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January 2006
Jobs Created 225,000...First Time Unemployment Claims 395,000. You may
remember that just before the Christmas / holidays BushCo went on the news to
brag about the fact that there (finally) was a decent number of new jobs
created, but what they didn't tell anyone is that more people filed for first
time unemployment claims, which means less people had a job at the end of the
month then at the beginning of the month. So BushCo still has less people
working now 5 years after he became president than before he was
"Appointed" president. in 2000.
01-06-06 Could
It Be That Ashcroft Left Because Of The BushCo Spying Program? On Jan 1st
the NY
Times reported a story that just died. The story reported about when
Attorney General John Ashcroft, who was hospitalized for gallbladder surgery it
seems that Andrew H. Card Jr., and Alberto R. Gonzales went to the hospital to persuade
Ashcroft to approve the spying without a court order and Ashcroft told them flat
out it was illegal.
01-06-06 Abramoff
Could Become The New 6 Degrees Game. It
seems that among other thing Mohamed Atta one of the 911 hijackers, made several
trips on Abramoff gambling cruse ships. He also gave over $100,000.00 to Bush,
and Bush is now returning $6,000.00 what about the other $94,000.00 George?
Abramoff has ties to Grover G. Norquist, a leading conservative strategist and
president of Americans for Tax Reform, and Ralph Reed, the former director of
the Christian Coalition who is now a candidate for lieutenant governor in
Georgia. Abramoff's former personal assistant once worked for Karl
Rove, President Bush's chief political strategist. Then there is Chris
Matthews, yes Chris Matthews, and Rick Santorum, Tom Delay and Bob Ney,
Dennis Hastert, and David
H. Safavian, who was the head of the White House procurement office. The List
goes on and on and on, In total Abramoff gave $4.4 Million to over 200 Republican
candidates and campaign committees since 1999.
01-07-06 My Translation
Of The Speech Bush Gave Yesterday Is As Follows:
I'm Going To Start Out By Lying To You... Again. (Smile
Snicker) Because I think That You Are Nothing But A Bunch Of DUMB BASTARDS (Big
Toothy Smile, Snicker). I'm Going To Throw In A Lot Of Reasons For You
To Be Afraid Of Problems That I Helped Create. I Took Away Most Of The
Social Programs For Most Americans, And Gave The Money To My Base (Really Big
Smile) The Really Rich! Them I Threw People In Prison Because I Said I
Could, I Tortured Them, and Stole The Oil Of Other Countries, (Smile, Pause)
Because My Friends Wanted It (Smile
Snicker). I Bet That Really Pissed A Lot Of People Off (Smile Snicker, Snicker)...
You Know This Is Hard Work! (Big Smile Snicker, Snicker)... As I Said I
Think That You Are A Bunch Of Dumb Bastards, And I Am The President, (Smile
Snicker, Snicker, Snicker)...No Make That King...(Bigger Smile, Snicker), And
You Dumb Bastards Will Do Whatever I Tell You To... (Frown Then Smile Turning To A Snicker)
And You Will Kiss My Ass, (Frownie Smile) Weather You Like It Or Not,
Because I'm King George. (Really Big Smile and A Snicker)

01-08-06 First
Our Jobs, Now Our Money. Reagan than now Bush and the rest of the Republican
party insisted that if we gave tax cuts to the extremely wealthy (by borrowing
the money from our children), that they would spend it creating jobs. Guess
again in an article in the NY
Times today it explains how the money is now invested in foreign Stock
markets, to the tune of $149 Billion more in 2005 than in previous years. Don't
keep a sack ready for all that money BushCo promised you keep a bar of soap and
towel handy because the trickle down you feel on your head ain't money.
01-12-06 From
The Daily
Kos And The Washington
Post: Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as "disruptors....a
little-noticed provision of the latest version of the USA Patriot Act bill,
arguing that it would give the Secret Service wider latitude to charge
protesters accused of disrupting major events including political conventions
and the Olympics...The measure is the latest point of contention in a GOP
(Republican)-approved conference bill that would make permanent
most parts of the Patriot Act anti-terrorism law and would renew two other
provisions for four years.
You Can Do Something. Take
the time to Call Your Congressmen or Email them and tell them that you think that
this is just WRONG, Unless You Like having Your Freedom Of speech Taken Away...A
freedom given to us all by the deaths of our founding fathers with the blood of
their family members in the creation of this country.
Find Your Reps By Clicking
01-12-06 The
Next Time Someone Tells You That The Democrats Took Money From Jack Abramoff.
Play This Sound Clip From Howard Dean. Click
here to Play, Right Click and "save as" to keep
01-17-06 Click
Here To Hear The Full Speech By Al Gore Yesterday. Amongst
other thing he talks about the Bush Administration reaching for a power grab not
intended by the Constitution and it's framers, as well as the illegality of
their wiretapping. It really Is Well Worth Listening
01-18-06 The
Pimping of the Presidency. Jack Abramoff and
Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. Bush. It started just 4
months after Bush was sworn in that if you wanted access to the president to
discuss a political matter or any other matter you had to pay for the privilege.
here for the Full story or Here
If Link Is down
01-20-06 Louise
Slaughter On The Majority Report On Wednesday Reveled
That Delay And Frist, had day traders working out
of their offices. That gave the day traders the inside track on what stocks to
buy at a lower price prior to the passing of laws that would cause a stock to go
up. And Martha Stewart went to prison
Why? Louise
Slaughter's Web addresses: On-line
Office , Election Page
Alberto R. Gonzales Claims The Power Of A Monarchy For The Presidency. Gonzales
claimed the under the Constitution, which he does not as
I pointed out before. "If you review the legislative history of FISA,
you will find Attorney General Griffin Bell testifying before the intelligence
committee saying this was specifically passed to prevent a president from
claiming inherent presidential powers to do this again." Do you now see why
Bush wants Alito on the Supreme Court? There are 2 reasons, Alito believes in
the "Monarchy Presidency" and will agree that Bush can spy on
Americans, because he can. Then The second is if things go really bad and it
winds up before the Supreme Court Alito will come to the rescue and again twist
the law to let Bush off, you know the Republican favor game, that Abramoff
01-25-06 For those
of you that missed it... When Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales gave his speech
at George town university he was greeted with a group of students reminding him
what one of our founders once said about our security.

Protesters turning their
backs on Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales's speech yesterday at Georgetown
University. C-SPAN aired this for the length of his speech. I wonder why they
were not "escorted out" the way so many others have been in the past?
Could it be because the entire hall was filled with lawyers and student lawyers?
01-26-06 A NEW
POSTING To Black Box Voting Page Is A Must Read... Click
01-26-06 Click
Here For Audio (1.5Mb) Of
Howard Dean On NBC Morning Show With Katy Couric. Dean was ready for bear
and put Katy in Her place. The Question is will Katy ever report back that
Howard Dean was right about... "Not One Democrat, Got One Dime From Jack Abramoff".
You would think that a news program would have gotten the research right before
going on the air with a bunch of False Republican talking points.
Voting News…More Reasons Not To Trust Diebold, Or Their Election
Results. When the Alaska Democratic Party looked at the official tallies for
the 2004 elections, and then they looked at the tallies that Diebold had
released they discovered a discrepancy. So when they went to the state and
brought it to their attention the numbers that the state was posting on its web
site not match what Diebold is saying the asked to see the original files? In
fact Kay Brown said, “We must be able to verify the accuracy of our elections,
its fundamental to the whole process, the people can have confidence in the
election results, so the states division of elections refusal to let us have the
file”, Because the state said no you cannot see the data files, Kay Brown said
the just means that the data that they are using for past elections and the data
they are using for future elections will not be subject to public review and
this is wrong, and we need to get this situation straightened out.” Now before
you reach for your now very worn “Tin Foil Hat” It appears that the state
wanted to turn over the files but, (well maybe now you can start reaching for
the hat now). Alaska found that the could not turn over the files, because in
Alaska just as in a large part of the Unites States they found that the votes
had been outsourced, to a private corporation, and in Alaska the cooperation is
Diebold as in much of the US, Diebold said “We will not show you those files
or give you access to them, they are proprietary, and they represent trade
secrets, the files belong to Diebold election systems and you may not have
it”. There were over 2000 absentee ballots that appear to not have been
counted and unless they can have access to the files they will not be able to
understand what caused this and other Bazaar inaccuracies in the 2004 elections.
Miss Brown went ton to say “These votes belong to us, these are a public
record, it’s wrong that a contractor like Diebold can keep us from seeing the
Now do you see why I keep saying that it is completely
insane to privatize the vote? A private corporation now stops us from seeing a
public record.
01-30-06 Remember
That Conservative For Hundreds Of Years Meant Aristocracy. Think
about that the next time you run into someone who calls themselves a conservative
Republican. Than ask them if they like to be ruled by a king... which by the way
King... is just another word for Dictator!
1-30-06 09:07
PM According To ABC News Cindy Sheehan Was Invited By A Californian
Congressmen to Attend, And Had A Front Row Seat for Tonight's State Of The Union
Speech, But Was Arrested Before she Even Got There.
This Is Bush's America Now That He Has Stacked The Supreme
Say Good Buy To Freedom Of Speech
"Remember...The Thought Police Are Watching" (Orwell's
Follow Up 02-01-06
The offense: her shirt, bearing an
anti-war message.

protester Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed serving as a U.S. serviceman in
Iraq, is escorted by security personnel into the U.S. House of Representatives
chamber for the State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington January
31, 2006.

talks with security personnel in the House chamber after arriving for the State
of the Union address. She was escorted back out of the chamber and later charged
with "demonstrating within the Capitol."

Infamous Shirt

is then rushed out of the House chamber by security personnel. After being
arrested on a misdemeanor, approximately 60 demonstrators rallied near the U.S.
Capitol. Sheehan was wearing a shirt that read "2,242 Dead" and
"Veterans for Peace."
Presidential Oath of Office Directly From The Constitution: I do
solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of
President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve,
protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Bill Of Rights Amendment I (1)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of
the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances.
I Say More !
02-01-06 Cindy's
Response In Her Own Words From Her Blog At The Daily
What Really Happened.
Wed Feb 01, 2006 at 03:19:44 AM EST
Dear Friends,
As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the
Union Address tonight.
I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have
lost in our country.
There have been lies from the police and distortions by the press. (Shocker)
So this is what really happened:
This afternoon at the People's State of the Union Address in DC where I was
joined by Congresspersons Lynn Woolsey and John Conyers, Ann Wright, Malik Rahim
and John Cavanagh, Lynn brought me a ticket to the State of the Union Address.
At that time, I was wearing the shirt that said: 2245 Dead. How many more?
After the PSOTU press conference, I was having second thoughts about going to
the SOTU at the Capitol. I didn't feel comfortable going. I knew George Bush
would say things that would hurt me and anger me and I knew that I couldn't
disrupt the address because Lynn had given me the ticket and I didn't want to be
disruptive out of respect for her. I, in fact, had given the ticket to John
Bruhns who is in Iraq Veterans Against the War. However, Lynn's office had
already called the media and everyone knew I was going to be there so I sucked
it up and went.
I got the ticket back from John, and I met one of Congresswoman Barbara Lee's
staffers in the Longworth Congressional Office building and we went to the
Capitol via the undergroud tunnel. I went through security once, then had to use
the rest room and went through security again.
My ticket was in the 5th gallery, front row, fourth seat in. The person who
in a few minutes was to arrest me, helped me to my seat.
I had just sat down and I was warm from climbing 3 flights of stairs back up
from the bathroom so I unzipped my jacket. I turned to the right to take my left
arm out, when the same officer saw my shirt and yelled; "Protester."
He then ran over to me, hauled me out of my seat and roughly (with my hands
behind my back) shoved me up the stairs. I said something like "I'm going,
do you have to be so rough?" By the way, his name is Mike Weight.
The officer ran with me to the elevators yelling at everyone to move out of
the way. When we got to the elevators, he cuffed me and took me outside to await
a squad car. On the way out, someone behind me said, "That's Cindy
Sheehan." At which point the officer who arrested me said: "Take these
steps slowly." I said, "You didn't care about being careful when you
were dragging me up the other steps." He said, "That's because you
were protesting." Wow, I get hauled out of the People's House because
I was, "Protesting."
I was never told that I couldn't wear that shirt into the Congress. I was
never asked to take it off or zip my jacket back up. If I had been asked to do
any of those things...I would have, and written about the suppression of my
freedom of speech later. I was immediately, and roughly (I have the bruises and
muscle spasms to prove it) hauled off and arrested for "unlawful
After I had my personal items inventoried and my fingers printed, a nice Sgt.
came in and looked at my shirt and said, "2245, huh? I just got back from
I told him that my son died there. That's when the enormity of my loss hit
me. I have lost my son. I have lost my First Amendment rights. I have lost the
country that I love. Where did America go? I started crying in pain.
What did Casey die for? What did the 2244 other brave young Americans die
for? What are tens of thousands of them over there in harm's way for still? For
this? I can't even wear a shrit that has the number of troops on it that George
Bush and his arrogant and ignorant policies are responsible for killing.
I wore the shirt to make a statement. The press knew I was going to be there
and I thought every once in awhile they would show me and I would have the shirt
on. I did not wear it to be disruptive, or I would have unzipped my jacket
during George's speech. If I had any idea what happens to people who wear shirts
that make the neocons uncomfortable that I would be arrested...maybe I would
have, but I didn't.
There have already been many wild stories out there.
I have some lawyers looking into filing a First Amendment lawsuit against the
government for what happened tonight. I will file it. It is time to take our
freedoms and our country back.
I don't want to live in a country that prohibits any person, whether he/she
has paid the ulitmate price for that country, from wearing, saying, writing, or
telephoning any negative statements about the government. That's why I am going
to take my freedoms and liberties back. That's why I am not going to let Bushco
take anything else away from me...or you.
I am so appreciative of the couple of hundred of protesters who came to the
jail while I was locked up to show their support....we have so much potential
for good...there is so much good in so many people.
Four hours and 2 jails after I was arrested, I was let out. Again, I am so
upset and sore it is hard to think straight.
Keep up the struggle...I promise you I will too.
Love and peace soon,
01-26-06 A NEW
POSTING To Black Box Voting Page Is A Must Read... Click
01-26-06 Click
Here For Audio (1.5Mb) Of
Howard Dean On NBC Morning Show With Katy Couric. Dean was ready for bear
and put Katy in Her place. The Question is will Katy ever report back that
Howard Dean was right about... "Not One Democrat, Got One Dime From Jack Abramoff".
You would think that a news program would have gotten the research right before
going on the air with a bunch of False Republican talking points.
Voting News…More Reasons Not To Trust Diebold, Or Their Election
Results. When the Alaska Democratic Party looked at the official tallies for
the 2004 elections, and then they looked at the tallies that Diebold had
released they discovered a discrepancy. So when they went to the state and
brought it to their attention the numbers that the state was posting on its web
site not match what Diebold is saying the asked to see the original files? In
fact Kay Brown said, “We must be able to verify the accuracy of our elections,
its fundamental to the whole process, the people can have confidence in the
election results, so the states division of elections refusal to let us have the
file”, Because the state said no you cannot see the data files, Kay Brown said
the just means that the data that they are using for past elections and the data
they are using for future elections will not be subject to public review and
this is wrong, and we need to get this situation straightened out.” Now before
you reach for your now very worn “Tin Foil Hat” It appears that the state
wanted to turn over the files but, (well maybe now you can start reaching for
the hat now). Alaska found that the could not turn over the files, because in
Alaska just as in a large part of the Unites States they found that the votes
had been outsourced, to a private corporation, and in Alaska the cooperation is
Diebold as in much of the US, Diebold said “We will not show you those files
or give you access to them, they are proprietary, and they represent trade
secrets, the files belong to Diebold election systems and you may not have
it”. There were over 2000 absentee ballots that appear to not have been
counted and unless they can have access to the files they will not be able to
understand what caused this and other Bazaar inaccuracies in the 2004 elections.
Miss Brown went ton to say “These votes belong to us, these are a public
record, it’s wrong that a contractor like Diebold can keep us from seeing the
Now do you see why I keep saying that it is completely
insane to privatize the vote? A private corporation now stops us from seeing a
public record.
01-30-06 Remember
That Conservative For Hundreds Of Years Meant Aristocracy. Think
about that the next time you run into someone who calls themselves a conservative
Republican. Than ask them if they like to be ruled by a king... which by the way
King... is just another word for Dictator!
01-12-06 Why
Is It Not A Lie When Alito Lies To Congress, He Was Only Trying To Get A Job,
and It’s Not Important.
If It’s Ok To Lie To Get A Job Then, How Do We Know
He Is Not Lying To Us Now ? Aren’t
Republican Double Standards are Just Grand ?
Filibuster The Alito Nomination...Please Contact Your Senators Who Can Provide Critical Support To The Filibuster Effort!...Call 888-818-6641 or 888-355-3588 or 202-225-3121 If You Don't Know Who Your Senators Are Just Give The Operator Your State And They Will
Connect You
Consider This
This Is a Copy Of Two Letters I sent
To My Reprehensive. If You Wish to Do the same Use This Link
We do not need
Judge Alito
After researching Judge Alito on
the web for several days and now listening to the hearings, I am convinced that
this is someone who does not belong on the highest court in the land.
Why is it that when the Republicans were on a tare to get President Bill
Clinton the telling the truth was the most important standard to live up to. Why
is it now Judge Alito lied in the past about several points from Job application
to not reusing himself from cases that he stood to profit from, it’s not
lying. Why is it the republicans now say that it’s ok to be un-truthful on a
job application? If that’s the case, which is it, was he lying then and not
now, is he lying again? This is not the time to take a chance on him, for this
We do not need someone who dreamed up the “signing clause” that
President Bush used that basically said that I sigh this bill into law but If I
wand to just Ignore it I can, as though he is some sort of King.
I for one am disgusted with the duplicity in the Republican Party and
their two sets of standards.
Thank You For Your
Founder and Editor
of www.Foundingfreedoms.com
William A. Peary
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