maginot Line" and decided to just go around it.

On 911 not one single person got on a plane anywhere in Iraq, in fact they didn't even learn how to fly a plane in Iraq, they came here through Pakistan and learned how to fly here, in Florida.

So just stop and think for one minute,  if someone wanted to attack America do you think that they are going to say to them selves...

 " I need to get a ticket to Baghdad Airport so I can go to America"?

I think not.

The "We need to fight them over there"... in Iraq... History will show was just another *Folly.

With a Extremely high price tag In Human Life, and money.

*Folly: Folly is also a synonym for foolishness; see stupidity

By:  William A. Peary   10-17-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Welcome To Republicans Plan For America

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  09-03-06 

Ever since Bush Became President we keep hearing on the news about Record this and record that, but ever record ever talked about is for something bad, for the average American, but great for the corporations and their CEO’s.

Somehow it’s not the Republicans fault that it worked out that way. Even though Americans are working harder than ever before, that they are earning less and less money.

The median hourly wage for American workers has declined 2 percent since 2003, after factoring in inflation. The drop has been especially notable, economists say, because productivity — the amount that an average worker produces in an hour and the basic wellspring of a nation’s living standards — has risen steadily over the same period.

Some workers have accepted outright pay cuts, others have dropped out of the labor force, and debt has kept rising relative to income.

As a result, wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the nation’s gross domestic product since the government began recording the data in 1947, while corporate profits have climbed to their highest share since the 1960’s.

What seems clear from the recent data is that the United States has fallen into a new period of wage stagnation — a sequel to another such period lasting from the mid-1970’s until the mid-1990’s

With the economy beginning to slow, the current expansion has a chance to become the first sustained period of economic growth since World War II that fails to offer a prolonged increase in real wages for most workers.

Yet somehow even though the Republican Party under the leadership of George W. bush, and as the data now shows beginning with Ronald Reagan… the party of the Robber barons, the Republican Party that gave us the great depression of 1929 has once again pushed our country back into the hands of the extremely wealthy and allowed corporations to run our government.

Did any of you who voted for a Republican do it thinking that you had too much money and that you thought it was time that you give what you had to the super wealthy?

Our Constitution start out with “We The People” for a reason.

The Republican party keeps saying that we need to end social security, that we don’t need National health care, we don’t need to protect our water, and our air from corporations that want to pollute it. Workers don’t need to have unions to protect themselves.

If our government is We The People, then why is it the Republican Party is removing every safe guard for American people and protecting corporations. Why are they passing laws that only benefit the corporations?

Why is it that they can give Billions to Oil corporations but we can’t afford national health care?

Why is it we can spend $350 Billion dollars in Iraq killing people but we can’t afford 7 Million for our returning Vets, for brain trauma injuries?

The Republican Party keeps saying that they don’t believe that the people themselves can govern themselves, that they will just take all the money for themselves…

Well is it any better that the super rich that are running our country now are taking all the wealth and leaving behind a massive debt?

If it’s a choice between them, or us why shouldn’t “We The People” who worked to build America, have the wealth of America instead of them…The Corporate Robber Barons?

By:  William A. Peary   09-03-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Smoke and Mirrors

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  06-25-06 

One Of My Past Predictions Collide With The Present... Back in December 1, 2005 I wrote a piece in consider this about troop withdrawals, in which I pointed out that,

"In March2003 we had 100,000 then by November 2004 it was 138,000 as we added troops for the elections, and other countries pulled out their troops. As of November 2005 the number went up to 155,000 as we added more troops for the vote on the construction. Now if all goes well the Defense Department says that we may reduce the number of troops to 100,000. WAIT A MINUTE… Isn’t that the number we started with before we temporarily added troops for the various elections…? If that’s the case BushCo, IS NOT withdrawing any troops at all, IT’S ALL NOTHING BUT A SHELL GAME.

            The Troops are NOT COMING HOME, it is all just an Illusion contrived to win the mid term elections in 2006. We have 27 military bases Including Army And Air force in Germany that has about 56,000 troops. In South Korea we have 6 bases, with 28,000 troops. As you can see that the more chances there is for a hostel environment the larger the troop contingency is, so knowing what you know now about BushCo and Iraq just how many troops do you think we will need in Iraq's it's 16 bases? 28,000? 56,000?

    If you use the South Korea model of around 4,700 men per installation, we would need a minimum of 75,000 troops, but we are not in combat in South Korea. So the final number should be somewhere between 75,000 and 155,000 which brings us back to the original number of troops around 100,000. 

Meaning NO CHANGE. Just more smoke and mirrors" Excerpts from Troop withdrawal? Things To Consider Before You Start Celebrating

Well in today's NY Times comes an article entitled "U.S. General in Iraq Outlines Troop Cuts" (Alt Link) Now in that story they talk about that there are now 14 American combat brigades stationed in Iraq. 

"Under the plan, the first reductions would involve two combat brigades that would rotate out of Iraq in September". 

September would be just about right for a political tool because September is just when most of Americans would start paying attention to politics again, about 2 months before an election which happens in November.

 "Combat brigades, which generally have about 3,500 troops, do not make up the bulk of the 127,000-member American force in Iraq, and other kinds of units would not be pulled out as quickly".

Funny but Gen. George W. Casey Jr. does not mention that on June 21 2006 (Excerpt from DOD web site) (Alt Link)

"DoD officials announced yesterday that 21,000 more troops, including four Army combat brigades, had been alerted for service in Iraq." 

Now a combat brigades, generally has about 3,500 troops, and they combat brigades do not make up the bulk of the 127,000 American troops in Iraq, do the math 14 combat brigades X 3500 = 49,000.

Now according to the story the number of combat brigades will be reduced to 5 or 6, once again do the math, 14 combat brigades - (lets use the 6 combat brigades left) = 8 combat brigades withdrawn, now 8 combat brigades X 35,000 =28,000.

Now taking into account the 127,000 troops already there and the additional 21,000 troops that may or may not be for used for rotation of surge re-enforcements that will put the number of troops there to between 100,000 to 120,000.

Funny according to the math the number of troops does not seem to be going down, in the numbers that they would like you to believe. This looks to me like the DOD "Box Step" which is nothing more than a variation of talking in circles, meaning...no change. No Change except to give the Republican party PR just in time for the 2006 election campaign that is, which is substantiated in the NY Times Article  (alt link) that went onto say, 

" Now, after criticizing Democratic lawmakers for trying to legislate a timeline for withdrawing troops, skeptics say, the Bush administration seems to have its own private schedule, albeit one that can be adjusted as events unfold.

If executed, the plan could have considerable political significance. The first reductions would take place before this falls Congressional elections, while even bigger cuts might come before the 2008 presidential election".

Why is it that this Administration and the Republican party under Karl Rove continue to use the wealth and lives of Americans in such a caviler manner just to win elections. 

The why is simple...,Just look in your wallet. You get taxed more and more. Oh sure you get told that your federal taxes are cut Which they are, about 10 to 20 dollars A Year! if you make around $50,000 while your local and state tax goes up by the hundreds to make up for the short fall that the Federal government isn't sending back to the states.  Corporate CEO's get higher and higher salaries, (as much as 500 times as the average worker, up from the 50 or 60 times as much from just 10 years ago). Corporate CEO's get higher and higher and pensions in the millions and billions while the average working person finds theirs pensions plans cut or dropped while we are told to pay more and more for everything. just look at every single law that this Republican Congress has passed, and the judges that they have appointed, everything had been done to benefit not the rich, but the ultra rich, and consolidate government power further and further away form "We the people".

 We need to hold them all accountable for the crimes of willfully lying to Americans and the murdering of Americans and foreign citizens for "Political Capital".

By:  William A. Peary   06-25-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Through The Looking Glass Into Bizarro World

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  06-16-06 

The constant shredding of our Constitution continues on, as more and more Americans honestly believe Bizarro world is real, as they wonder just how and when they stepped through the looking glass.

When Judge Roberts and Alito were first interviewed for a position on the Supreme Court he was asked questions about past Cases and both made statements that they would not seek to change stare decisis*1 “(settled law)”.  

We now know that both lied.

Two weeks ago Roberts re-visited a settled case and overturned that decision now that Alito was appointed to the court. The case was one that seemed to be a no brainier. The case involved stated that If your job involved the investigation of wrong doing in the government and you find wrongdoing and you report it, you and your job were protected. What they changed is that now if you report it, or blow the whistle you and your job are NOT protected and you can now be fired…FIRED for doing your job.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized”. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

Again revisiting settled case law or a case falling under stare decisis, which both Roberts and Alito stated that they would not revisit or overturn. Today they now said that law enforcement instead of knocking on your door and announcing that they were executing a warrant, they can now just break down your door.

What happened to “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated”…

Now let’s consider this, what if a warrant is issued for someone based on false information and the police go to a false address, and the person’s home that they go to is some who owns a gun. Now all of a sudden their door is bashed in and people dressed in black clothing with masks and gloves, come rushing in yelling and pointing guns all around…a typical swat team entrance. If that person is taken by surprise and startled what do you think are the odds that they reach for their gun and start shooting to protect themselves? What do you think are the odds that someone will be dead or severely injured?

The reasoning behind the decision is so that evidence cannot be destroyed, in drug raids. Just how big a drug dealer could they be if they could destroy, without any trace at all, every scrap of evidence in the time that it takes to knock on a door and say, “This is the Police and we have a warrant to come in”.

Then today we find that because of the famous nipple unveiling at the Super Bowl on public airwaves, when people are using words referring to sexual acts or particular body parts the fine was raised from $35,000 to $350,000 per incident, while the fines for people killed in mining accidents due to violations were too burdensome and were lowered from $25,000 to $21,000.

So let me get this straight If your job is to find and report wrong doing and you do your job and report it you can be fired, and if someone is breaking into your home unannounced and you defend your home you can be killed, and if you kill one or more people due to negligence in a coal mine you can be fined $21,000, but if you call them a bunch of Fucken murders, you can be fined $350,000 for each and every time you say it!

Welcome to the Conservative Republican World.

To echo the words of someone else…

It’s Time For Them To Go !!!


*1 stare decisis
: (stah-ree duh-sigh-sis) n. Latin for "to stand by a decision," the doctrine that a trial court is bound by appellate court decisions (precedents) on a legal question which is raised in the lower court. Reliance on such precedents is required of trial courts until such time as an appellate court changes the rule, for the trial court cannot ignore the precedent (even when the trial judge believes it is "bad law"). http://dictionary.law.com/default2.asp?selected=2005&bold=|||| 

By:  William A. Peary   06-16-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


What The Republicans Have Done To You And You're Children...Again.

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  05-22-06 

  In Short just how much of a tax return you can expect back… If you earn OVER $1,000,000. you can expect to get back about $42,000.  Which is about 2% of the population. Now for the rest of us who don’t earn $1,000,000. you can expect to get back $20. no I didn’t forget any zeros, I said $20 bucks. Oh and the money you and Millionaires are getting back is not really a tax cut, you see to get that $70 billion dollars George Is borrowing that money. The Loan is for 35 years with interest payments of about $36 Billion, which means that your Children will have to pay for it. Nice of George to bring back child labor, and indentured sever etude, and why… because the corporation have bought George boy and the republicans with campaign donations.

  What is the Lie that George and the Republicans are telling you to convince you that this is a good thing? Well it’s the old “Trickle down theory” even though they did not mention it specifically because every one now knows…again that it doesn’t work. Instead they say that the money that they give to the millionaires will make them go out and create jobs.

  The question is if they do whom will the job be for? An illegal alien? More likely they will do just as they have been doing for the last 3 years, and taking the money and investing it over seas, and NOT IN AMERICA.!

  Now why am I telling you about this now when the vote took place on May 11th? Well it is to remind you that even though you may hear a lot of talk on the Main Stream news about how the Republicans are starting to go against the White House and George, it is all an act. Remember the told adage Actions speak louder than words? Well look at the final vote that the bill was passed by:

  51 out of 55 Republicans voted YES

  40 out of 44 Democrats Voted NO

  1 out of 1 Independents Voted NO

  As I said Actions speak louder than words.

  One other item you may ask well why didn’t the Democrats Filibuster the dam thing after all the Republicans age always accusing them of filibustering everything else! Well the reason is simple, The Republicans who drafted the tax package kept the net cuts over a five-year period below $70 billion. Under Senate budget rules, staying below the $70 billion threshold means the tax-cut package cannot be filibustered and can be passed by a simple majority… and Who is in the Majority?

  You guessed it the Republicans!

  Consider this. If you take all the tax cuts over the last 5 years that was given to people that didn't need more of what they couldn't spend already.. We could have had a National Health care system... and not borrow the money either. Which is something that over 75% of We The People want. While the tax cut package as it is distributed is something that 2% of the people want.

  So think about it the next time you have to vote, even though you may not like what George W. Bush has done remember he didn’t do it alone…The rest of the Republican Senators and congressmen were right behind him agreeing to everything.

By:  William A. Peary   05-22-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



The Great Conservative Lie

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  03-21-06 

 Ever since Ronald Reagan we were told that Government could not do anything properly, and we needed to turn over everything to corporations, because the corporations could do the job better. Well for years we have done just that. So much so that this Republican Administration under George W. Bush all the senior officials and then some ALL were CEO’s of corporations, before accepting cabinet positions from George.

Now think about how FEMA handled Katrina…

Think about how George and Don are handling the war in Iraq…

Think about how much we are now paying to heat our homes and Fill our cars with gas…

Think about the millions of jobs that are now outsourced to China and India…

Think about how George is borrowing billions to give the money to the top 1 % of the wealthiest people in America, which by the way they are taking the money and investing it in Europe and Asia, not here.

George and the Republican Party keep telling us how good the economy is, but they never tell you that in the last 5 years they have borrowed 3 trillion dollars to prop up the American economy. If you gave me a Credit Card with a 3 trillion dollar line of credit even I could make our Economy look good. The problem is this… The Bill Needs To Be Paid Back. That Bill amounts to $35,000 for every man woman and child in this country. Or consider it this another way…every working person now in America now owes $200,000.00. It clearly is a debt that is going to be passed down to our Children and Grand Children.

What does this all mean?

Well taking into account inflation and what real dollars are worth compared to dollars in the 50’s and 60’s…in spite of the amount of income in each American Household, we now have in most cases 2 people working…and it only equals 75% of the income that it took one person to earn then. This is the big lie started by Reagan. We Are Not Better Off Today Then We Were 30 years ago before Reagan, and the Republican party when corporate money started to take over our American Political system with lobbies the miss-guided belief that corporations are people.

Is this the world that we want for our future generations?

Do you still believe that corporations can do a better job at running America then We The People?

By:  William A. Peary   03-21-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Corporations Are Stealing Our Government By Privatization, and Getting Rich Too Boot

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  02-23-06 

   Ever wonder why Medical Marijuana is not legal? Sure we all know the bull about how it is a gateway drug, but you know as well as I that for almost everyone it was the beer we stole from mom and dad. The reason why Medical Marijuana,... let's call it by the name we all use pot will never be legal is because private corporations can turn a big profit at two ends of the spectrum on it. 

  It is because most of our prisons are now privatized and that means the the more people we lock up the more profit that they make, in fact we now jail nearly 25% of our population, that's more than any other country in the world like say China, that's more in both total numbers and percent.

  First by locking up anyone that uses pot and second by selling you some expensive drug that they make to do a poor job at best compared to pot. For them it's a win win, and for you it's a pay pay loose loose. Well now it is becoming a pay pay more.

  At some time or another if you even got a parking ticket you know that the ticket has a fine of say $50.00, but some where along the way the courts starting attaching a "Court Fee" to the fine of another $25.00. You know, I don't care what they want to call it, my mind can't think in the devious twisted way that Republican politicians think. 

  My money does not come in denotations of "dollars" and "fees", because in the end I have to shell out $75.00 bucks so to me in my way of thinking the fine was $75.00 not $50.00 and "Fees".

  Well now the Corporate greed is getting bigger. To start with let me say this When someone commits a serious crime like mugging of robbing of rapping some one I believe that they owe a debt to society that needs to be paid. 

  With that said I read this story in the NY Times where several states are now attaching "Fees" to everything that in some case amount to thousands of dollars. They are charging a released person with the cost of the meals for a jury, ankle bracelets with global tracking, and "Filling Fees" for court appointed lawyers when the can't aboard a lawyer, and even fees for probation. 

  All of these processes are privatized and they now are charging "Fees" to someone, who has no money to begin with. In effect we are making them a financial criminal after the are released, because if you haven't guessed it by now there is interest on the "Fees" as well and as anyone who owns a credit card and carriers a balance knows that if you pay the minimum your bill only gets bigger each month.

  The question is if maybe if we stopped locking people up who want to smoke pot or have sex with someone for money, then maybe our jails and courts won't be so over crowded. Maybe we wouldn't be sending people into a system that teaches tem how to commit even worse crimes. Maybe we wouldn't need to have so many cops, creating a police state that is always looking into our homes and our cars because we just might have some pot in there and worse yet we might be getting high, and having sex.

 Take the seat belt law. have you ever head of anyone flying through their car window in an accident and killing a bus load of kid? I think not but because we did not stand up and fight back we now have no choice in the matter it is just another freedom taken away by a corporation that felt that if you wore a seat belt maybe then they would pay less in medical bills to you when you got hurt in an accident. Has your insurance gone down over the years? No  of course not, instead the CEO's decided that since the were paying out less money in injuries claims then they could afford to bet higher salaries and in the wake they saddled everyone else with the cost of the police and courts to hand out tickets and "Fees". It gave them the loop hole to say, "if you were in a accident and not wearing a seat belt then they don't have to pay you anything at all". 

  What we need to remember is that when we privatized our government we in effete are selling off our rights and freedoms. 

By:  William A. Peary   02-23-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


It's Our Money

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  02-14-06   

Today in the NY Times there was yet another story of Bush and the Republican Party giving away 1*another $7 Billion Dollars to oil companies. Based on the administration figures, the government will give up more than $7 billion in royalty payments on oil pumped from public lands, between now and 2011, and no expected lowering of gas prices at the pump. This is our oil it is on public land, and this at a time when the oil company is making the largest profits for any business in the history of the planet. The reason given is to encourage them to explore for more oil in the gulf of Mexico. 

Well think about this for a minute. They are a business that likes to make money. 

Do you think that they are just going to stop drilling for oil and selling oil when they are making billions of dollars a month in profits if Bush does not give them our money...YES OUR MONEY! 

Bush and the Republican party just took our money away from us and our children by cutting student loans, because he said we couldn't aboard it. 

Bush And the Republican Party just cut aid to the veterans, aid to seniors, aid to the unemployed, because we couldn't aboard it according to them.

Why is it that the Bush and the Republican Party seems to think that the only thing that we can afford to give OUR MONEY TO, is perpetual war, with complete disregard for those who fight it.

Why is it that Bush and the Republican Party, think that OUR MONEY should be given to corporations, and not us, we the people.

We Can't afford health care for all Americans, but we can afford Bombs. We can only afford to kill strangers and not heal our family's.

We can afford to to teach the art of destruction, but we can't teach our children to build.

We can't afford to help the "least among us" with aid to public food banks, but we can afford to give millions to churches, so that only if you believe in their brand of religion, you can get help.

Just why is it that we CANNOT use public money to benefit the public instead of corporations. 

To use the Republican langue. It's OUR MONEY!

So I say let's stop spending it on corporations that can take care of themselves and spend our money on ourselves, We The People.

Instead of a $7 Billon dollars to the oil companies give the money to American who want to start a business for themselves, making alternative energy products. Let's fund science to developed an entirely new ideas. After all it's our money.

If we the people want to spend it on a health care program for ourselves, then why not? "It's our money"

We must remember, we elect public officials to do what We The People want, not to Rule Over us.


1*U.S. Royalty Plan to Give Windfall to Oil Companies Or Click Here


By:  William A. Peary   02-14-06

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Drunk With Power Or Just Plane Delusional

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  12-18-05   

The following excerpts are from George’s own mouth from his radio address on Saturday where he publicly admitted to personally has authorized a secret eavesdropping program in the U.S. more than 30 times since the Sept. 11.

Bush said, "This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. It is critical to saving American lives. The American people expect me to do everything in my power, under our laws and Constitution, to protect them and their civil liberties and that is exactly what I will continue to do as long as I am president of the United States,"


This man has just piled on again even more reasons to be impeached by now breaking his oath of office then some how in his twisted mind believing that he is above the law and can and will continue to do what ever he dam well wants. 

Click Here The Story  Or Here If Link Is Down.

The Presidential Oath of Office Directly From The Constitution: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The 4th Amendment (IV) to the Constitution

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The Duties Of The President Directly From The Constitution

Article. II.
Section. 1. 
Clause 1: The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows

The Definition of Executive: The branch of government charged with putting into effect a country's laws and the administering of its functions. George has now gone beyond "the activist Presidency" directly to king. Nowhere does the Constitution bestow full power of authority  and Kingship to do what ever he wants over the citizens of America, no matter what the reason.

Even The USA Patriot Act does not give "King" George the power he is now claiming.


‘‘(C) when the United States is engaged in armed hostilities or has been attacked by a foreign country or foreign nationals, confiscate any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, of any foreign person, foreign organization, or foreign country that he determines has planned, authorized, aided, or engaged in such hostilities or attacks against the United States; and all right, title, and interest in any property so confiscated shall vest, when, as, and upon the terms directed by the President, in such agency or person as the President may designate from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe, such interest or property shall be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold, or otherwise dealt with in the interest of and for the benefit of the United States, and such designated agency or person may perform any and all acts incident to the accomplishment or furtherance of these purposes.’’; 

and(2) by inserting at the end the following:

‘‘(c) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—In any judicial review of a determination made under this section, if the determination was based on classified information (as defined in section 1(a) of the Classified Information Procedures Act) such information may be submitted to the reviewing court ex parte and in camera. This subsection does not confer or imply any right to judicial review.’’

What is going on in America?... We impeach a president for a blow job, but we allow George to drag America into an Illegal war, turn all American's into criminal suspects, defile the Constitution, trample our rights given to us by the Founding Fathers, turn our loved ones into cannon fatter so his friends can get rich with another country's oil, and turn our children into child labor by saddling them with the debt so George can rob the Federal treasury in the name of tax cuts to give our money to richest millionaire and billionaires in this country.

This is not the vision that Washington, Jefferson, Madison...our Founding Fathers had envisioned for their posterity.

What they gave us is very clear we have allowed too many people especially "King" George to muck it up.

Please Take The Time To Read Just What Our Founding Fathers Gave Us.

By:  William A. Peary   12-18-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Republican Plan For 06...Elect The Democrats, So They Have Someone To Blame

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published 12-12-05  

Interesting Segment on Meet The Press this week I think shows how the new strategy for the Republicans is to continue to blame the Democrats. When David Brooks was asked a question the answer he gave to me is very telling. When he was asked by Tim Russert if the Democrats were going to stage the mid terms elections after the 94 Newt Gingrich contract for America. It’s the slivers of truth imbedded in the answer that I came away with. For starters he did not want to admit the sagging poll numbers that Bush is now experiencing, so instead he says thing like *1“a lot of Republicans are going to stay home.  And so Democrats could conceivably do it”. Like the Democrats can’t possibly win an election, either on their track record of supporting the working class, and their children's education and their parents and grandparents security, and medical needs.

            Next David Brooks said, *2“It would be good for the Democratic Party to have the Democrats have some control”. This was the setup for the next point slipped in, in the next sustenance, which it the next strategy is to blame everything that the Republicans have done From the destruction of our economy to the war in Iraq, while they held all 3 branches of government, The House, The Senate, and the Presidency, oh and arguably the Judicial branch as well. The line he uttered next *3“but also to have some responsibility for what's happened in the country”. Notice he used the past tense “what’s happened”, not for what is going to happen.

So you see it’s the Democrats fault for Iraq. It’s the Democrats fault for record Deficits, which I might add started with Reagan then increased under Bush senior, while they accused the Democrats of Tax and spend politics, which I must add at least the money is there before it is spent. Rather than “Borrow and spending” politics has driven this country into serious debt. Our Country and it’s Jobs were all sold to China, a Communist country I might add. So think about it when George Says the we need to kill more troops because we have killed more troops on Iraq. What about the literally nearly 100,000 lives that were lost fighting in Korea, and Viet Nan to stop Communism, as this administration has sold our country to China and given China our jobs as well. China a Communist Country. China who now even makes the electronics that goes into our Military hardware. China, a Communist country that our children and grand children will be paying money to because that is who is buying up our national debt. In fact we are borrowing at the rate of between 1.5 and 2.5 billion dollars a week to pay not only for Iraq but to give tax cuts to people making over 1 million dollars a year. In fact this year alone we are paying 1.5 billion in interest on the debt that Reagan saddled us with. I don’t know about you but if given the choice between “Tax and Spend” or “Borrow and Spend” I prefer “Tax and Spend”. With Tax and Spend you can change your mind and stop the program with Borrow and spend once you borrow the money there is no turning back the clock, your stuck with that debt.  

From Meet The Press 12-11-05 MR. RUSSERT:  David Brooks, in '94, the Republican revolution, Newt Gingrich, Contract for America, throw the bums out, put us in.  In 2006, are we going to see the Democrats nationalizing congressional elections and saying it's time to throw out the ethically-challenged Republican majority?

MR. BROOKS:  They're going to try and they may be successful.  I don't think we're going to see the swing we saw in '94, just because the country is not quite the same.  But *1a lot of Republicans are going to stay home.  And so Democrats could conceivably do it.  Personally, I hope they do and I think a lot of Republicans hope they do because I think it would be good for the Bush presidency, it would be good for the Republican Party and *2it would be good for the Democratic Party to have the Democrats have some control.  Power corrupts as we see in the Republican Party and powerlessness corrupts, and it's made the Democrats fundamentally unserious...

MR. RUSSERT:  The most important thing a party gains if they control just one House is the ability obviously to affect legislation but also to have hearings.

MR. BROOKS:  To hold hearings but also*3 to have some responsibility for what's happened in the country and that sobers you up.  

By:  William A. Peary   12-12-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



Economy 101

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published 11-13-05  

There have been tell tail signs that the economy is not as Grand for the average American as The Republican party would like you to believe. In fact real "buy the home, pay the rent,  put the food on the table" wages are still falling. 

    In an article in the NY Times "G.M. told the Securities and Exchange Commission that it overstated its 2001 earnings by as much as $400 million, though the actual amount is still being determined. The company, which had reported a profit of $601 million that year, said it would correct any erroneous earnings before it released its 2005 annual report next year" that means it was more like less then 200 million in earnings, 2/3 less than originally stated.

    There are other “Little things”, that show the cracks in the Republican economic lie, like for example that poverty in the United States has grown for each of the last 4 years by just under 1.5 million people for each year. Gas costs over the last 2 years have increased which in turn has caused cost increases in everything from transpiration, to food, and utilities, at a faster rate than most people’s wages. And to date George W. Bush and the Republican administration have yet to create one net new job since taking office. In fact last month the job creation number was 56,000 new jobs. That does not even cover the amount of people needed to clean up in the gulf coast after Katrina. But of course that number does not include the greed of Halliburton in hiring illegal immigrants to work on there Government no bid contracts.) and From the Washington Post  Latino and immigrant advocacy groups say the word is out and immigrants are on the move. There is a lot of work to be had on the Gulf Coast. Spanish-language media and blogs report that U.S. cleaning companies are quickly hiring Latinos, no questions asked.

Let me digress, when we as Americans went to the polls and voted for a President we were voting for a American President weren't we? Someone who would work for American Citizens, Someone who would work for American Jobs. Someone who would defend Americans from the destructive power of Big corporations?

Under George W, Bush and the Republicans took control of our government, there are less people now, no make that less American Citizens working now than before the 2000 elections. There are however more illegal aliens in America now. 

However I must add that if you are in the top 1 % of our population, which is people like, the Walton’s (of Wal-Mart fame) thanks to George and the Republicans tax cut that lets then only pay 15% tax on their 8 BILLION DOLLAR income for last year. That 8 Billion is after paying the cost of workers, management, products sold, electric bills, advertising. After paying dividends to shareholders. After every single last expense was paid the Walton family personally took home 8 billion dollars. Then after taxes they made 6.8 BILLION, for the YEAR!

Ask Your self this...Just how low are their prices if they can turn a 8 Billion dollar profit at the end of the year?

Why can't they pay their employees a living wage?

Consider this If Wal-Mart decided to pay every employee a real living wage, (so that they did not need public assistance for housing and food stamps), and gave every employee health insurance, guess what it would have cost them?

1 Billion dollars, which means they would have had to settle with 7 Billion dollars for the year, or 5.5 BILLION Dollars to divide amongst 9 families...FOR THE YEAR!!!

CEO and other corporate heads had their salary increase by over 50 times that of what they made the previous year; ,most making some 500 times that of the average worker, while workers are loosen pensions, that they contributed to, they are loosing their health benefits that were promised to them as part of their wage package when taking their job, their even loosing their jobs, and all to pay for their multi million dollar annual salary increase to the CEO’s.

            Over the last several weeks some very alarming news has been dropped out by the news as a sort of a not important news item, “don’t pay attention” sort of way. But it is a very big piece of news. You have heard about the housing market is what is fueling our economy. Well does it not stand to reason that if something, anything disrupts that market that it will have a negative effect on the economy as a whole?

            Well several months ago I started to notice a change each month in the way the housing market news was reported. For example the news said that new housing starts for the month were up by 2 million homes, which was good news. Then as if deliberately done, in another segment it was said that new home sales for the month was 1.2 million, what that meant was 600,000 more homes were built than were sold. Now as this continued on each month it was creating an even bigger glut each month which would be the “Housing Bubble” that was talked about.

    So as the good news dominated the market prices on homes continued to rise making the affordability of a home far more difficult. The cost of a home became so unrealistic for a standard home banks came up with a new creative financing deal. "The interest only loan". I prefer to call it "The I'll bet you a $200.00 a week raise" morgue. This is how it works. Let's say you could not afford a $2,000.00 a month morgue, so the bank says don't worry, how about we only charge you $1,200.00 a month instead for the first 5 years and only charge you interest on the loan. Here is where the "Bet" comes in. After the first 5 years the bank will add back the principal and the rate goes back up to $2000.00 a month. Do the math $1,200.00 from $2,000.00 is $800.00 a month, divide that by 4 for each week in the month and you get $200.00. Have you ever made a $200.00 a week raise before, or to break it down even more have you ever made a $40.00 a week raise or more every year? If not you loose the bet, you loose the house, and you loose $72,0000.00.

     Don't expect help from the bankruptcy courts, they stacked that against you as well unless...you guessed it unless you already have more money then you know what to do with then you can off shore your money declare bankruptcy be absolved of your debts then just draw on the off shore accounts, just as if nothing happened.

    As I reported on 10-20-05   Another Blow To Economy Has Arrived. About 30% of spending in the economy was from people getting home equity loans to the tune of 600 billion dollars a year in 2004. That number this year has stopped, as interest rates rise. That means if it stays flat 30% of the money fueling the economy is gone.

    George W. Bush and the Republicans want to insure the death of the housing market as well with their new tax proposal to eliminate the deduction of the interest on your home morgue loans.

    On Friday the evidence of the Bursting Bubble is now evident where as new homes sales went flat. The very last prop that was holding up our economy appears to have finally fallen.

    George W. Bush and the Republican party have now destroyed every single thing that the Democrats took 8 years to build up under Bill Clinton.

    George W. Bush and the Republican party are borrowing 1 Billion dollars a week to continue giving out tax cuts to the top 1% like the Walton's. How can any rational sane person say we need to cut our income and then go borrow money to give it to someone who does not need it? This is the ultimate height of Welfare mentality except instead of applying it to the poor who have absolutely nothing and by the way we never borrowed 1 billion dollars a week to support our welfare system. Why is it you can not tolerate spending money to support someone who had absolutely nothing but you tolerate it when we are borrowing money to give it to people that have so much money they can't even spend the interest that they are making faster then it is coming in.

    If this was you or I or any Corporation we would have been considered Bankrupt 3 years ago. 

    The 3 Trillion dollar Surplus is now a 8 Trillion Dollar Deficit, We now know that Bush’s little speech about “Honor and Integrity”, was just the first in what was to become a long laundry list of lies, he would tell not only Americans but the world. 

Americas Economy is now just another Monument to the Colossal Failures of George W. Bush.

I for one am tired of paying for the Economics 101 of George W. Bush and the Republicans.

When Bush Lies People Die!

By:  William A. Peary   11-13-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


What A Tangled Web They Weave

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  10-30-05 

   When our government spent over $70 million dollars on what started out to be an investigation into a bad land deal, spurred on by a right wing conservative group, as shown in the documentary “The Hunting Of A President” it was a "good thing". I remember Henry Hide saying that “if he lied…” “The rule of law…” and so and so on. Well we now know White Water proved to be nothing more than Bill And Hillary made a bad land deal, and nothing else. We also know that Bill Clinton did lie about consensual sex with someone other than his wife.

    The outrage in the news was astounding. Everyone on the right wing lined up to say that “Bill Clinton needs to be severely punished for lying”, “he needs to be removed from office”.

            OK now we hear that Libby is indicted for lying not once but several times, 2counts of Obstruction of justice, 2 counts of False statements, and 1 count of perjury. If proven, he has colluded and conspired with others (because you cannot conspire with yourself) which led to the possible deaths of American Agents in the field, He (and I believe others) caused the complete dismantling of a network that was specially charged with getting terrorist cells and weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be told of the possible deaths of agents involved because that information is classified, and why? Because they were undercover.

    Click here for a interactive Time Line Of The Leak from the New York Times.

            We now hear thing from the Republican Right wing like “ I hope that Fitzgerald doesn’t come back with only perjury charges”

    This was pay back because Wilson dared to defy this Administration and tell the American people and the world that George W. Bush was lying us into an unjust war, with an unarmed nation. Earlier this year was it was further substantiated with the Downing Street minutes. PDF Copy 

    No this is more than not telling just the truth, it is more than protecting his bosses, it's about Americas security compromised, and quite possibly under the knowing and watchful eye of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and even George W. Bush, while all along they are telling us that they are the best ones suited to protect us. They claim they are protecting us when they cannot even protect us from their own greed that puts American security in last place, over their need for war and the money it brings. A war that funnels Taxpayer money into private corporations like Halliburton, and oil contracts to be carved up by other Corporate friends of George.

    So let’s see Perjury over a sex act is grounds to remove a President from office, but perjury leading to the weakling of American security is just fine.

    This is looking to be more and more like Iran Contra. In The Iran Contra it was the Regan Administration using American military to stop other countries from selling drugs, than taking the drugs and selling the drugs to Americans, (while arresting them) to get the money to further a war in Honduras and Nicaragua.

    Let's try that same paragraph again but with substituting a few words.

In The Iraq War it was the Bush Administration using American military to stop Iraq from selling Oil, than taking the Oil and selling the Oil to Americans, (while killing them) but this time it was only to get the money.

    Kind of similar wouldn't you say?

    Get ready for the Oliver North Defense of "working in a vacuum".

  Why is it both these Administrations never found out who the source of their problems were for years, and it took outside sources to expose them?

    We all know the answer, they were all in on it, and just had to choose the fall guy at the last minute to fill the gap in the weakest part of the case that would have brought down even bigger people.

    Let's not forget that Bob Novak said that he had "TWO Senior Administration Officials" who gave him the name of Valerie Plame an "Operative on weapons of mass destruction". 

    Just who is Libby covering for is the question that should be asked. Libby if anything is and has been a loyal supporter of Dick Cheney’s for years. We are now benign told that this is just like Oliver North, these number 2 men worked on their own in a vacuum.

    Karl Rove has had 2 years to plan this cover up let's see if he succeeds.

    We know now how Oliver North was compensated; he received a pardon, book deals and a lucrative talk show contract, to continue spewing the Republican Propaganda.

            Watch For Libby’s compensation package in the years to come, starting with his pardon.


By:  William A. Peary   10-30-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



Grab Hold, And Don’t Let Go George

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  10-23-05

    I saw the story a little differently this week when George W. Bush went to the dedication at the Reagan Library this past Friday, reporters saw it as a grab for Reagan's Mantel...  I saw beyond that.

    Bush went to the opening ceremony dedicating the new Air Force One Pavilion at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library this past Friday. In an attempt to tie his presidency to Reagan's legacy and Bush’s war against terrorism. Bush Compared, Reagan's issues with the Soviet Union to his own issues against fundamentalism in the Middle East, when he said, "Like the ideology of Communism, Islamic radicalism is doomed to failure."

    "Like the ideology of Communism"..."doomed to failure", If Communism is such a Failure why is it that you George, are selling America to China at the rate of 1 Billion dollars a week in the form of government bonds, to pay for tax cuts that I and most Americans will never see. Why is it George you allow your cooperate friends to close down American factories... fire American workers, and send American jobs to China if they are "doomed to failure"?

    Ron went to war in Grenada to distract us from Iran Contra. George wanted a distraction for his fleecing of America. George wanted an even bigger distraction with Iraq... he wanted Oil.

    Bush has sought to model much of his presidency on Reagan's, and has succeeded in many ways. Reagan’s presidency to date was one of the more corrupt presidencies in modern times, There was Iran Contra, the death squads in Honduras, the dismantling of Unions, deficient spending, tax cuts to the wealthy, the start of borrowing money from the Social Security fund, to prop up his numbers on the economy, because as Greenspan pointed out that if you borrow money from internal governments funds it does not have to be reflected in the national debt. In spite of that little trick the national debt still ballooned under Reagan. I wonder could this be where Enron got some of it’s training on how to screw the American public?

    Maybe, just maybe people will make the connection, and Bush will succeed in grasping hold of Regan’s Mantel and be able to tie it to himself. Then maybe the Bush curse will rise again as it has done all his life with the destruction of everything he touches. Maybe Bush will hold on a little to tightly to the Curtains surrounding Reagan...and when Bush stumbles and falls he will pull the curtains back so that all the ugly truths of Reagan can be seen. Everything that is causing the destruction of the middle class in our country started with Reagan, and was perpetuated with George's father, now that Bush is following in Reagan’s footsteps we can finally see the lie of conservative economics, thanks to the incompetence of George W, Bush.

    So grab hold George, and hold on tight, and no matter what when you start to stumble and start to fall hold on even tighter and don’t let go, and just maybe American Democracy and Karmic justice will finally hit the tri-fecta.

By:  William A. Peary   10-23-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


The Wrong Choice

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  09-24-05

“If we make the wrong Choice…” those were the famous words Of Dick Chaney. The unfortunate reality is crystal clear. At least half of the country made the wrong choice 9 months ago. Nearly half of the nation made the wrong choice 4 years and 9 months ago. This is something that the rest of us saw by the past record of this administration, that they were only capable of deceit and destruction.

            Their first failure came ironically 9 months into this administration first term. We were told that we needed to have a department of homeland to better protect us. What the reality was is that they refused to read or comprehend the no fewer than 56 memos, that we were going to be attacked on 911. That the last memo even said “Bin Laden was determined to hijack aircraft and fly them into buildings” We heard the lie “No one would have thought any one would hijack planes and fly them into buildings”? Apparently our old security thought of it, that’s why they wrote the memos that were ignored by George W, Bush and this Republican administration. Their reward for having seen it coming? Dismissal and disbanding the people who actually did warn us that it could happen. They became the sacrifice, so as not to blame George W. Bush. Those of us who saw it, those of us who choose not to look at the situation as a Republican or a Democrat, but to look at the situation as an American saw a dangerous situation forming. We demanded the truth and we were greeted with “not now” and it never became the “now “to know the truth. We were lead down the garden path of more unrelated disconnected lies.

            We were promised better security by the destruction of the very offices that did for see the dangers.

             We were promised a better economy, but he never said better for whom.

            We were led into a war on a pack of lies. A pack of lies that only furthered the cause of Bin Laden. Bin Laden wanted us out of Saudi Arabia and we left. Bin Laden wanted Sadum removed from power because he did not support terrorism, because he was progressive and did not follow his brand of the Koran. George W, Bush complied with both of those demands. His compliance cost American blood for a terrorist wish. At a cost of American credibility around the world. At a cost of American tax dollars that instead of going to our military it went to friends of the Administration like Halliburton and Blackwell. Then to help pay Halliburton and Blackwell they take away the benefits of American soldiers who fought for the Lies of this administration. Sure this administration said that they wanted to put more money into military spending and they did, they just did not say for which military. We only assumed and wrongly that it would be the military that our sons and daughters, and fathers and mothers would be in. We never expected it to be in the private military of his friends. We went to war for so many reasons that changed so much I don’t really recall what the last one was, gut I do remember one was to spread freedom and democracy, and as others before me have said “you cannot spread democracy at the point of a gun. If you have something that good you do not need to force it on people the will take it”.

Just how is it you can tell me that if we privatize our government it is a good thing? How does it work out that paying someone like Halliburton $115,000.00 a year for one solider is a rational choice? Maybe that’s why our soldiers have no armored vehicles. Maybe that why our sons and daughters have no body armor, because all the money is going to Halliburton and Blackwater. While our fathers and mothers are left to do the dirty work of this administration unprotected and unprepared, while others who are friends of this administration get rich and richer still. Because that is what happens when you privatize something instead of a not for profit government running it… a corporation that needs to pay it’s CEO’S millions of dollars and needs to pay it’s stockholders millions of dollars a year, there is little money left for anything else. In their case the product is a human life, they did not need to manufacture it, they only need to hire another when their employee get killed… You don’t want to know that there was a law that prohibited Halliburton from ever getting government contracts because of the past record that is not unlike now, of missing money and services nor preformed but yet billed for. Have no fear Dick Cheney and the rest to the Republican “yes” men got rid of that law.

Just when did politics become a spectator sport.  

A sport that winning an election was the all-consuming goal and not the ability to do the job.

Now after several years and trillions in debt, we find that the promise of American security was another lie. Another lie to steel our money. This Party and this administration put people in positions of important security that had no credentials other that as friends or supporter of Bush and the Republican Party financially.

Just what happened to all the money and planning for our security?

            We now see that we are not safer today then we were 4 years ago. No mater what is said about Katrina, and who is to blame the sad fact is we are not protected. Other priorities took our resources. Other priorities took the money that was set aside to rebuild the levees in New Orleans. Other priorities took the first responders in this administrations war of choice. Other priorities took the equipment needed to deal with the cries and sent it along with our National Guard to Iraq.

Just why is it that we sent our high water vehicles to Iraq anyway, last I knew Iraq was a desert reign.

Rita has given this administration at least 5 days notice and we still have confusion. If this were a threat of a nuclear missile as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney was fond of implying, you would have had only 38 minutes, not 5 days. We do not even have a working evacuation plan. People are running out of gas on highways stuck in traffic. It was only early Saturday that they realized that everyone was leaving and that they did not need the roads into the gulf and they finally opened both sides of the roads to allow for people to leave. There was not enough gas to fuel all the vehicles, and so people are running out of gas and are stuck. Others cannot get any money because banks and ATM ran out of cash, so if you do not have a credit card too bad. At the airports baggage screamers did not show up, maybe because they were evacuating? So rather then just board the people you make them wait for hours till you provider the ever-false security of inspecting luggage. Where has all the Billions gone in homeland security? To other pet projects I assume… into Iraq. A war that Bush wanted even before he was “selected” president, as stated in Bob Woodward book, Plan of attack.

Now with Rita we again see that this administration has squandered our faith in them, because this administration and the Republican Party keep saying that they want “less government”. They have dismantled and privatized so much of our government that it is barely able to function. It is so clear that they do not believe in government they believe in corporate power. They believe in corporate control of the country. They believe in war above all else, to spread the corporate control on a global scale, because why else it that they age spending just over 50% of our budget on the military, while saying they need more.

Why is it that now when we need government to do what government was created to do… “To protect the commons”, to help the people, this administration and the Republican Party say we need to cut the very social programs we need to help these Americans who have lost so much. It is so oblivious that they want the money to fund an even bigger war machine.

We do not need a new government, as George W. Bush and the Republican Party would like us to believe. The Republicans do not believe in government, and are proud to say it and now proved it, time and time again, once they achieved power.

Our government was working just fine till they came along. Just look at our history and you can see that when we defeated our enemies and we had the most prosperous economies it was when the Democratic Party was in office. The Democrats believe in America, they believe in government.

Consider this

Tell me how can you govern if you do not believe in government.


By:  William A. Peary   09-24-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  09-06-05

This is the administration that says all life is valuable, when they want to create a topic to cause division in this country, but when the reality comes, they just throw life away like an old shoe. They stand by and do nothing while thousand die. This is an administration that while their citizens are in desperate struggle to survive, they are out going to Broadway plays, and go buying thousand dollar shoes. This while people are starving they are off eating cake at some fundraiser. This while people are dying they are still off somewhere and cannot be found.

    I don't see any compassion or conservatism in this administration. An administration the it now responsible for thousands of death, not just the nearly 2,000 American solders, not in the over 50 thousand Iraqis, but now add to it the thousands of of Louisiana citizens who were promised help and then ignored. This an administration that is responsible for the looting of this country's wealth to give it to a select few. 

I remember during the 2004 elections Vice Dick Cheney  said when talking about our country's security he said "If we make the wrong choice"... Well this administration just proved that we did make the wrong choice, because as Keith Olbermann puts it "They cannot protect us from the simplest of biological weapons... standing water". Why is it that when the Hurricanes hit Florida last year material and supplies were sent in the very next day? Why is it that Alabama's governor claims that the bush administration had supplies staged and ready to go after Katrina hit? Cold it be because you either need to have a brother in the white house, or a republican as governor or has this administration taken partisan politics to a new low. If you are not in their party then you are quite literally expendable. The Governor and the senators and the mayor have been screaming for years that they needed the funding to shore up the levees, but the money like their national guard along with their equipment wound up in Iraq. The funding given to Republican governor to look good and build a bridge to no where to an island with 50 people on it. "The needs of the Few Rich out weigh the needs of the many" Not only do the wealthy get their tax cut but they get the benefits as well and get to use the money that we the average people pay as well, and we are left with nothing.

    This administration could not find the time to deal with Louisiana but they could find time last week to send out a mailing to everyone in the party to support the repeal of the estate tax which only effected people who have more than 5 million dollars, certainly not the average person in this country. Again help the rich at the expense of the poor. Give more to the ones that do not need it who, the ones that use the average and the poor to get their money in the first place.

    I have said it before and I will say it again This entire administration needs to be Impeached and removed from office. Their incompetence and trail of destruction needs to end.

    In the words of the man who actually did win the 2000 election, which he did because a year after all was said and done all the votes in Florida were counted and by several methods, with hanging chads without hanging chads with the dimples and without, and when all was said and don we found out that Al Gore had won Florida.


By:  William A. Peary   09-06-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  09-01-05

    Yes Katrina was a natural disaster, and some would say that “You can’t blame Bush for this” and you would be right, except for one thing…no make that several things. To start with there has been an ongoing project to build a series of levees in Louisiana for years, not because people felt that it would be a good source of pork to get money from the federal government, but because this truly a project that should be funded by the government, a project to protect the commons. And in doing so it not only would have protected hundred’s of thousands of lives and property, but the rest of the country would have benefited as well, as we are now just finding out at the pump. Somehow George saw it differently; George felt that there were more important things to be done with our citizen’s taxpayer’s dollars. He felt that people like the Walton’s who are “working Hard” sitting around their pool who do no physically work,  should only pay 15% tax on their income, so just last year the Walton family made $8,000,000,000,000.00 that’s 8billion dollars last year to be divided up amongst 9 families. And their response now to lending a helping hand to the people that survived? They put out “the cup” in all their stores and was the first to throw in 1 million dollars and  (in Wall Marts name so that they could deduct it next year), and then said now it’s your turn to do the rest. Don’t you think that after making 8Billion dollars that they could afford just a little more than that? After all there income is larger that several small countries combined.

Enough this is not about them; it is about Georges and another failure in his long list of failures. At least before it was only in bad business decisions that other people bailed him out of, that came with a price tag that he is now using our country to pay them back with. Now his bad decisions once again are costing Lives. It is costing irreparable damage to links to our past.
            He failed as a businessman and was bailed out by the Saudis.

He failed as a businessman and was bailed out by the citizens of Texas.

He failed as a President and cost the loss of nearly 3,000 lives on 911.

He failed as a President and cost the lives of nearly 1,900 American soldiers.

He failed as a President and has cost the lives of over 50,000 Iraqi civilians.

He failed as a president when he failed to get aid to Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi for nearly a week.

Why didn’t Bush just tell the police to go to all the storeowners and ask for their complete inventory, so that they would know what was there and make arrangements to repay them later. They could just make use of the existing food and medical supplies in the effected areas and distribute the existing food and medical supplies that was already there.

Why is this failure as a President, this failure as a man still in office today? This Man cut the funding repeatedly, year after year, that Louisiana needed to complete the levees, and you know why, you know where the money went. It went into another campaign of destruction that George created, it went into Iraq. No you can’t blame the hurricane on Bush, but you can blame the lack or response on Bush and the Republican Party. You can blame the lack of funding to FEMA on Bush and the Republican Party.

Bush was warned back before 911 about 3 of the most possible disasters to face America was 1. That America would be attacked by terrorist, and he failed to do anything about it, 2. That if the levees weren’t completed there would be a major disaster if a hurricane hit. He choose not to comprehend the gravity of the situations, and now it it cost thousands of lives, instead of money. 3. A major earthquake in California.

He choose to funnel all of the money of this country to the richest people in this country. He choose to invade an unarmed country to steal their oil for his rich friends. He choose to take military funding and give it to Halliburton, and de-fund the military support system.

Yesterday Dennis Hastert said that he didn't think that we should rebuild New Orleans if it is only going to flood again. Funny but when it comes to the rich you spend millions of dollars over and over again, rebuilding a small strip of land in Eastern Long Island when a small barrier beach gets washed away... you also pay to replace their houses, with taxpayers money. A home and a strip of land and homes that is used only by single families, people that can well afford to rebuild them selves several times over. This is just another proof that the Republican Party as a whole just doesn't care about most American's in this country. They have consistently dismantled every social program the We The People wanted, but they saw it only as a loss of income to their rich supporters, that needed to be stopped. 

This is the culmination of the failed policies of Economic conservatism that began with Reagan. this is the result of those policies, we become a country that is focused on greed and wealth, at the expense of everything else. This madness needs to stop and it needs to stop now!

It's now time to not only tell people about Bush's shortcomings but to start reminding people that Bush did not do it alone, he had lots of help from all the rest of the Republican Party, and we need to remove them all, if we ever hope to get our country back. 

It is time to stop listening to their words... It is time to look at their actions... It is time to see that they are nothing but a bunch of lying bastards.




By:  William A. Peary   09-01-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


  Bits And Pieces... 

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  08-09-05

  The Bush Administration has decided to change the name of the war on terror because people are tired of the war in Iraq. The new name will be, The Global Struggle against Terrorism. Now the only problem with that is that's the third time this administration has blundered with name for this conflict that was unjust, uncalled for, and the occupation of an unarmed country. The First name if you remember was called Operation Iraqi Liberation. That did not last to long because as we now know it really was about OIL. Next came the fact that they were to mount a Crusade against the terrorist. Let's see now, what could possibly be wrong with using the word Crusade, Oh that's right that was when the Catholic Church wanted to lay claim to the Holy Land and embarked on a war that lasted 100 years. Well the new when it is translated into Arabic is very interesting. You see in Arabic the word for struggle is Jihad, so now this Administration is now calling for a Jihad. Is this just poor planning or a Freudian slip? Oh and one more thing in German it translates into "kampf", sound familiar heard that before how about Mein Kamph?

    Moving on, the vote in Ohio last week where the Iraqi vet was ahead all day by 4 points then suddenly at 11:00 PM they found 4,000 votes. Now strangely enough they found enough votes that were needed not only to cause him to loose but it was enough votes to stop triggering a recount. well the mystery is solved, the glitch that cause the mysterious missing 4,000 votes to disappear then appear just in the nick of time was caused...now get this... it was caused by the humidity. Yes the HUMIDITY! Some how I don't thing that this should cause us any concerns and we should continue to use these voting machines, after all only about ALL of the country is in a HUMID environment!!!

    Today more then any other time we keep hearing the cost of the war in BILLIONS of dollars, The Tax Cut for the wealth in Billions of dollars, so much so that we are becoming numb to the figure. Well a Advertising firm came up with a means to put it in perspective.

1,000,000,000,000 (Billion) seconds ago it was 1959.

1,000,000,000,000 (Billion) minutes ago Jesus was alive

1,000,000,000,000 (Billion) days ago Dinosaurs ruled the planet

$1,000,000,000,000.00 ago was 81/2 hours ago.

    Last week Bob Novak used some rather off color langue and walked off the set of CNN, and was suspended for an indefinite amount of time. Now see what you think Click Here. It really did not seem quite like something that would cause him to loose it to me. What I think is that it now became time for Novak to "Fall On His Sword For Rove & Bush". Bush and Rove tried to change the subject away from them with nominating Roberts, Then they took Rove out of the public eye , you know the old trick "out of sight out of mind", after all it worked for Rummy and Delay. But somehow it was not working quite like they planned because every time people turned on CNN there was Novak the other half of the Rove scandal team. So what else could they do? Novak stages a reason to not be in the public eye so now out of sight out of mind for Rove, Novak, and Bush (on his 50th vacation for 5 weeks). So hopefully that should be enough time to let it all fade away. Then to add to the mix Fitzgerald, you know Fitzgerald is the special prosecutor looking into Rove involvement with the outing of Valerie Plame, well his boss is going to be replaced with a former classmate of Bush, and a Fellow member of "The Skull and Bones" Can you smell it, I sure can and it stinks, the question is can Fitzgerald get the goods on Bush and Rove before they bring the hammer down on him? Can you say Nixon?

    Bush finally got his energy bill he has cried of for the last 4 years and guess what? Not one single thing that will help you or me, unless someone reading this is the owner of a oil company or a nuclear power plant, it contains 14.5 billion dollars to the oil and gas industry. It does not raise the standard of the miles per gallon cars get either. Speaking of cars get this while GM has offered their "Employee discount" program and allowed everyone to buy cars at the employee discount, GM is selling minivans in China for $5,000. and they get 43 miles per gallon. I guess China must qualify for a lot more then the employee discount to only pay $5,000 for a minivan.  Why is it GM can produce a car in China that gets 45 MPG?

    In regards to the number of trained Iraqi troops. First we were told that it would take one year to train 250,000 troops. Then by the end of the year we were told it would take a little longer and there was less then 100,000 trained troops. During Bush's speech back in June 05 he claimed that 160,000 troops were trained, and now we again find that it is far less. Well consider this. On December 1 1941 we had a combined troop strength of 1,684,403 By March 1942 we had 2,387,746. In 3 Months we trained 703,343 troops. Now consider this, we are in Iraq longer then we took to fight World War II, and by the end of that war we had 8,266,373 troops trained in the 1*combined forces with a increase of 6,581,970. If we could train and field over 6 million troops in 1941 to 1945 why can't we train even 100,000 troops in the same amount of time? Oddly enough though we are now told the one reason is desertion, could we be training and arming the insurgency, by way of desertions, because that strength of the insurgency is growing and now estimated to be from 250,000 to 300,000 strong. Funny That's the number of troops we were told that would be trained by now, except They were to be supporting America Troops...Not The insurgency!  

    One last item. Bush now says that he will bring down the troop numbers starting next year (again), but he now is saying that he will be increasing the number or troops for elections in November and December. Keep this in mind that 138,000 troops are there now the question is how many will be there after he jacks up the number to later lower the number and do it just in time for the 2006 mid term elections. 

1*During WWII the military had combined forces or Army Air corp., Navy Air corps., etc all of the branches had not yet divided into each separate branch.

By:  William A. Peary   08-09-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


  Just Something You Should Consider

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published 07-21-05

Below is a list of the Supreme Court judges and the president that appointed them to the court. Take note 7 of the 9 were appointed by a Republican President. Of the 7  appointments, 4 were by two of the most criminally involved administrations to date prior to the Bush administration.1 by Nixon for Watergate. 3 by Reagan with Iran Contra, which involved the US government by selling drugs to raise money to buy guns and military equipment to give to a country that the congress specifically said not to get involved with. Then 1 by Ford who took over for Nixon and later pardoned Nixon of any wrong doing after his impeachment. As to the remaining 2 of the 7 they were appointed by Bush Senior, who by the way was part of the Reagan Whitehouse as the VP for those of you that do not know. As to the last two they were appointed by Clinton, who was impeached, for having sex and then saying he didn't.

Could there be any correlation that our country has had a steadily sift to the hard Right?

Could there be any correlation and the loss of individual freedoms because the highest court in the land has been packed by criminal presidents, who believed that the law was not for them and that they chose to ignore the laws. I might add that they were not punished by the law either, for whatever reason.

Could there be a correlation between the rise of corporate dominance and the loss of American manufacturing and the middle class in the name of a buck or should I say a Yen or a Euro?

Could there be any correlation between to loss of our freedom to make choices for ourselves and the politicians ever increasing control over our lives?

For those of you that vote Republican and don't like what is now happening in America consider this the next time you vote.


John Paul Stevens   
Ford appointee, 19Dec75.    b. 20Apr20.
[ ]
David Hackett Souter
Bush (G.H.W.) appointee, 09Oct90.    b. 17Sep39.
[ ]
Ruth Bader Ginzburg
Clinton appointee, 10Aug93.    b. 15Mar33.
[ ]
Stephen G. Breyer
Clinton appointee, 03Aug94.    b. 15Aug38.
   William H. Rehnquist (Chief Justice)
b. 01Oct24.    07Jan72, Nixon appointee
(Chief Justice: 26Sep86, Reagan).
[ ]
Sandra Day O'Connor
b. 26Mar30.    25Sep81, Reagan appointee.
[ ]
Antonin Scalia
b. 11Mar36.   26Sep86, Reagan appointee.
[ ]
Antonin M. Kennedy
b. 23Jul36.   18Feb88, Reagan appointee.
[ ]
Clarence Thomas
b. 23Jun48.   23Oct91, Bush (G.H.W.) appointee

By:  William A. Peary   07-08-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


The Question Now Is...What Country Will Tony Blair Invade?

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  07-08-05

    Will Tony Blair spin the wheel of Arabic misfortune and attack the one it points to? Or maybe a more measured approach and choose Iran as the next target.  I will be interesting to see if reason prevails in England and the next move will be to hunt down the people who committed the crime. We cannot keep up the doctrine that says "We have the right to revenge and if the innocent get in the way..." This action reaction is only getting worse. Ever since Bush went off on his mission of finding WMD... no change that, freeing the Iraqi people... no change that, bringing freedom and Democracy to...no change that, getting... you know the reason has changed so many times I'm not sure what the official reason is anymore. 

I do know this though.

There were no terrorist in Iraq before Bush Invaded an unarmed nation. and yes unarmed, they had no air force, no ground defenses, no ground to air defenses, no tanks and we now know, most certainly no weapons of mass destruction.

There are now an estimated 250,000 terrorist there now. Funny but when you think about Bush and Rumsfield told us over 2 years ago there was to be 250,000 trained Iraqi troops there now? Then we were told there would be 250,000 trained troops there by the end of last year, in his speech just 2 weeks ago Bush Claimed 160,00 trained troops, and the reality is about 60,000. Why is it we send our American citizens into a war with 13 weeks of training to fight for another country and in over 2 years we cannot train Iraqi's to fight for themselves. Could it be that the very troops that we train that later dessert the American Iraqi army and now with their new found training become part of the insurgency army? Just a thought.

By official count 80,000 Iraqi civilians are now dead, Iraqi citizens are being killed at a faster rate than under Sadum. Every time an innocent person is "collateral damage"... isn't that such a nice way of putting it "collateral damage", rather than calling it like it is, an innocent person was killed, and for what? For having the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Before under Sadum at least you knew what would get you killed. Weather it was speaking out against Sadum or his government of against his policies. Now it can happen any time anywhere for no reason at all except that some one decided that your death would be acceptable "collateral damage".  Does  "collateral damage" make you feel less guilty over killing someone, someone who's only crime was just being there. Someone's mother or son or wife! Does "collateral damage" somehow make it right? Could that family and friends of the "collateral damage" become so enraged with grief that they will now stop at nothing to avenge the death of their family? Is that not the right we claimed on 911? 

  Here's a historical prospective for you. Man as a whole has waged war against each other from our very beginning. From a time before Islam, or Christianity, or any religion, or belief system. Religion has only given man a curtain to hide the face of prejudice and greed behind.
There has been the rise of one Empire after another. Each claiming the same mantel of justification, that "we must kill them before they kill us". The reality each Empire wanted the resources of the country they invaded. That is exactly what this is about, it's all about oil. It's about those who will control it. It's about people on both sides lying to everyone so that the masses can be convinced to hate the other side.
Why is it small children of all race and religions play together and get along? Can it be because they do not know the meaning of religion, money, or power?
If you feel so strongly against the Islamic people then why is it, there was no outrage when this president was committing the lives of Americans to bring, freedom and Democracy to Iraq, which the last time I looked that country was mostly Islamic.
So which is it save them or bomb them, you can't have it both ways.

Maybe when we stop allowing a handful of people from using hate and fear and the power of a military to plunder the wealth of other countries, so it can be taken by the few, maybe perhaps then there will be peace.

Until then it seems that it is up to the few to try to bring reason and peace to the many.

By:  William A. Peary   07-08-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


When Is Enough, Enough

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  05-15-05

    It’s funny that we all spout off about how we all love our children but yet we vote in political leaders that lead us into an unjust war. A War that puts our children in harms way for the profit of large corporations. We vote in Political leaders that saddle our children with a financial burden, making it even harder to achieve the American dream. These very same political leaders send our children’s future jobs over seas. We all know that the Reagan concept of economics was a dismal failure, In Fact it was labeled “Voodoo Economics” By George Bush Senior, but do you realize that we are paying over 100 billion this year in interest on the debt he, Ronald Reagan gave us… and we will continue to do so for many more years to come. Now add that debt that Bush Jr. is amassing and we are abusing our children and children yet to be born with that debt. A debt, that in reality is passing away our security. A Debt that is the passing away out freedom of Financial security… and we are giving it to the top 1% of our population. All the while we are saying that we cannot afford a national health care system. While we spend 1 Billion dollars a week in a war in Iraq. We cannot afford a minimum wage, while we allow our social security trust fund to be filled with IOU’s so that the money can be used to give all our money to that top 1% that does not need it.

When Is Enough, Enough.

How Long Will You Bush Supporters Support A Proven Liar And A Thief?

How Long Will You Be A Willing Party To The Destruction Of America?

I Am tired of all the bull about how people keep saying, “I like Bush because he is down to earth”. “I think that we should support Bush because he is our president and should be respected”. “We must support president Bush because we are at war”.

You Bitched about Clinton and a blowjob in the Whitehouse… consensual sex between two people. Yes he was married, but that is none of your business. That’s between Clinton and his wife…Not You! Yes he lied about it, and so what! At least when he lied no one died!

If it’s sex with someone your not married to that gets you mad then you should really be enraged to no end with George W. Bush, because he is having sex with an entire country, by screwing us all in the ass.

Bush lied about almost everything he has ever said! His lies have cost over 1,600 American sons, and daughters, and fathers and mothers, lives. There are over 25,000 seriously wounded Americans. There are now over 2,800 Iraq civilians dead because Bush Lied! The proof is now there printed in the London times where Bush and Blair conspired to fix the intelligence to prove a case for war, and planed to start the war just prior to the midterm elections so that the republicans would gain more seats based on the belief of a Hitler style nationalism.

First the truth comes out that Enron one of his biggest supporters takes out millions of peoples life savings, and then nothing happens, OH excuse me he locks up Martha Stewart who only screwed herself. And The CEO’s of Enron are still free after stealing Billions. But wasn’t it a great story to use to install Arnold as the new governor? And did Arnold fix the problems?

    We then find out that no mater how you count the votes in Florida when you count the entire state that Al Gore won the Election. The man who said that States should govern them selves uses John Bolton to stop the counting while he runs off to the Supreme court who later admits they were wrong and did not belong in the middle of the election, too little too late.

We blame Clinton for not getting Bin Laden but we never blame the people who created him… who funded him…who trained him… That is George Bush Sr. Ronald Reagan, Dick Chaney, and Don Rumsfeld.

    I Say Again Who Is Worse The Person Who Did Not Catch Him, Or The Person Who Created Him!!!!

    Why is it that we get outraged after The USS Coles blaming Clinton for not getting Bin Laden, because it happened on his watch?




Bin Laden wanted us out of Saudi Arabia and guess what, WE LEFT! Why is it no one is pissed off at Bush for giving in to a terrorist demands!

    Look at the facts not the propaganda from Fox news and the rest of the corporate media. It is not the Liberal media, just look at what they are reporting and how. They praise George Bush and his programs that are supporting corporations and destroying any liberal programs, created over the last 30 years. How can you call them liberal when they remain silent, or say very little or worse yet support the dismantling the programs?


    We get told one lie after another, after another, after another, after another, after another, and when the truth comes out this administration covers it up with some other fake news story, while the truth is buried away in the middle of the paper, and not reported on the broadcast news.  

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." - Joseph Goebbels 

Then all members of the administration as well as their talking heads like Rush and Fox (Faux) News, repeat the same points over and over and over all day every day.

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over"- Joseph Goebbels 

    They destroy our largest investment funds; they stop citizens from claiming bankruptcy. Now no matter what the reason if you cannot pay your bills and you claim bankruptcy you must pay back every penny you owe, except if you're wealthy, then you can send your money over seas in investment accounts, then claim bankruptcy and not pay back anything…oh and keep your money in the over seas accounts. You want proof; just days ago United Airlines says we cannot pay our bills, and we are going to default on our pension plan, and the courts say it’s ok. Why can’t they pay their bills, why is it the Ceo’s get to keep their 4.5 million dollar a year paycheck? Because the new laws let them off the hook. All this from the people that want to eliminate Social Security! The people that let companies steal our pension funds. That let companies steal our pension funds from investment accounts like Enron and World Com.

    This at a time when Bush wants to get rid of social security, in a vendetta that goes back to Grand daddy Prescott Bush, who lost his bank under FDR, SEE: http://www.gatt.org/bushhitler.html because Prescott Bush did not want to stop doing business with Adolph Hitler During World War II. The Pay- back is to destroy the country, which is happening now. SEE: http://www.tupbiosystems.com/articles/bush_nazi.html

Connect the dots  She-pulls! (Sheep People)

    Here is another strange thing. Ever since 2003 people at Bush rallies who disagree with Bush, have been lead out by people in black suits. These Black Suits refuse to say what branch of the government they are in. They are given full control even by the local police. The reason given for removal of people is that they were privately funded meetings, and they had the right to remove any one they choose. Funny, but this practice is still going on at Bush Social Security rallies, which are funded by taxpayers and by law they should be allowed to stay. I have heard people describe the Black Suits as possible Republican Party leaders, or private security

I have a different take… Bush has resurrected his own SS?  


By:  William A. Peary   05-15-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Bridge For Sale

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  05-08-05

    We vote against our own best interest based on the lure that we are all rich people in waiting not realizing that we have given…not sold our best hope of ever becoming rich to the very people that now hold our lives captured, and in doing so have given our children into a kind of slavery to these very people.

We are fooled into believe the easy lie rather then the hard truth. "We the people" was given the power over the corporations by our Founding Fathers, but through a series of deceitful lies by the corporation owners they have slowly taken our power over to themselves.

THINK About This…

If 90% of all the money of this country is now in the hands of less than 1% of the population, that means that just over 99% of the people must now share the remaining 10%, so with that in mind just how do you expect to ever be one of the rich people? There just is not enough money left for that to ever happen, as things are set up now.

So why do some of you vote for policies that benefit only the wealthiest 7,000 people in the country? You or your children can never have a hope of attaining even a small fraction of the money with the current laws. Do you think for just one second that after spending years and billions of dollars bribing, anyone who could help them get it, do you think that they will now willingly share it with you? If that’s the case why go through all that trouble to get it. It was far cheaper to just let you have it in the first place.

So I ask you this again, why do some of you vote to make laws that benefit the rich, because you think that you’re a rich person in waiting?

That means that when a political representative does not serve us "We the people: as a whole than they must be replaced. When they run for election or reelection we must examine their record of deeds, and not their advertising of what they want you think.

We have lost too many of our precious freedoms that our Founding Fathers have given to us and it is time to take them back. We have lost them through deceitful lies of a divide and conquer strategy.

The truth is that we all can make it if we stand together with our neighbors and defend their rights even if we do not subscribe to their belief, because in doing so we defend our own rights to freedom and liberty. A Freedom taken from one will eventually lead to a freedom taken from us all. We must defend our neighbor’s rights because in doing so we defend our own, for when any one’s rights are taken away without a fight, ours will most assuredly be next. (Pastor Niemoller said it best) We as free people have strength in numbers.

We must work to strengthen our unions, and bring unions to as many work places that we can. Imagine the power we would have together, rather than one lonely voice. In numbers we have the power that is why through out history when the ternary became too oppressive it was ended by the masses rising up to band together to say loudly and resoundingly



Unions give us that strength but without the violence. Think of it as Gandhi on steroids.

It may seem that perhaps the Founder Fathers were right, and "We the people" should not have direct power to elect a president because we are too willing to be lead, and not think for ourselves. I think that the answer is not as simple as that. I think that we have all been sold to, and become victims of mass advertising. We believe the twisted campaign commercials, rather than the truth, because of the way it is presented. We do not think or question.

For example the other day the news had a story that went something like this. "Good news if you are going to buy a house, the housing market has become more affordable for the third consecutive month".

This is not good news to anyone, especially when interest rates are steadily going up, and I will tell you why. If the home is more affordable for the third month in a row that means that the cost of homes are going down for three months in a row. For those of you that own a home, the value of your biggest asset is going down. It is going down faster than you think because the interest cost to buy it has been going up, which means if it is more affordable in spite of the increasing cost to finance it, then the core value is droping even more. If you are buying the home now you will be buying on the down side of the curve, which means that in the coming months, you will find that you have paid too much. It’s like buying that new desk for your home 3 months ago only to find it now on sale for half the cost. Don’t you hate when that happens? Well it is happening now to your home whether you own it or are about to buy it, you are about to be screwed. But according to the news. This is "good news". Right… Well then I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

We must learn to deconstruct the news to see what is behind the double talk. News is now a tool for advertising, because the major broadcasting networks are owned by the major corporations, and now the news is expected to be profitable, and to do so they need to sell it, and to sell it they need to manipulate it. To not give you too much bad news, and where ever possible turn that, Pigs Ear into a Silk Purse.

By:  William A. Peary   05-8-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


It’s Time That We Question The Changes At Air America Radio.

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  04-14-05

    Just recently a new CEO was put in charge, shortly after Unfiltered was dropped, and replaced by Jerry Springer. For those of you that do not know Unfiltered makes Springer look like a novice. Rachel, Liz and Chuck was a hard hitting ground breaking team that really dug up the dirt that no one else did. Now for those of you that use satellite radio and you did your homework you found that Sirius was the only satellite radio that carried Air America Radio in real time and with the full show as broadcast, where as XM only carried bits and pieces along with Fox News in between with Randi Rhodes cut back to 2 hours and Not carrying Mike Malloy at all. The choice was oblivious for any true Air America Radio follower… Get Sirius satellite, especially if there was no radio station in your town, and you had to work and could not be connected to a computer all day.

            Well yesterday on Air America’s  web they announced that XM was now to be the Official Satellite for Air America Radio. I immediately called Sirius to see if they knew what was going on, because it was to late to call Air America Radio. I was informed that they knew nothing about it and was sure that they would still continue Air America.

            This morning I called Air America and asked about what was happening and I was told that Sirius was droping Air America. I then informed them I already called Sirius and that they knew nothing about droping Air America. I was then told that Sirius would no longer carry Air America after the next 90 days, and if I had any concerns I should call the Ceo’s secretary at 212 871 8108. When I called her I was told that Air America was droping Sirius due to contractual agreements with XM that required XM exclusive rights to carry Air America. When I asked if XM would now be carrying the full days broadcast I was told that she did not know.

            Now something with that answer caused me to become very concerned, especially after reading “The Road To Air America” By Sheldon Drobny, and how forces tried to kill Air America before it even started. How could you sign extended exclusive contract with a company that is now to be your official radio station and not know about the programming? How could you sign a contract that if it continues to keep it’s current broadcast schedule that bastardies your shows. Most are not broadcast in their entirety, and not in real time, effectually cutting off your audience.

            If this is such a great deal I think that you couldn’t wait to get the news out but hush seems to be the word from Air America right now.

            I tried to contact XM and was routed to a company in the Cayman Islands. And promptly told that there is no one to talk to, and to go to their web and use the E-mail contact form to obtain any information.

            The Bottom line so far is that Air America has chosen to reward a company that has not in the past fully supported them, and push a side the company that has fully supported them 24/7/365. Sirius is more then willing to renew their contract.

            The question to Air America is this If XM wanted to carry Air America and offered the terms with a exclusive clause doesn’t that tell you that YOU had something that they wanted and did not want to share with anyone else? In which case Air America had the upper had and should have had XM add more of their programming instead. Now instead air America has cut off over a million Sirius subscribers from Air America.

            Sirius users call Air America NOW!  and voice your opinion. At 212 871 8108

Air America listeners call Air America to continue broadcasting on Sirius, as well because of the loss of listeners who cannot get Air America except for Sirius. Because who will they be cutting off next?

By:  William A. Peary   04-5-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


  Update to story Above

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  4-20-05

As per phone conversation with XM this morning as to carrying the full Air America Broadcast and in real time as Sirius now does...They do not know, and they cannot give me that answer. Air America told me that they do not know but they are trying. Bottom line as it stands now if you read between the lines the answer is NO. If they are going to be adding Alan Colmes and Ed Schultz and they stray where that are now say Good By to Randi Rhodes. The fact that I cannot get a straight answer and XM is due to start broadcasting in about two weeks tells me that you can say goodbye to real time broadcasting for some or part of the Air America programming. It is quite possible some or all of shows that you like, or possible the shows you like will be broadcast at a different time from their live broadcast, so if you want to call in to get your point on the air, you can't. How could Air America sign into a deal like this? Oh and by the way I am not picking on XM or Air America I am doing what Air America stands for "Question Authority when something seems wrong". 

If you want to try your self to get some answers here are some contact numbers:


XM Programming                   1-202-380-4000

XM Listener care                    1-800-967-2346

Air America Radio Offices     1-646-274-4900


XM Programming              megan@xmradio.com

Air America Radio            jhorn@airamericaradio.com

How could Air America Enter into a deal that possible cuts out some of their programming?

How could they rename the channel Air America but cut up the programming?

How could Air America let their name be used without full control?

What about the us loyal listeners that will be left out in the cold?




Free Pass

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  04-05-05

Somewhere along the way most of us Americans have forgotten that “We The People” own this country, and not the Corporations, nor their bought and paid for politicians. We all say the government this, and the government that, but we the people are responsible. We put the politicians in office, but some how we think it was not us, but someone else. We are all responsible weather we vote or not. How? You might ask? By voting and not being informed, or not voting and thinking it just does not matter…but it does.

    I have heard too many times, “oh what’s the use of voting”. I think that, that line is a cheap cop out for someone who does not want to take the time to be informed. “Oh I just don’t have the time to spend on politics. More excuses, because somehow you find the time to watch the latest reality TV show. Our ancestors gave a hell of a lot more than just time to found this country, they gave their blood as well, and now the only thing you have to do is seek out the truth, when you know that the media is lying to you. You hear the talking heads say things like “America’s appetite for goods made in China this month has increased”. There should be a explosion in your head when you hear that. Why? Were you there at the boardroom when the company decided to close down a factory in this country and opened up a factory over seas, to pay someone else a cheaper wage? Did you have a choice in the boardroom of Wall-Mart to stock the shelves with cheap goods from China? The choice has for several years now have been taken away from us to the point where the only products to choose unless you take the time to search them out, are from somewhere else, anywhere else but from here in America. If we keep exporting all our jobs out of the country who will be left making money here?

            Can’t you see that this is causing a race to the bottom of the economic ladder? The CEO’s of these corporations are now making in one year what their predecessors would make in a year, and just where do you think the money is coming from? From you and me that’s where. Sure they go overseas and get cheaper workers but they still charge just as much if not more than if it was made here, hence they are stealing their wealth from American workers, while they are laughing all the way to the bank, because they are picking your pocket.

            I really hate to be the one to break the bad news to you but you probably will never be a millionaire, in your lifetime, unless you hit a lottery, so why do you vote like you already are one of the 1% of the country that is? Even with the limited news you can still see that something just does not add up with what you see and what they tell you. Why do you still act as though you will be a millionaire some day, while you still work as a plumber, or a teacher, or a bus driver, or an office worker? Maybe you should vote in the reality you are in now and not the one you may be in at some point in the future, because when you vote like you are a millionaire, you vote against your own best interests as a working person. How many of you wish you had a raise? If you said yes then why do you support a Republican agenda that refuses to raise the minimum wage for 8 years, while they have raised their wages every year? You see when you raise the bar for the lower paid workers you raise the bar for the rest of the working people. Oh in case you don’t know it when a politician tells you “ I did not vote for a raise for myself this year” that means he did, because the raise is automatic unless he actually votes to stop it. Don’t you wish you could have that problem? You can’t loose, do nothing and get a pay increase. Why is it that when we were told that Bill Clinton brought shame to the Oval Office by having “consensual sex” with an intern it was shameful, but lying about a country having weapons that they did not is ok, and yes the government report shows that it was know before we went into Iraq. Bob Woodward was right when he wrote Plan of Attack. Why is it that just after Bill Clinton left office there was e-mails circulating entitled, “Clinton Dropped the Ball”, because he did not get Bin Laden, But Bush Lies about A country possessing weapons that it did not, and had Billions of dollars at his disposal to get Bin Laden and still nothing, His administration has lost 6 Billion dollars in Iraq and can’t account for it, the military cannot account for several Trillion dollars and nothing. He was warned about 911 before it happened, He has raided the social security trust fund for over 200 Billion dollars, money that all the working people put money in to for our later retirement, but Bush has used it for the tax giveaways to give it to the top 1% of the population, making the deficit actually over 600 billion dollars for this year.

            So tell me…. Just Why Does George W. Bush and his friends get a Free Pass?

By:  William A. Peary   04-5-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Duplicity In Action

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  03-21-05

    Something I heard just a few hours ago makes me furious at the Repub-lie-cons. They evoked the *14 amendment in trying to establish a reason to over ride the Florida courts, which is another back door ploy to start attacking other laws. It is a ploy to distract our attention away from the starting of a third year in Iraq, the criminal misconduct of Tom Delay, the missing 8 Billion dollars in Iraq. Do you even know what the *14 amendment says?

The state has made a decision, but now the Repub-lie-cons want to abridge that decision.

Where is the outrage at the over 1,500 men and women who George W. Bush condemned to die for oil?


Where is their voice for the 25,000 wounded?


Where is their voice for the 1000,000 dead Iraq civilians Killed by friendly fire?


I seem to remember 5 years ago when George W. Bush ran on the platform that states should handle their own issues, “States Rights”, and we know how that ended up, by running to the Supreme Court. By taking away states rights to prosecute “Class action suits” and hand them over to Federal courts.

Where are their Voices when there are more and more Americans not being able to afford health care and then… dying of preventable diseases?


Where are their voices when we spend $300,000,000,000.00 for oil then saying we can’t afford a national health care plan?


Where were their voices when they refused to increase the minimum wage, allowing millions to continue to live in poverty while working over 40 hours a week?


Where were their voices when these Repub-lie-cons cut Medicare funding to thousands of people?


Just Whom Are These Repub-lie-cons Trying To Impress?

This is clearly a political party trying to pander to a religious group. This is clearly an intrusion of a political party into personal, and private lives once again.

Why do these politicians not allow Medical Marijuana, when hundreds of thousands tell us each and every day that it helps keep them alive through the pain of cancer and Aids?

It’s not just Bush it is all of these Republicans must be replaced, before there are no liberties left. Before the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is reduced to “Kindling”


By:  William A. Peary   03-21-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 5.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.


The False Prophets Among Us  

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  03-2-05

    Tonight I was watching a history of The Mama’s and Papa’s and I began to see that maybe the salivation to our divided dilemma in this country lays in the lessons of the sixties. I have always felt that the sixties was more than just years, it was more than a movement…It was a philosophy. A philosophy of life. A philosophy that somehow would transcend time itself.

One thing that became crystal clear to me was the roll religion played in our lives, at that time. We all had a religious belief, but it was personal, between our creator and ourselves. We believed in a higher power, but it was not our place to foist it on others. Our belief, whether it was Christian, or Jewish, or Hindu, did not mater, because it was deeply personal and we lived it. We spread our belief by our actions, and how we treated other people around us.

You could use words like pray, or God without invoking a litany of emotions. Emotions like distrust, or uneasiness, or worse yet... fear. These were universal words of all faiths and belief. No one religion had claim to them. They belonged to all, and were respected by all including non-believers.

But when did such a peaceful idea change?

I think the change started when people felt that they needed to preach their belief to others by mass media. It started with the Television preachers. Ever so quietly they snuck into our lives wanting to bring us the word of God. With every broadcast they asked that we support them with our donations. No one ever questioned why they needed so much money. No one ever questioned why it was that the person, Jesus, whom they were preaching about, did it without asking for money, because he wanted to teach us a better way of life. No one ever questioned why they preached fear, and the impending destruction of the world and we needed to join them now and we needed to send them money so that they could help save others.

Jesus was the Son of God and the son of a carpenter, on earth, and he by no stretch of the imagination lived his life in extravagant riches. But today his so called new ministers live lives among the rich. This includes Farwell, and Robertson. Why is it they feel the need to have so much personal wealth that they gained from their ministry, and feel no remorse? No remorse that many of them have so little, but they gave what they could not afford, to the belief that it was for God. Jesus always shared everything he had with everyone, including his life.

Jesus preached tolerance and understanding. He tried to teach us to love our neighbors, without conditions, and he also warned us to beware of false prophets.

I believe that the hour of the false prophets is upon us now. I believe that the Falwell’s and the Robertson's is just that, False Prophets.


Because their teaching is one of intolerance.

The early Christians believed so strongly in Jesus and God that they were willing to die for that belief.

Now The False Prophets teach that if you do not belief what they tell you to that you should die.

Now The False Prophets rather then preaching the lessons of the bible of hope, and love and individual salvation, they pick from it small passages and subvert it's meanings as a whole to support their twisting of it's lessons to suit their purposes of spreading hate, separation, and fear. 

Now The False Prophets teach that everyone must conform to their belief, and if you don’t then they will force you to by legislating a law for your salvation.

Now The False Prophets teach that if there is something that they, as heads of their ministry deem that they do not like then everyone, whether the are followers of their religion or not, must for their own good be stopped.

Now The False Prophets teach, that their way is the one true way, and all others are wrong.

Now The False Prophets are causing the word religion to become a hated word because of their unscrupulous ways.

Now The False Prophets teach you that it is time for them to run the world, somehow forgetting that Jesus once said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is Gods".

The False Profits tell you that you must give monetarily to help spread God’s word, and that it must hurt for it to be effective, but why is it so much of the money sticks to their hands?

Why is it that they who are preaching the word of God somehow seem to miss the basic foundation of his teachings?

Jesus taught a philosophy of love.

Maybe that is why in the sixties religion was something that you believed in, and not something that you needed to force upon someone else, because the sixties was in many ways, a mass movement to a unified religious experience.


By:  William A. Peary   03-2-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Comment on the Above Editorial By Clicking here


What A Tangled Web We Weave…  

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  02-23-05

    Ok! Now you know that I have on more than one occasion have questioned mainstream media about their less than complete reporting of the facts. You know that I have written about the fact that many people out there do not take the time to find out what is going on beyond their TV news reports. Well here is a little test; consider it a game of charades with words instead of actions. The topic is something that has occupied the progressive media for the last 3 weeks.

            First Clue… Jeff Gannon, AKA James Dale Guckert. Ring any Bells?

No? Then let’s move on.

            Second Clue... Talon News?

Still drawing a blank?

Third Clue… Endeavor Media Group

Nothing yet?

            Fourth Clue… Whitehouse_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Fill in the blank.

This shouldn’t be hard if mainstream media is as forthcoming as you think it is.

Fifth Clue… Valerie Plame. This is an easy one and you should know.

But what is the connection?

Last Clue…Scott McClellan

If you seem to be drawing a blank then I suggest that you abandon mainstream media and seek out some progressive, or Liberal news outlet.

Why? Well let me give you the readers digest version.

Jeff Gannon, AKA, James Dale Guckert, AKA, J. Daniels has had access to the Whitehouse and attended press corps briefing, as a press reporter, for Talon news. The quirky thing is that he got his press pass as a reporter before Talon news existed. Talon News' did not EXIST until Mar 29 2003. You want proof. How about a C-pan Screen shot.

from the Feb. 28, 2003 WH press conference on C-SPAN:  

Talon News is run by GOPUSA, a conservative group, but the odd connection is Gannon’s connections to male escort services, and male homosexual web sights which have all been shut down and put up for sale after he was outted by progressive news groups.

When asked Scott McClellan said he only recently became aware that Guckert was actually Gannon. There are stories as reported in winnipeg.indymedia.org, that McClellan had frequented several gay bars in Austin, Texas. James Guckert received preferential treatment by the Whitehouse, which allowed him to bypass security protocol. Scott McClellan gave Gannon his press pass. Ari Fleischer however, Scott’s predecessor gave Gannon his pass after removing them from Sarah McClendon a long-time correspondent.

As to Valerie Plame, a classified State Department file was given to Guckert by the Administration in 2003, that refers to the investigation of Joseph Wilson a former U.S. Ambassador. Wilson who met with the CIA. after being sent to Niger to investigate the Whitehouse claims of Iraq buying yellowcake. After  finding the claim to be a lie soon after a still unnamed source in the Whitehouse leaked Wilson’s wife name to the media, which exposed her and could have possibly caused her as well as other agents deaths.

To digress a minute… about that story Bob Novak was the one who put the story out to the public. To date the Whitehouse is trying to lock up every one else who might have known who told, everyone that is except Bob Novak, who spread the story. So let’s get this straight, Novak puts out the story. Novak knows who told him the information, and blabbed it. The other reporters may have been told the information but chose to remain silent and say nothing. So in this brave new world ob BushCo we allow the one who blabbed to remain free and he locks up the ones who did the right thing and said nothing.

Back to Gannon, then at a press conference he lobs a softball question to Bush, stating that he is quoting Senator Clinton but is actually quoting from Rush Limbaugh Talking points from the day before. That the next day Rush admits was his talking point and is flattered, that Gannon used it. Oh did I mention The website, Jeffgannon.com is registered by a Delaware corporation, which has also registered a number of other Republican based web sites, which all cater to male escort services, as well as espousing gay military themes. Gives the term strange bedfellows a whole new meaning. Both TalonNews.com and GOPUSA.com are registered to the Endeavor Media Group LLC, in Houston, TX. The Bedrock Corporation is of course, owned by James Guckert/Jeff Gannon. Bedrock Corporation is the registrar for many websites, which include Jeffgannon.com, Militaryescorts.com, hotmilitarystud.com, Exposejessejackson.com, militaryescortsm4m.com, and the conservativeguy.com, among others. "J. Daniels", another alias used by Guckert, is listed as the administrative contact for Bedrock Corporation.

Just one Question! Why has the Whitehouse made such a big stink over gay rights, while using gay people, who openly condemn other gay people, while they make money from the people that they condemn?

And you thought that you were outraged about Clinton and Monica? That was a private situation. This is a twisted group of people creating a fake news media to influence the mainstream news that twists the news to suit their sick purposes.

Yes this is true; you just can’t make this stuff up.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

P.S. If this is news to you then you really need to use my links page to go to Air America  Radio , Common Dreams, Mother Jones, Or any other Progressive news sight and spread the word. And If you have the time Try to listen to Air America Radio, Or to The Thom Hartmann show.


By: William A. Peary 02-23-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Now They Eat Each Other  

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  2-09-005

    Because 90% of the wealth is now concentrated in that top 1% of the people of this country, Corporate greed has now set it's sights on each other. They already have or will have most of the remaining 10% of the wealth that you have, by selling you stuff on credit, and they control the credit, so just what do you own? Rented is more like it and sometimes you are still paying for it long after the item is broken and thrown away.

    I am sure you heard of the mergers last week. Do you find that just a little odd? The phone company was a monopoly and it was forced to break up because of that, sure we all complained about it and some of us even pined for the days before the break up, but do you really? Do you remember that you could not buy your own phone before the break up and you had to rent it from the phone company? Do you remember that if you wanted a second phone you just did not go down to the local store, buy it and just take it home and plug it in. Oh no, you had to call the phone company and they had to do it, and of course charge you for the service to install it and then bill you each and every month for the second phone. As you can see that with monopoly comes control over your freedom. Now you can buy what ever phone you want when you want and out where you want, not to mention that the price of a call especially long distance is far cheaper, one of the few things that had gone down. But how long do you think that will last? With the recent merger that puts us back to only about 3 major phone companies. With no competition come higher prices. With mergers the only people to make out are the companies, because inevitable mergers mean layoffs.

    What I have noticed is that most of the time companies merge the stocks go down, then when they announce job cuts the stock prices go up. So let's think about that for one minute. Larger corporations, joining forces telling you that they are doing it to better service their customers, and then their stock prices go down.  Of course the heads of the company receive a large bonus for crafting the deal. Then without saying a word they slowly raise prices of their goods and services to pay for the cost of the new acquisition, so much for the concept that the merger will be good for their customers. Last they announce the layoff of a large percent of their workers citing not needing as many people to perform due to job duplication. Then the stock prices go up, the pay back to the wealthy shareholders for voting in their own best interest and not the workers or their customers.

    And so the race to own it all is now underway, and without government regulations, which have every so slowly been being dismantled since the 1980's, there is little left to stop them.

   Or maybe there is?

    Another interesting thing is that with the rise of corporations new found power over government. Government has become less and less responsive to it's citizens. Why do you think that is? It is following the same model as the shareholders in the corporations, voting for what is their own best interest. Not you the citizens. Somehow they forgot that they are public servants and became servants to the money. 

    What everyone has forgotten is the words of Benito Mussolini "The successful merger of corporate and state is the foundation of *1Fascism". 

    Our Founding Fathers knew the influence and the destructive power corporations could have on it's citizens, "we the people". Up until the 1980's corporations were kept at bay, until through their money they began to change the laws.

    The laws must be changed back so we can take back our country. We cannot allow *1Fascism to raise it's ugly head in this country.

If you read the definition you will see just how close we are becoming to becoming a Fascist state, fostered by the current administration rhetoric.


By: William A. Peary 02-09-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com   

*1 fas·cism (făshʹĭz´əm) noun

1. Often Fascism a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.  


 The Divided States Of America… What It Cost?

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  1-30-05

    Everywhere we look today we are being told of how divided we are as a Nation. In the news we are divided into red states and blue states. In the Press we are divided into supporters of this ideal and detractors of that ideal. In our all-consuming sporting events we are divided into two simplistic groups. No matter what the sport, no matter how many teams are involved, we are divided into winners and losers. But are we? We need to start remembering one thing.

We Are Divided Only If We Let It.

            I find it so very hard to believe that we as a nation can be as divided as we are told we are, day in and day out by the media. How can we be that divided, and still call ourselves Americans? When every day we as schoolchildren, grew up reciting the pledge of allegiance from memory. “I pledge allegiance to the flag and the UNITED states of America…. Yes the United States… How could we have forgotten those simple words? Did we willingly forget, or were we unknowingly forced. It was by these simple words that our parents learned to stand together and found that we all were not that different. If they stood together and worked together they could make life better for themselves and their children. They stood together in the face of adversity and formed trade unions to protect not only their jobs, but also jobs for their children. They grew in numbers to become a powerful force that made corporations and governments listen to their demands. They became a engine for progress for all American workers. Somehow in the 80’s and 90’s, after we were told unions were bad, Unions cost us jobs, unions cost us sales to other countries, the deceitful message started to take hold. We once were the country that leads the world because we had the natural resources, and inventive minds to create goods the world wanted. But we were lied to and convinced that we needed to rid ourselves of unions to compete with other countries to sell our goods. We needed to change our trade polices to compete with the world. But whom did we help? Not us! Oh sure corporations turned larger and larger profits but at what cost. The cost was of more and more lost jobs, here in America, by both union and non-union workers. How did this happen you ask?

Because we became divided.

We allowed politicians to change the laws and removed the very laws that protected our jobs, helped our country grow for years. We were told that American workers were at fault, and we believed it, more wedges, more division. Our corporations were at fault, by not providing it’s work force with the tools they needed to stay on top. Instead American companies took their manufacturing facilities to other countries to hire cheaper labor, and through the changed laws were able to bring it back into this country and avoid tariffs. Before that If it costs $1 in labor to make the item here and $0.50 to make it overseas you had to pay a $0.50 tax to bring it into this country, so why should you go through that expense to build a plant out of the country and have to pay to bring it back into this country. End result was it cost more to do that than manufacture it here in this country. It has gotten to the point that we are very close to being a Banana Republic.  The Definition Of a Banana Republic is: A small country that is economically dependent on a single crop, such as bananas, or a single product, such as tin. It is often governed by a dictator, or officers of the armed forces: “America has begun to take on certain . . . characteristics of a banana republic. In those countries, savings are hoarded rather than invested in productive enterprises” (Richard B. Hoey).  [1]

Last year we Exported Millions in raw material to China and then spent Billions importing finished goods from China. We all know that the quality is poor at best, so the lie that it was good for us as Americans was another lie. Inferior goods, made at the cost of American jobs.

Just think about it for one minute, we were told to re-train in the computer field in the early 90’s because working with our hands was a thing of the past. That the money was to be made with our brains, not our hands. Then now in 2004 those jobs too are now being exported over seas.

Until the early 80’s when unions came under attack a union job was the job everyone wanted. It represented a good wage a stable job and good benefits. A Union job paid a decent wage, as anyone who grew up in a union household can tell you, that you may not have been the richest kid on the block but your family did not lack for anything. Unions had health insurance plans, for their workers and their families, they had retirement accounts. Do you see where this is going? It was the ideas that the unions fought for that later became state labor laws. Why? Because they were not divided, they stood together against corporate interests. Because corporations knew that if they did not at least negotiate with the workers unions that they would all stand together and walk out. And the workers knew that a walk out meant no pay so both sides knew it was in their best interest to talk and compromise.

Soon at the rate things are going the only jobs that will be left in America soon will be Politicians, and Police. The politicians to create the laws to protect the corporations and the police to arrest the rest of us.

We are now told that we need to import our labor because Americans do not want to do the work. We will work but not as slaves.

This next statement needs to be stated in it’s own paragraph.

The wealth of this country is now distributed with 1% of the population controlling 90% of the country’s money. The remaining 10% of the countries wealth is divided amongst the remaining 99% of the population.

You need to understand what I just said so I will repeat it, this time try to understand the gravity of the statement.

The wealth of this country is now distributed with 1% of the population controlling 90% of the country’s money. The remaining 10% of the countries wealth is divided amongst the remaining 99% of the population.

Is it any wonder why we have become suspicious of everyone around us? We are like rats in a cage slowly, imperceptibility becoming ever more suspicious of every one else around you and not knowing why. The why is fear, fear that they will take your job, your home, what little you do have.

Is it any wonder how we have become so divided?

As you can see, money has “become the root of all evil” the only way to defeat it is to remove its importance. We need to return to the values of our founding fathers. They knew the power that corporations had wheeled in Europe and wrote protections into the Constitution. The very start read

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 

            We need to strip the corporations of their ill-gotten power gains. Corporations are not people and should not be accorded the same protections under the Constitution. Remember the First line “We the people”. For years until the late 50’s corporations were not considered a “person”. In fact the Founders were afraid that corporations would grow in strength, and that they would take over the government when they had accumulated enough wealth. That is one reason why a large inheritance tax was instituted, until the late 1890’s. So that great sums of wealth could not be passed on when someone died. It was set up in such a way that the very wealthy could not create a dynasty. Because Dynasty’s have always throughout history have always seized government control, which ultimately lead to that country’s demise. That is why you do not hear about a Washington or a Jefferson Dynasty. Big dynasty’s family names did not start until the late 1800s, because that is when the laws started changing.

Then with their foot in the door the dynasties wealth pushed to change the government checks on corporations so that they could attain even more wealth at a faster rate, swinging away from the ideals the founders had laid down to protect “We the people” In the 1940’s and 50’s corporate laws were slowly changed allowing for further dominance of corporations and even greater wealth to be passed on to the dynastic families who controlled them. Then in the 1980’s that wealth, now controlling the corporations, the corporations began to buy the politicians. Well not outright, but through donations to help their political campaigns. And it all happened because we became distracted with things that were not important just as we are today.

For example there is always some important must see trial on TV. The news pushes it in our face every day and it lasts for months. We didn’t even spend that much time on the trial of Jack Ruby the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald the person who assonated a sitting president John F. Kennedy. In Fact Kennedy’s assignation received less airtime as a whole than the OJ trials. Its time we just stop the madness. A trial should not take months, and so what if someone you do not know killed his wife. I know it sounds cold, but is it of any importance to you? Will it change your life if you see it? Probably not, but the laws that were changed while you were caught up in the trial that most certainly did. It was the bate and switch, we let it happen.

We let it happen again when so few of us forgot to question we were attacked on 911 on George W. Bush’s watch. We were so quick to blame Clinton for the attack on the USS Coles but somehow gave George a Free pass. Why is that?

Because we forgot that “United we stand, Divided we fall” But some how we have allowed our selves to become divided.

We Are Divided Only If We Let It.

            Do we not all have at heart the same basic common goals? To take care of our family. To provide them food and shelter. To live in peace. To help our friends when they need help because we know that they would help us when we need it. Is not that one of the basic most important goals in our lives? Security? So how are we so different, when at the core we believe in the same things. We are only different because we have been told we are, but we are not. We have allowed ourselves to be divided forgetting…

We Are Divided Only If We Let It.

            There is an old saying that “ we fear that what we do not know”. I think that in this day and age of global communication we need to expand that belief. We now can know the weather on the other side of the globe in an instant. We can see pictures of another planet in minutes, but we forget that we are all different. We live in a different kind of country. We forget that we are like separate countries, with different ideals and goals joined together to give us strength, but allowing us to be different. Now the media continues to hammer away at our differences as if it’s bad. Different doesn’t mean bad; it simply means that we are different. But the media pushes it in a divisive way, when it’s not.

We Are Divided Only If We Let It.

            When you live out in a rural part of the country you just can’t understand why someone needs to spend years in school with book learning, and can’t hunt a deer. The city dweller can’t understand why you would want to hunt the deer in the first place. Different... Yes. Bad… No. The person in the country plants their vegetable garden and cans their food, they take the time to cook a meal from real food not a box marked “Heat and serve” The city dweller buys it from a store, or a fast food place. Different... Yes. Bad… No. Should it divide us?

We Are Divided Only If We Let It.

As a small child our first instinct is to share. How many times is it that we marvel at a baby when we give them a piece of food, when they are no longer hungry they offer it back to us, and we say “isn’t that cute they want to share with us.

We all need to find that child inside of us again. To stand together with our many differences and find that common ground. To reclaim the country bequeath to us, “We the people”, by our Founding Fathers. To rekindle their spirit and remember that this great experiment of a country, governed by the people and for the people can survive. That, “We the people” are America, and we are taking it back from the 1*Neo-cons. Once again. “That we the people” can govern ourselves. Because when “We the people govern ourselves we all do better economically and socially, that we are a nation that the world looks up to for leadership and guidance. That we are the nation where dreams not only come true but where dreams of tomorrow are born. We need to show the world that the great experiment was not in vein that we do remember…

“United We Stand”.


By: William A. Peary 01-30-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


1* Neo-con is a shortened version of neo-conservatism.

ne·o·con·ser·va·tism also ne·o-con·ser·va·tism (nē´ō-kən-sûrʹvə-tĭz´əm) noun
An intellectual and political movement in favor of political, economic, and social conservatism that arose in opposition to the perceived liberalism of the 1960's: “The neo-conservatism of the 1980s is a replay of the New Conservatism of the 1950s, which was itself a replay of the New Era philosophy of the 1920s” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).  [2]

[2]Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V., further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.


Silent Thought

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  01-25-05

    While digging out from the recent snow I found myself alone with my thoughts, and I find it perplexing at how a group of people who consider themselves "Children of God", can be so intolerant of others, especially when most religions teach tolerance, of others.

    I find it to be so amazing that the same people who are against abortion because it is killing, support the killing of those who do not follow their belief. They support the killing of innocent civilians in Iraq, while refusing to believe the widely known truth Iraq was not a threat. 

    If someone chooses not to believe in God, they feel that they must force it upon them. As in the deceptive practice that they have now embarked on of trying to destroy science in this century by calling evolution of the universe, creationism. They Believe that the earth is 6 thousand years old, and want the rest of us to believe it too. Their argument is this:

  1. How can the idea that matter existed eternally be a scientific idea, since a statement like this can't be proven scientifically?
  2. Isn't the idea that matter existed eternally based on blind faith?
  3. Considering the standard atheists' position that science and religion/philosophy must be separate, how can atheistic evolution/big-bang cosmology be a valid scientific theory, since it's dependent on philosophical assumptions like that?

Source http://www.scientificcreationism.org/evidenceI.html 

You can apply those exact 3 questions to creationism. The difference is that when a scientific model is applied to both theories creationism falls apart from the start. Where as the timeline from the Big bang can be proven. At least the scientific method calls it a theory, which means it is open to change until proven as fact .Where creationism is calling it fact because God (an unproven faith based entirety) tells us so.

    I was taught in a Catholic school for my first 9 years of school and if there's one thing I have learned is that their is no formal proof only conjecture. It is a belief. A belief that is based entirely  upon the writing of other men. The writing that were reinterpreted by others many time through the last 2 thousand years. Many items were added that were clearly the device of other men. Many things were interpreted to mean something else as time marched on, as words changed in meaning. If you say that you believe in God than consider this. If Christ is the son of God than would you not say that the word of the Father should carry more weight than the son? With that said if we accept that the Ten Commandments are the only rules laid down by God, then there is not much room for reinterpretation. Simply put We were to respect One God, Respect our family, respect others, to be truthful, and not to steel. 

    No where does it say "force my belief on those who do not believe".

    If we all just follow these simple rules the world would be so much more peaceful. We would not go into war under the banner that "God is on our side", which by the 5th commandant, "Thou shall not kill".

By: William A. Peary 01-25-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


We Need To Work Together

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  01-12-05

When all is said and done I think that everyone, needs to take an objective look at what happened in Ohio, and to revisit What happened in Florida, and see just how dangerously close we are to having our country taken from under us. It doesn't matter weather if your Republican, Democratic, Independent, or Green, we must take an objective look at what went wrong with our voting system. It is now a proven fact that by several large major newspapers that recounted Florida, that Al Gore won. The only way that he loses if if you just recount the percents that he wanted to recount, but if you recount the entire state, Al Gore won the state of Florida and hence the election of 2000. I have pages and pages at to the problems with Ohio and I suspect that when some large newspaper will again look into what happened and again we will find that John Kerry won there as well. The only thing is that it will be too late once again to have our votes counted the way they were cast.

    I believe, that no mater what party you support, that if you look at the evidence you will agree.

    Why should you?

Because you believe in America.

Because you are an American.

    Because we all, if we call ourselves Americans, if we believe in the Constitution, which starts with "We the people..." Not We The Corporations. It's the corporations that now have control of the voting process. When questions arise and we need to see the software used to count the votes we are told NO, it is the intellectual property of their company, and we need to trust them.

    They are using a computer, and a basic computer that you or I have in our home right now, and in fact it is running either Windows 98 or Windows 2000 by their own admission.

Think about it.


    I don't think that there is a person alive on the planet right now that is using a computer, that is using a Windows operating system, that has never had a problem. Most the problem became so sever that you either reinstalled your operating system or out of frustration you went out and bought a Mac.

    If the government would just use a version of Linux, than write the program to use on these voting machines. Then there would be no question as to intellectual property. It is an open source code software that "We the people" can own, that "We the people" can audit, that "We the people" can control.

By: William A. Peary 01-12-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


The Morning After  

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  01-06-05

Well after all is said and done the Democrats Carried their boats down to the water but left  the paddles home. They backed down again, with the exception of one Senator, Barbara Boxer and 33 Representatives from the House.

    I would like to say thank you to John Conyers, Senator Barbara Boxer and the other 32 Representatives for standing up, in not only signing the bill but voting not to accept the electors. You truly are Patriotic Americans that would make the Founding Fathers proud. You are what the Democratic party should be and not what it has become. 

Thank You.

    The Democratic party had a chance to stand up to the Fraud of the BushCo Administration and they choked at the last minute. They stood there and said "we don't think that this will change anything..." That was the first mistake. They should of said that if it wasn't for the fraud in Ohio as well as Florida and other states, John Kerry would now be President Elect. The second mistake was when it came to a vote they all but 34 became a "Republican light" party, and voted to approve the electors. Millions of us believe and know just by looking at the data that there was wide spread fraud in several states in this election. Apparently most of our Democratic party members does not know that. They are believing the main stream media that they should be more center or more like the Republicans. 

    They just don't get it. Why should anyone vote for the Democratic party when they are "The Republican Light" party... You might as well just vote for the Republicans in the first place.

    Now because of their lack of unanimity, instead of shedding light on the issue, it was reduced to short blip on the main stream nightly news, and a screen crawl on the morning news. If They all stood together the mainstream news would have to pay more attention to what happened. Unfortunately if you do not make a loud noise you get ignored, and a "squeak" did not qualify an a loud noise, therefore it was ignored. 

As I said above we need to take back our party Now! 

We must all stand up now and forever more, and be proud that we are A Democrat that we are Liberal.  We ourselves have let the word Liberal become a "Bad" word by shunning it, by not acting as though it is good to be a Liberal. When we are called a Liberal we should be proud... Proud that someone thinks that much of your beliefs to compare you to the Founding Fathers. If not for that band of Liberals we would not have America today.

By: William A. Peary 01-06-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


America Where Have You Gone

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  01-04-05

What I find so amazing is the total lack of knowledge the average person now has about what is truly going on in this country. Oh sure they know the latest sports scores and who got traded to what team. They know that it is going to rain for the next 2 days, or that it was the hottest day of the year. But as to anything else... it's all the "sanitized" news that is fit for the American public. Ok you say that you are too busy to get the information, except from snippets here and there throughout the day. 

    You just don't have the time to be informed.

    Funny but we live in the information age. For better or worse there is more information out there every day than ever before. If you want to be informed then you have to listen to something more informative, than just a music station. If you want to have control over your destiny , you need to be informed. I am still amazed when I talk to people that they do not realize what happened in this last election. They have not a clue about the voter Fraud in Ohio. And when I start to tell them at first they think that I am making it up, like it's a joke and they are waiting for the punch line. They are oblivious to the fact that what went on makes Water Gate look like a cheap dime store novel. When I tell them about the problems in Florida, and New Mexico, I can see from the look in their eyes as they reach overload. It is just too much to process, because they knew nothing about what happened till just know.

    Why is it that something this important, where the very foundation of our country is at stake, our right to vote... the Main Stream News Media has gone silent.

    I have many Republican friends, and I get sent numerous e-mails with heading like "see I told you..." and after a few minutes of research on the internet I usually can debunk them as a hoax, and not true. What is even more amazing is that no mater how many times I prove to them that they are being lied to they still refuse to see the truth. When you discuses with them what their values are they refuse to see that the Republican party is not representative of those values any more. 

    It seems that people would rather believe the simple lie rather than the hard truth.

    Day in and day out they sell their freedoms and rights away on the lie that it will make life better. Well it won't. Times have not changed that much when it comes to money and power over the last several thousand years. The problems that we face today, we faced 200 years ago when the constitution was written.  A lot of the protections were put there for a reason. Those rights and freedoms are now being dismantled now by the rich and powerful.

    We send our children all over the world in the uniform of our country's military, and have them put into harms way. Some never to come home again. Somehow they don't have the time to find out what is the truth all around us. They act at if that this is a big sports event, and so what if their team fouled the other team and didn't get caught, because their team won. 

    We are at the edge of the precipice and need to wake up. Do you realize that now that BushCo wants detention for life if they are accused as a terrorist without any proof, and never have the right to due process. By the definition of the Patriot Act, you can now be subject to that definition just by reading this web?  BushCo is turning the clock back 790 years to 1215 to a time to before the Magna Charta. The Magna Charta led to the English and later the United States Constitutions. More precisely it gave protection to the rights of the nobles and common citizens alike to be free of arbitrary actions against their persons or property by their sovereign. It has come to be recognized as the first cornerstone of liberty and justice in the western world.

    The world has always faced terrorism although it was not called that. Every day bands of thieves, and robbers roomed the land. Countries sent out their armies around the world to plunder the wealth of other countries. Innocent civilians were killed or sold into a life of slavery. Yes terrorism existed for years, but by a different name.

    I can only think of a statement that comes to mind right now.

"That they can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.."

That statements made over 200 years ago, but still apply today. The Statement was made by Benjamin Franklin.

    These men found the time to fight and die so that we could finally have a nation the was ruled by the people and for the people. All you have to do is stay informed, so that through your vote you can control your destiny...your country. 

You only need to seek the truth. To not believing the easy lie.

The truth is out there, and you need to find it before there is no truth left to find. 

You need to find it before there is no one left to hear you...

**  "Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because it aided the terrorists and gave ammunition to America's enemies, and I didn't speak up because...... I didn't speak up".

"Then they came for me....... and by that time no one was left to speak up".


By: William A. Peary 01-04-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


** Excerpt By Stephen Rohde, a constitutional lawyer and President of the ACLU of Southern California.


Am I the only one

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  12-17-04

Am I the only one that thinks that BushCo. has duped at least 1/4 of the population with this past election? Remember when there was always the constant threat of attack benign posted in the news for every holiday? Every time a new message from Bin laden was released to the news the threat level went up ? 

And NOW.... 


Thanksgiving came and went and No Threat level elevation. Not one peep about anything...

Christmas and nothing...

A new Message from Bin Laden... 


Not one Comment...

Just Nothing...

The silence  from the White House and BushCo. is deafening.

Remember when Dick Cheney said if we make the wrong choice...

Don't you think that you did now? We were all benign played as pawns in some twisted political play called "The BushCo. Re-election Campaign".

The only thing that has change it that the election is over. Do you really think that terrorist decided to only act up to keep John Kerry from benign elected?

If that's the case than they can't be considered terrorist, they are a political action party to promote American Democracy.

Maybe even a viable third party, after all they did reach millions of voters.

They might even be considered a 527. After all they collect funding tax free, and advertise with fear to effect our election outcome, much like the Republicans. 

They might even be Republican.

Why else is it that now terrorism doesn't exists even when it is thrust in our face.

Don't you see it now?

You Were Had!!!

By: William A. Peary 12-17-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Watch Out For The Man Behind The Curtain

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published 12-09-04

    As you can well see that the vote in Ohio is under the gun and no longer a secret. The funds have been raised to start the recount. The Kerry campaign is now on board with The Nader Campaign and the Green Party, to recount Ohio. 

    Kenneth Blackwell as stalled the vote counting to the very last minute and now the stalling is over. Everyone has waited patiently and now the time has come and the issue has not gone away but has silently grown stronger. 

    The Bush Administration knows that the possibility of the dirty deeds to steel the 2004 election is about to be uncovered so up pops another Carl Rove diversion tactic. What is it you ask? Well as you know Mainstream news has said very little about Ohio of Florida's problems with this election. As you well know that the news attributed BushCo  win with the Christian's turning out to vote because of the gay marriage issue. 

    Now the same day that the Judiciary committee meats in Washington up pops a story on network news about the words "Christmas" benign removed from Christmas songs in public schools. If you have seen the movie Bush's Brain you will most certainly recognize the tactic. It is designed to do two things. First to divert attention. Second a rallying call to the Christian base, to rally together to change the subject and hide the dirty truth from coming out about the election. Another by product to to assemble a force to once again begin the disruptive tactics as used in the 2000 election to STOP the vote counting...but this time Ohio is the target.

    Why is it that the Republicans are always talking about the rule of law. Why is it that the Republicans are always talking about, whether someone has high moral values (which they have stopped doing since every time they bring it up, more people in their party seem to fall from grace due to moral indirections than the ones they intended to smear).

Why is it that the Republicans are always afraid to count our votes?

By: William A. Peary 12-09-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



What A Difference A Day Makes

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  11-26-04

During the days leading up to and including November 2nd elections we were told by George W. Bush and Dick Chaney that we had to keep thing as they were. A variation of "Stay The Course". If we did not than terrible things would happen. We should not change our leadership because that is what is protecting us. This was the all consuming message, this was the engine of fear that drove the campaign.

Now terrorism is abolished according to Attorney General , John Ashcroft  . He can now resign knowing that he has fulfilled his mission, sort of a "Mission Accomplished".

What a Difference A Day Makes.

Secretary Of State Colin Powell can now step down, and even though he stated in a letter to George W. Bush he would stay if asked, he was not asked. I guess two people leaving is not enough to constitute enough of a change.

What a Difference A Day Makes.

Spencer Abraham Secretary of energy is now leaving, and leaving us with the highest prices for Gas and oil products in our history. But It does not seem important now although George & Company stand to gain massive amounts of wealth from this. But there is no public outrage (As Yet).

What a Difference A Day Makes.

Ron Paige, Secretary of education is also leaving, along with the millions of children left behind from his "No Child Left Behind" program.

What a Difference A Day Makes.

Porter Goss makes massive changes and has hundreds of people leaving the CIA at a time when we are most at risk according to BushCo. But that's OK  I forgot John Ashcroft said "Mission Accomplished" 

What a Difference A Day Makes.

Now during these times of extreme challenges we fill these posts, not with experienced people but with loyal followers of BushCo. Oh I forgot "Mission Accomplished". 

What a Difference A Day Makes.

There were some who said that this war in Iraq was becoming another Viet Nam. They were quickly dismissed and told it was not the same.

What a Difference A Day Makes.

My Parents were the generation that went to war to end all wars, and fought for unions, to protect their jobs and give their children a better standard of living. While BushCo turns back the hands of time and dismantles our unions and sends our jobs over seas.

What a Difference A Day Makes.

My generation was the generation that saw a country heading down a wrong path causing nearly 40 thousand Americans killed, and we stood up to say, this is wrong and it must end. As time marched on there has been the slow silencing of those voices.

What a Difference A Day Makes.

Half the country saw that the Emperor did NOT have new clothes on Nov 2nd. It is now time for the rest to stand up and see that the Emperor does NOT have new clothing.

A Day Can Make A Difference... If We Only Look.

By: William A. Peary 11-26-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


We Must Speak Up

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  11-08-04

    Well after taking the day away from everything to just do nothing, to not think about the election. I have heard so many people on the radio and TV talking about how the Democratic Party must regroup. How the Democratic Party must work to gain back the southern states. I have heard people saying that John Kerry should have done this or done that. I have heard that when Bush starts to cause his base to loose jobs, to loose income, they will come back to the Democratic Party. Yes we should continue to try to be more inclusive of other people’s ideas and platforms.

No matter what we say, No matter whom we blame, it is all means nothing. We are accusing our politicians of not getting the message out.

I find that I still cannot get away from one nagging question.

What if all the stories are true?

What if the Black Boxes were wrong?

What if there really was a concerted effort to recast the votes?

How do we look each other in the face again after we blame one another… when the fault was not ours to bear without first having looked at the ever growing evidence?

How do you say you’re sorry I blamed you when the fault was not theirs?

Why do we not even ask the simplest of questions... let’s look at the machines?

For all the talk of “wait till 2006 we will organize we will win back the will of the people”.

But step back If any of what  the ever growing body of evidence is true, we cannot regain any elected government offices back in places with Black Box Touch Screen Voting Machines?

There will be no winning back anything if the voices from within, that can fight back do not speak up.

Till in the end it will be...

**Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy....and I didn't speak up because...... I didn't speak up.

"Then they came for me....... and by that time no one was left to speak up".

** By Stephen Rohde, a constitutional lawyer and President of the ACLU of Southern California

By: William A. Peary 11-08-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


The Big Picture  

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  11-05-04

I have heard a lot of talk on the radio and on the Internet about how there was problems in Ohio with Touch Screen Voting (Black Box Voting).  (See Vindy.com). Than there was talk about problems in Florida. Than problems in the Carolinas, just this morning more talk from another state Georgia. Well I still have seen no one connect the dots. If all these machines are connected together than who is to say that in the central location that you just peal off 200 to 300 thousand votes from each state to now give the National appearance of Bush winning. As I wrote about earlier (See Past Posts Sept 27 04) when everyone was talking about the polls were off, I brought up the reasoning that the polls had to be slanted now so that later when Bush wins it won't come as a surprise.

Now What Can We Do.

First: Compare the exit polls from places with black box voting, to places that did not use black box voting. I suspect a pattern will start to emerge which is that the exit polls will only be unusually off in the places using black boxes.

Second: Compare the total vote count with the actual count of voters that showed up. All polling places have books that they use to see who you are or if you're registered that you must sign before you vote.

Third: Until the black boxes are removed than we must only vote by absentee ballot in places that use black box voting, and the candidates should tell that to all their voters when they are campaigning. 

This may sound a little over the top but when you stop think about it for just one minute it is not that far off. If it can be done in one state as everyone seems to think why not take the next logical step after all they are all connected together.

If any of this makes any sense at all than send it to any other political web sight you go to tell other people about it. Spread the word. Send links to this editorial to everyone you know.

(Use this link to send it:   http://www.foundingfreedoms.com/pages/black_box.htm ).

There is all kind of talk out there about what the Democrats did wrong, and no one is addressing the heart of the problem... the black box. If indeed the turnout was more in favor of the Democrats. Now we loose due to the black boxes it is not just a defeat... it is a hard swift kick in the gut to everyone that voted, because somehow deep in our heart we know that historically we should have won. Now not only an election is tainted but also the Democratic Party is demoralized causing dissention and division. 

In every state that these black boxes have showed up in there has been nothing but trouble. People have been fighting against them from the start in their communities (See Links Below) but now it is time to take up the cause nation wide. We were better off with the hanging, swinging dimpled, pregnant chards. In the event of a recount you can actually pick up the ballot and look at it not just a final count from a central computer. With the lever voting machines you would have to have a large conspiracy to rig every machines because each one stands alone and than each one is looked at separately and than totaled together. Black boxes are totaled in a central location that takes only ONE PERSON to change the vote count nation wide. Until the Black Boxes are gone and relegated to the scrap heap nationwide there can never be another election held in this country without the perception of it having been tainted.

Black Box Voting Site Here

Read Stories Black Box Voting Click Here


"First They Came for the Jews"
By Pastor Niemoller

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Then They Came for Me (A New Twist)

By Stephen Rohde, a constitutional lawyer and President of the ACLU of Southern California. Adapted from the original by Rev. Martin Niemoller (1937).

First they came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim.

Then they came to detain immigrants indefinitely solely upon the certification of the Attorney General, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an immigrant.

Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a suspect.

Then they came to prosecute non-citizens before secret military commissions, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a non-citizen.

Then they came to enter homes and offices for unannounced "sneak and peek" searches, and I didn't speak up because I had nothing to hide.

Then they came to reinstate Cointelpro and resume the infiltration and surveillance of domestic religious and political groups, and I didn't speak up because I had stopped participating in any groups.

Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because it aided the terrorists and gave ammunition to America's enemies, and I didn't speak up because...... I didn't speak up.

Then they came for me....... and by that time no one was left to speak up.


There Are Citizens In America Who Have Been Fighting Against These Black Boxes For Over 3 Years Now. Citizens Who Were Victimized By Black Box Voting. We Cannot Hold The Elections Again And When It Makes A Mistake It Is Un Repairable And Thousands Have Lost Their Vote To An Electronic Void. We Do Not Know If The Person Who Should Have Won Really Did. It Is Time We All As A Nation Join Together In The Fight Against Black Box Voting.

By: William A. Peary 11-05-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



2004 Report Card For President George W. Bush .

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  10-25-04

    Four years ago George W. Bush said and promised the country a lot of things. Unfortunately even before the votes were finished being counted he began to show his true colors. He dragged the Federal Supreme Court into the State of Florida's election process, going against what he just campaigned on that States should govern themselves. This was only a warning sign, that he could not be taken at his word.

He has spent all the surplus and blamed 9-11, and the war. That was not the reason he raided the "Lock Box" that he promised to have our Social Security in, it was his tax breaks he gave to all of , as he puts it "His Base".

As more of the truth is made public we find that this administration had plans all along to go after Iraq. In doing so they created a haven and a breeding ground for terrorist. Now a country that had no terrorists before, now has between 8,000 and 12,000. Just today it was released in the news that over 360 tons of explosives was missing from a supply depot in Iraq. Just think, with most all of our military force in Iraq with heavy weapons and Air support, and they can't stop the terrorist there and we feel safer with Bush here because WHY? By all his actions he has never listened to the people who knew the facts and tried to protect this country. He only reacts to situations after they happen. If this is protection we are in big trouble, for Mr. Bush protects us by closing the barn door after the horse has run away.

Mr. Bush always has a plan to benefit the working families in this country but some how he never has the time to either tell us what it is or to implement it, and for the plans he does create he some how forgets to fund them so in the end they never work. Funny though when it comes to tax breaks for "His Base" they are always fully funded, even if it means borrowing from our children's future to pay for it.

Now we are forced to endure even more attacks on other people just to support his failing presidency. This is a person who says he is a leader but somehow when ever anything goes wrong it is never his fault. It is always something or someone else is at fault. I for one am tired of that same old excuse. We have given Mr. Bush nearly 4 years to get it right or even close to right, but just as in his academic pursuits he is failing.  This time a "C" is not a grade to joke about. The presidency of the United States is not a place for on the job training, with a promise to some day get it right. Just as in his Air force career he has cost our government, which is us the taxpayers of this country a lot more than one and a half million dollars in flight training, then not showing up for duty.

Mr. Bush has cost us the respect of the world at large. We all know now that the reasons for war with Iraq were fabricated. Unfortunately half the country was and is "Resistant to Information". The world knew, that is why Mr. Bush cannot get other nations to join the collation. The fact is that Mr. Bush wants others to put up money, and troops, and just sit back while he and his Vice President turn Iraq into a money making venture. Their idea of sharing is they take the profits for themselves and "Their Base" and everyone else gets the bill. Unfortunately this corporate raid is causing a permanent  job loss by causing the death of thousands of people. For all the statistic's out there we never hear about how many innocent civilians are now dead, by our smart bombs, or how many people are dying a slow cancerous death by the depleted uranium we use in those smart bombs. 

It should give one pause to think for just one minute which is worse the sickness....or the cure. Maybe the the world was right and if the inspectors were given more time even those "Resistant to Information would have finally been able to see what the rest of the world had seen. Unfortunately this time Mr. Bush has gotten an even lower grade. This time Mr. Bush gets a "D". Fitting for he has done nothing but cause Division within this country. He and his party caused the Disenfranchisement of thousands of voters. He has caused Destruction on a global scale to our environment. He has caused Death of thousands of innocent lives, with absolutely no remorse. He Has Depleted our financial resources. His Delayed reactions to security after the fact making us less safe.

I think this is one student who should be left behind for he is not "Resistant to Information" he is in a state of Denial.


By: William A. Peary 10-25-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Munchausen By Proxy

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published 10-31-04

After having thought about why people say that George W. Bush makes them feel safer. I can only think of one rational reason. 

MUNCHAUSEN BY PROXY (MBP) (also called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, and Factitious Disorder by Proxy) is a label for a pattern of behavior in which caretakers deliberately exaggerate and/or fabricate and/or induce physical and/or psychological-behavioral-mental health problems in others.

Exaggerate: The perpetrator deliberately embellishes a genuine problem.
Fabricate: The perpetrator deliberately makes up a problem story - OR makes it look as if a problem exists.
Induce: The perpetrator deliberately causes a problem to exist.  

First George W. Bush continues to embellish 911 and in a way that causes genuine fear. He than sends out other people in his administration to say that somehow it is your fault if you choose poorly. He then performs the healing ritual by raising the terror alert.

He gives you the Illusion of illness, and yes I do mean illusion. Bush and his administration  continues to re enforce the fear every so often by vague threats and ominous warnings.

The Real Cure is a two part and very simple.

By: William A. Peary 10-31-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


What's In A Word.

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  10-20-04

Let me start with a definition and see if you think it is terribly wrong.

Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.

Now does that conjure up fear in your heart? Does that cause you to run and hide? It describes someone who is willing to expand one's mind. To use the phrase of today "To think outside of the box". To look at situations in a unconventional manner. To accept new and old ideas without prejudice. Think about it... It sound's like the type of thinking that our Founding Fathers used when framing our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.  Is not that the basic principals that we are taught not only at home but in school? Don't all religions teach that bigotry is wrong? Next

Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Now just think about this sentence... It amazingly enough could describe The United States Of America. Think about how once our Nation was formed and how the American spirit could not be kept down. Think about all the advancements America gave to the world. There was the car, with the Henry Ford assembly line. The Airplane that revalorized travel, and later we were able to stand on the moon, and reach even further beyond to the stars. There was the Submarine, allowing us to now for the first time to travel under the oceans, the Steamship that freed us from waiting for tides and wind to embark on our destinations. Then Communications with the telegraph, and the telephone, conveying a idea or just a simple greeting to someone in seconds not days. The means of spreading not only information but entertainment with the radio and,  television. We created computers, the internet, and cell phones, not to mention the medical advancements, and the list goes on and on. How about that. Does that sound like the work of some evil force? Are you the kind of person that feels that you identify with any or all of those two sentences?

Would you be shocked to find out that those are just two of the meanings of a word that our right wing  political establishment has been slandering and vilifying for the last 30 years. Because of this word and what it means it is why we are here today, why we have advanced so far in such a short time.

The word you ask?


We train our military to be liberal. Just think about it. A unit is taught that you are only as strong as the weakest man, and the rest of the unit should help them. Because in helping them you help your unit survive.

What I find so amazing is that one of the largest group of people out there condemning the concept of a Liberal. They jeer in approval at Bush rallies when he accuses someone of being Liberal. Who are these people? They are the right wing Evangelical Christians. Isn't that amazing, Christians, whose foundation is formed on Liberalism. To love thy neighbor as you love thyself. Now George W. Bush and the Republican party throw the word "Liberal" around as if it was some filthy and disgusting word, that should evoke immediate hatred and disgust. Yet they claim to be God fearing men and women, not realizing that by condemning the concept of a Liberal they are spitting in the face of one that they say they hold near and dear. They are spitting in the face of God. Because just think Jesus fed the masses, taught the masses, and healed the sick. He practiced this with everyone and excluded no one. By that definition Jesus was a Liberal.  

By: William A. Peary 10-20-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



One Bullet

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  10-4-2004

    I have just finished watching the documentary The Hunting Of The President. It is something that I find that I must now speak out on. It was a time that I remember well, and I could not for the life of me understand why nor what was happening. Our government was involving itself in places it had never been nor should have been. It dragged up all the outrage I had felt from the past toward the Right Wing Ultra Conservatives. I remember well when the call went out for President William Jefferson Clinton's impeachment. I called the Whitehouse and spoke my mind. I said that I was someone who was standing behind President Clinton. I could see that the only major issue he was guilty of was a personal matter between himself and his family. He was someone who cared for the country and the people in it. Bill Clinton was someone who came from humble beginnings and never forgot it nor did he forget the little people as he rose in government. Even as President he and Hillary still cared for the average citizen. He always fought the good fight for us, and I asked that he not resign as the news papers were asking, but to fight on again, just one more time for us the people, for an attack on  was an attack on us all. It was a fight that would be difficult, but I asked that he fight on just one more time for all of us who believed in him and what he stood for. The movie only confirms what I felt was happening then but did not know. It remained hidden just below the surface, whether the news media was practicing "lies of omission" then it's not clear. In this country than, there was a witch hunt going on. It was a return to McCarthyism. It was a news media that had run amuck being used as a tool for this dastardly deed. 

What I think is just as important as the movie is in the bonus features. President Clinton addressed the audience at the end of a private screening, for about 30 minutes. In it he describes in detail the struggles that our county is going through now and has in the past. It is described in the book that I found through Air America Radio it is called The Great Divide. He said that we are in the mists of another great power struggle again and we need to over come it once again, and we can if we all heed the call and work together. How we do that is to counteract the lies spread by the right wing, with truth. As corny as it may sound we cannot fight them with their deceitful tactics. We Fight them with truth as President Bill Clinton proved, that truth will win the day. It will not be an easy battle but it is one that has now been foisted on us all. He thanked  have new fighters like Move on.org and Air America Radio. We must use our new tools, the Internet to spread the word, and old ones, our voice. Think of the Kevin Costner's movie the Postman and the simple way he saved the day, was through communication. We must speak up. It has worked already, we spoke out loud and clear after the first Kerry, Bush debate, We would not accept nothing less than John Kerry a the winner and no mater how hard the right wing spin machine tried John Kerry Still won. We must speak out against the madness the lies and innuendos. We must once again learn to be proud that we are Americans and remember that "Freedom is not free" Many a man and woman died so that we can have freedom of speech, freedom to question, freedom to be who and what you want to be.

We are nearing a crossroad and it is this election. Why? There are several reasons but one of the most pressing is the replacement of one or more Supreme Court Judges, which can profoundly affect our laws and our nation. We must all take up the call to arms, not with guns but with words. We must fill the void that the news media has left. They once again have becoming a tool of the right wing, but this time instead of being vocal and outspoken and probing they choose to be silent, "the lie of omission". 

The Revolution has begun and it will continue with or without you. Complacency will only return us back to a time akin to the dark ages where there will be no progress forward. Where we will have someone else make moral decisions for us. What we need to remember is that we should be guided by our faith not governed by it. We will have more lies and deceit foisted upon us as this current administration has done. We will become more isolated in the world at a time when the world has gotten so small that you cannot be isolated.

 We all have one bullet, and it is our vote. So let us use it wisely to choose a brighter ever more expanding future.

Therefore I Vote For A Brighter Tomorrow

Therefore I Vote For A Stronger America

Therefore I Vote For A Free Tomorrow


By: William A. Peary 10-04-04

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com



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