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December 2005

12-01-05  Troop withdrawal? Things To Consider Before You Start CelebratingAlthough George W. Bush and the rest of the Republicans continue to act as though everything is just fine in Iraq and that they want to bring the troops home consider this.

Well first of all everything is not just fine, in fact the number of attacks per week are now at their highest levels since the fighting began, they are running at about 100 per week. Let us not forget that during the 2004 election campaign as I wrote about, there was large amounts of munitions missing that I called "Weapons of Large Scale Destruction" in the unguarded ammunitions dumps. Why? Because Bush did not allow enough troops to guard the depots. Well at the current rate of attacks with IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) enough explosives were taken to supply the attacks at the current rate for over 400 YEARS. Good move there George.

 BushCo is still building 16 military bases and one of the most expensive embassy ever. With that in mind then it only stand to reason that those bases will need to have troops stationed there right? What I already said back in August this year in my Editorial Bits And Pieces is that BushCo will up the troops for the elections again, then say he is withdrawing them, and we find that it’s just the old shell game when we are back to where we started again.

In March2003 we had 100,000 then by November 2004 it was 138,000 as we added troops for the elections, and other countries pulled out their troops. As of November 2005 the number went up to 155,000 as we added more troops for the vote on the construction. Now if all goes well the Defense Department says that we may reduce the number of troops to 100,000. WAIT A MINUTE… Isn’t that the number we started with before we temporarily added troops for the various elections…? If that’s the case BushCo, IS NOT withdrawing any troops at all, IT’S ALL NOTHING BUT A SHELL GAME.

            The Troops are NOT COMING HOME, it is all just an Illusion contrived to win the mid term elections in 2006. We have 27 military bases Including Army And Air force in Germany that has about 56,000 troops. In South Korea we have 6 bases, with 28,000 troops. As you can see that the more chances there is for a hostel environment the larger the troop contingency is, so knowing what you know now about BushCo and Iraq just how many troops do you think we will need in Iraq's it's 16 bases? 28,000? 56,000?

    If you use the South Korea model of around 4,700 men per installation, we would need a minimum of 75,000 troops, but we are not in combat in South Korea. So the final number should be somewhere between 75,000 and 155,000 which brings us back to the original number of troops around 100,000. 

Meaning NO CHANGE. Just more smoke and mirrors.

12-02-05  GM To Add 30% To Work Force In India While Laying off 30,000 Americans here at home. We need to change our trade policies by re establishing tariffs as we had for the first 175 years in the country and just walk away from NAFTA and CAFTA and the rest just as BushCo walked away from the Kyoto treaty. This way if a manufacture wants to make a shirt over seas for a $1.00 and it costs $5.00 to make it here in America then you need to put a $4.00 tariff on it, this way it does t two things. First it puts both products on a equal playing field, for if you don't then you must realize that sooner or later this policy of unregulated trade to the lowest paid worker is only going to reduce the wages of everyone here in America. No one in America will have a job if they won't work for the same or lower wages that are paid to workers say in China, which is about $1.00 an hour. How long do you think you can live here in America on A buck an hour?

12-02-05  Has The Fear Propaganda Gotten So Bad That We Now Are Demanding To Loose Our Freedoms? Tonight on the news when they reported the story of relaxing the regulations as to what items to allow onboard airlines, my first thoughts were that we were finally getting back a minute part of our freedoms guaranteed to us by the Constitution, and removed from us by the fear mongering of BushCo and the Republicans. Instead the news was quick to find people to say that they thought it was a bad idea. What these people were saying and not realizing it is "no I don't want my freedoms, you take them, and make me safer". To Quote Ben Franklin "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

12-03-05  Bush's speech at the Naval Academy (Alt Link) in Annapolis, Maryland yesterday.  Don't these guys look excited to hear the president?

12-04-05    Just How Long Will The Last Throes LAST! 

Click The Dick To See and Hear The Statement He Made On June 27 2005. 

Since then There have been an additional 465 Americans Killed. That's nearly 25% of all the American's killed to date.

In Fact During the First Quarter there was 405 Americans Killed

During The Second Quarter There was 511 Americans Killed

During The Third Quarter There was 645 Americans Killed

And to date in this quarter there are now 575 Americans killed and the month has just started. At the present rate we are on track to equal or surpass the last quarter which was the highest quarter. Each quarter has more American Dieing then the one before it.



And Yes We Now Spell Viet Nam

I - R - A - Q

12-07-05  Coincidences or Planned Why Is it when the number of troops killed on any one day is high there suddenly is an even more pressing story, involving a Al-Qaeda leader who is possibly caught or killed is released to the news cycle within hours or even minutes of reported death of American soldiers. Then that day and the next day the Al-Qaeda story takes over the news cycle for the next 24 hours, and the death of the troops is pushed out of the news. Here are some examples, Curtsey of The Thom Hartmann Show

Dec 2, 10 US marines Killed............"Whitehouse claims to have gotten  a top Al-Qaeda Leader"

Nov 19 9 US Soldiers killed..............Next day "Al-Zarkowi dead, Perhaps killed in fire fight"

Nov 16  8 US Soldiers killed.............Again shortly after death of Solders, "Key al-Qaeda officer Captured"

Nov 2  8 US Soldiers killed................First thing Nov 3 "Top al-Qaeda leader Believed Captured"

Sept 28    7 US soldiers killed...........Within minutes of that story "Al-Qaeda chief Killed"

This is how BushCo and the Republicans support out troops, burry the news of their death and the sacrifice of American families with fake PROPAGANDA. 

12-07-05 How Long Do We continue To Turn A Blind Eye To The Appalling Behavior, This compliant Republican Administration Under George W. Bush Is Conducting World Wide In Our Name. How long do we act as though it’s ok... it isn’t that bad... after all they are doing it to protect us. Who is going to protect the world from our authoritarian belief that we have the right to rule the world. We have the right to defy the laws of any government including our own and abuse people in the name of protecting us. If we continue down this road then we most assuredly will be at war with the world for many more years to come. We are the bullies that will be attacked by any way that they can. It’s time to stop saying “Oh my government won’t do that”. Well This Administration will and does read the links below, The world knows, When will you stat to know and believe.  Here is just one tiny piece of what is said about the US outside of the American sanitized Press. 

"Iraq and Afghanistan wars are the initial events in a scenario which will eventually develop into a third world war. What we see in the actions of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz and others is the same sort of greed and madness that drove the Nazis to attack Austria and Czechoslovakia, and later Poland, France and other countries during World War II.

Like the Nazi drive for world domination, which resulted in the utter destruction of Germany despite its military might, the American campaign with the aim of dominating the world will result in the utter destruction of the United States and a place in history for it as disgraceful as that now held by Nazi Germany".

Read The Links Below For Yourself.

http://www.aljazeeramagazine.com/cgi-bin/review/article_full_story.asp?service_id=10005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/07/international/europe/07rice.html http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/07/international/europe/07react.html http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-1632566,00.html   http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/related.html#related http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4499648.stm   http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4499528.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4439036.stm#map  http://www.aljazeeramagazine.com/cgi-bin/review/article_full_story.asp?service_ID=10054 http://www.aljazeeramagazine.com/cgi-bin/review/article_full_story.asp?service_id=10178 http://www.aljazeeramagazine.com/cgi-bin/review/article_full_story.asp?service_id=10040

Full Collection Of all Links Story on one page or if links are down Click Here

12-09-05 The House Of “Republicans” Is Now Trying To Run The Seniti.     The House Of (“Republicans”) Representatives Is at it again with Billion dollar tax Giveaways to Anyone earning over 1 million dollars a year while Cutting social programs, like Medicaid, food stamps, student loans and child-support enforcement. The government is already borrowing extensively for the war in Iraq and the new prescription drug benefit for Medicare. The house of Republican leaders is also plotting to make it easier to get the unnecessary tax cuts for investors through Senate. Their deceptive plan is to organize their legislation for the tax reductions for investors to be inserted into a fast-track tax bill, which will, under special rules, be protected against any filibusters when it comes up for a final vote in the Senate. That will make it far easier for senators to abandon all restraint and vote for the House agenda. Tax cutting to the wealthiest few who do not need nor will they spend the money that they get on us, must be stopped in the face of deficits, looming budget crises and the increasing painful sacrifices being demanded of the rest of us Americans.                Source: NY Times

12-09-05 Mega Churches Cancel Christmas If It Falls On A Sunday. This is a news story to end all news stories. As you well know that Fox "Foe" News and a lot of connectives and leaders of these mega churches continue to rag on that the “Liberals” and the ACLU for tiring to take Christmas away from Christians. Which they are not. However what they are saying is that we should not use Government funds to choose a religion, thus allowing all religions to exist equally in our country. If your store wants to put a display, have at it, but don’t expect the town hall to pay for it or put it, or put it on town property if it offends someone else. I personally don't think that public tax dollars should be used for religious displays. However if a religious originations on local business want to decorate their building or shops have at it. 

Well When I was young I remember that, if you were the type of person who attended church services you most certainty attended Christmas services. Your Pastor expected you to show up on at least one day and it should be Christmas day, and if Christmas fell on a Sunday, well you had no excuses at all for now showing up because it was not only “Gods day of worship, but it was the Birthday of his sun as well.

Well now in a story that could have come only from the twilight zone these Mega churches that want to have government push their religious belief on the entire country no matter what your religion is are just too lazy to practice their religion for themselves. In fact they themselves are canceling Christmas. They them selves are quite literally canceling canceling Christmas all by them selves, while demanding that everyone else weather you are Jewish or Buddhist, you should accept their religion and the Government should pay for it. It should be government sponsored religion. While in reality they are the ones trying... no make that they are the ones who are taking Christmas away. They are the ones saying that when Christmas falls on a Sunday, “the Lords day” that they are not going to have church services. So let me get this they think they should not conduct services on the Birthday of Jesus, when it is falls on Sunday, “the Lords day.”

So everyone else please practice their holiday for them, while they blame you for destroying Christmas, because they are going to take that day off. Click here for the story

12-09-05 This is a story From The NY Times Entitled, “Rice Appears to Reassure Some Europeans on Treatment of Terror Detainees” It is about assurances that the US will not use torture. What struck me is the Paragraph in the very beginning of the piece “But at a meeting here of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an important plan to send 6,000 more troops to Afghanistan became entangled in the issue on Thursday”.  It does not say rotate 6,000 troops, it says 6,000 MORE. To me this seems to be an escalation, of the war in Afghanistan.  Story Here

12-14-05 BREAKING : Due to contractual non-performance and security design issues, Leon County (Florida) supervisor of elections Ion Sancho told Black Box Voting that he will never again use Diebold in an
election. He has requested funds to replace the Diebold system from the county. He will issue a formal
announcement to this effect shortly. This comes on the heels of the resignation of Diebold CEO Wally
O'Dell, and the announcement that a stockholder's class action suit has been filed against Diebold by
Scott & Scott.

Black Box Voting: http://www.blackboxvoting.org
Leon County Election Supervisor Ion Sancho:

Finnish security expert Harri Hursti proved that Diebold lied to Secretaries of State across the nation when
Diebold claimed votes could not be changed on the memory card.

A test election was run in Leon County Tuesday Dec. 13 with a total of eight ballots - six ballots voted "no" on a ballot
question as to whether Diebold voting machines can be hacked or not. Two ballots, cast by Dr. Herbert
Thompson and by Harri Hursti voted "yes" indicating a belief that the Diebold machines could be hacked.

At the beginning of the test election the memory card programmed by Harri Hursti was inserted into an
Optical Scan Diebold voting machine. A "zero report" was run indicating zero votes on the memory card.
In fact, however, Hursti had pre-loaded the memory card with plus and minus votes.

The eight ballots were run through the optical scan machine. The standard Diebold-supplied "ender card"
was run through as is normal procedure ending the election. A results tape was run from the voting machine.
Correct results should have been:
However, just as Hursti had planned, the results tape read:
The results were then uploaded from the optical scan voting machine into the GEMS central tabulator.
The central tabulator is the "mother ship" that pulls in all votes from voting machines. The results in the
central tabulator read:
This exploit, accomplished without being given any password and with the same level of access given
thousands of poll workers across the USA, showed that the votes themselves were changed in a one-step
process. This hack would not be detected in any normal canvassing procedure, and it required only a single
a credit-card sized memory card.

On Oct. 17, 2005 Diebold Elections Systems Research and Development chief Pat Green specifically told the
Cuyahoga County (Ohio) board of elections that votes cannot be changed using only a memory card.
Video of Pat Green, Cuyahoga County

According to Public Records responses obtained by Black Box Voting in response to our requests shows that
Diebold promulgated this misrepresentation to as many as 800 state and local elections officials.

In other news, a stockholder suit was filed today against Diebold by the law offices of Scott and Scott:

Diebold CEO resigns: http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=175001748
# # # # #
Black Box Voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501c(3) elections watchdog group. This organization is not affiliated in
any way with any political party or any vendor. Without your important support, we do not exist. To donate:
http://www.blackboxvoting.org/donate.html or mail to:
Black Box Voting
330 SW 43rd St. Suite K
 PMB  547
Renton WA 98055
The original research of Black Box Voting and its founder, Bev Harris, has been covered by ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC,
CNN, and Fox TV national news, as well as by the New York Times, Time Magazine, and most other major news outlets in the U.S.

12-14-05 If You Can't Beat Them... Change The Rules. As you may know The Bush Administration is willing to veto, (for the first time in his Presidency) a Pentagon appropriations bill for this year, if John McCain and most of the congress, (9 Senators Opposed) inserted langue that said that the military should not abuse and torture prisoners, by following their own rules. Well Dick and George decided to change the classified set of interrogation methods in the Military code of conduct. The techniques are included in a 10-page classified addendum to a new Army field manual that was forwarded this week to, the under secretary of defense for intelligence policy, for final approval.

    Bottom line if they change the rules then agree to follow the rules then that means... You guessed the new talking point when questioned about abuse and torture will be... "To the best of my knowledge the Military is not doing anything that is in conflict with their code of conduct". Read the story Click here or Click here if link is bad

12-14-05 A New Low Even For Bush... The Military Is Now Returning Fallen Service Men and Women By Shipping Them Back Home as Freight. Fortunately in California Barbra Boxer Interceded and at least one solider was greeted with honor and respect. When reporters from 10News called the Defense Department for an explanation. A representative said she did not know why this is happening. The Story is here with video

12-15-05 Novak , Outs Bush As Knowing The Source Of The Leak. Today in the Washington Post is a story in which Bob Novak  told a luncheon audience at the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh, N.C., on Tuesday, according to an account published yesterday in the Raleigh News & Observer.

Novak said, "I'm confident the president knows who the source is,"   "I'd be amazed if he doesn't. So I say, don't bug me. Don't bug Bob Woodward. Bug the president as to whether he should reveal who the source is." Links To Story Click Here

12-16-05  What Ever Happened To “I’m not going to comment on an ongoing investigations.” Any time the white house was asked any question about Valerie Plame, Karl Rove, torture of detainees and so on, the standard reply was “I’m not going to comment on an ongoing investigations.” Now today after Tom Delay has used all his legal tricks including his “get out pf jail free” card, (the a change of judges) Tom Delay is going to stand trail on money laundering charges. In fact he even tried to have the charged dismissed by saying he use a check and the law refers to cash. To me that’s an off-handed admission of guilt.

But the big news is "The president of the United States said a jury does not need to assemble, that Tom DeLay is innocent," said Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). "To have someone of his stature, the president of the United States, prejudge a case is something I've never seen before."

When Scott McClellan was questioned as to George’s statement Scott McClellan called the apparent inconsistency a "presidential prerogative." "The president was asked a question and he responded to that question in the interview yesterday, and made very clear what his views were," McClellan said. "We don't typically tend to get into discussing legal matters of that nature, but in this instance, the president chose to respond to it. Our policy regarding the Fitzgerald investigation and ongoing legal proceeding is well-known and it remains unchanged."…"Call it a presidential prerogative."

12-16-05 Bush Is Agreeing To Abuse Detainees With McCain’s Blessings. What Bush agreed to is Mr. McCain's measure which would establish the Army Field Manual as the uniform standard for the interrogation of prisoners and ban the kind of abusive treatment of prisoners. SO WHAT!!! Read my post just below dated 12-14-05 Bush has already had a new draft of the Army Field Manual that allows abuse, so in effect Bush is agreeing to abuse detainees with McCain’s blessings.

12-20-05  Bush Is Now Trying To Use The Nixon and 911 Defenses. From The NY Times...

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - President Bush and two of his most senior aides argued Monday that the highly classified program to spy on suspected members of terrorist groups in the United States grew out of the president's constitutional authority and a 2001 Congressional resolution that authorized him to use all necessary force against those responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks.

As I show you in my Editorial "Drunk With Power Or Just Plane Delusional" There is no constitutional authority that allowed him to do so. To claim that congress authorized all necessary force is not what the statement meant, it was referring to military actions, as in combat. not spying on American citizens. Now in is mind everyone is responsible for 911. I thought it was Bin Laden, than Sedum, then the country of Iraq. This is the "McCarthy which hunts" all over again, by a paranoid delusional person.  If that's how he is going to interpret that line that he can just go and Nuke Ohio, because he personally thought it should be done. No oversight, no other reason than because he wanted to, because king George said to.


What are you waiting for... This man is a danger to everything that our Founding Fathers stood for. 

Info Source: Click here  If link is down Click here

12-22-05   From The N.S.A. "Court Order Required "We are, I would offer, the most aggressive agency in the intelligence community when it comes to protecting U.S. privacy," General Hayden said. "We just have to be that way."

It was one of General Hayden's favorite themes in public speeches and interviews: the agency's mammoth eavesdropping network was directed at foreigners, not Americans. As a PowerPoint presentation posted on the agency's Web site puts it, for an American to be a target, "Court Order Required in the United States."

In fact, since 2002, authorized by a secret order from President Bush, the agency has intercepted the international phone calls and e-mail messages of hundreds, possibly thousands, of American citizens and others in the United States without obtaining court orders. The discrepancy between the public claims and the secret domestic eavesdropping disclosed last week have put the N.S.A., the nation's largest intelligence agency, and General Hayden, now principal deputy director of national intelligence, in an awkward position.

Excerpt From NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/22/politics/22nsa.html 


12-22-05  This Is A Quote For Today "Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution." by: George W. Bush April 20 2004.

 I have nothing else to say, except... IMPEACH BUSH NOW! He has complete contempt and disregard American Citizens the Constitution, and the Law. What ever happened to "The Rule Of Law" Mr. Hastier and the Republicans were so quick to spread around just a few years ago when it involved a Democrat over sex?

 12-24-05  From The NY Times: “Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report”. What the Times story is showing just another reason that BushCo cannot be trusted. The NSA is now admitting to gathering Large Volumes of information without court orders, of even going back to the FISA courts later, this practice of spying on American Citizens started in 2001. Publicly BushCo has said it was a small operation, the story points out that the NSA was monitoring Large volumes of calls that include non suspected Americans with the excuse that “they needed to look for patterns and to compare them to terrorist calling and email patterns.

The questions that I know that BushCo will never answer is… What have they done with the information of those American Citizens that were not involved with terrorism? Who Did they share the information with? And lastly Who Are the Americans that they spied on, in direct violation of the Constitution, that George SWORE TO UPHOLD!!!

 This Is An Impeachable Offense, of High Crimes and Misdemeanors!!! This Is why Our Founding Fathers Created an Impeachment Clause! This is a Crime warranting Imprisonment. 

Think about this... if you boil down what BushCo is saying it is that he did it for you...

How does it feel that you were Raped Only Just A Little Bit, but BushCo did it to make you feel safer.

The NY Times Story          Alt source if link is down:

12-28-05  Download Some Reading Material For Your Holiday Traveling. It's a report by John Conyers Jr. entitled Constitution In Crises. It's about the numerous lies of Bush and Cheney. Either Right Click here and choose to save as or just click here to download a copy to read.

12-28-05 Economic Slowdown On The Way According To Market. The kind of activity in the bond market yesterday usually happens when there is an economic down turn in the winds, consequently lost over 100 points. The numbers are: The Dow Jones industrial average fell 105.50 points, to 10,777.77. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 12.12 points, to 1,256.54, and the NASDAQ composite index fell 22.53 points, to 2,226.89.

 Crude oil futures fell. A barrel of light crude was quoted at $58.16, down 27 cents, in trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Now the interesting thing is that Oil is below $60.00 a barrel for 

Why Is It Gas and Home Heating Oil Is STILL OVER $2.00 a gallon. it should be $1.40 to $1.60 a gallon with cruse at those prices. Links Here

The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 4.341 percent, while the two-year Treasury note closed at 4.347 percent. Read More

12-28-05 Listen Very Closely To The Defense That Bush And Cheney Are Using To Spy On Americans. For those of you that remember it is the same lines that Nixon used. Maybe there is some truth in that joke that is going around the web and on bumper stickers... "Will Some One Give Bush A BJ So We Can Impeach Him".  


Opening Song To Web, By Billionaires For Bush

More Christmas Music By Billionaires For Bush: Prison Cells, Rest Easy, Toys For The World.  



Drunk With Power Or Just Plane Delusional

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published  12-18-05   

The following excerpts are from George’s own mouth from his radio address on Saturday where he publicly admitted to personally has authorized a secret eavesdropping program in the U.S. more than 30 times since the Sept. 11.

Bush said, "This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. It is critical to saving American lives. The American people expect me to do everything in my power, under our laws and Constitution, to protect them and their civil liberties and that is exactly what I will continue to do as long as I am president of the United States,"


This man has just piled on again even more reasons to be impeached by now breaking his oath of office then some how in his twisted mind believing that he is above the law and can and will continue to do what ever he dam well wants. 

Click Here The Story  Or Here If Link Is Down.

The Presidential Oath of Office Directly From The Constitution: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The 4th Amendment (IV) to the Constitution

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The Duties Of The President Directly From The Constitution

Article. II.
Section. 1. 
Clause 1: The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows

The Definition of Executive: The branch of government charged with putting into effect a country's laws and the administering of its functions. George has now gone beyond "the activist Presidency" directly to king. Nowhere does the Constitution bestow full power of authority  and Kingship to do what ever he wants over the citizens of America, no matter what the reason.

Even The USA Patriot Act does not give "King" George the power he is now claiming.


‘‘(C) when the United States is engaged in armed hostilities or has been attacked by a foreign country or foreign nationals, confiscate any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, of any foreign person, foreign organization, or foreign country that he determines has planned, authorized, aided, or engaged in such hostilities or attacks against the United States; and all right, title, and interest in any property so confiscated shall vest, when, as, and upon the terms directed by the President, in such agency or person as the President may designate from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe, such interest or property shall be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold, or otherwise dealt with in the interest of and for the benefit of the United States, and such designated agency or person may perform any and all acts incident to the accomplishment or furtherance of these purposes.’’; 

and(2) by inserting at the end the following:

‘‘(c) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—In any judicial review of a determination made under this section, if the determination was based on classified information (as defined in section 1(a) of the Classified Information Procedures Act) such information may be submitted to the reviewing court ex parte and in camera. This subsection does not confer or imply any right to judicial review.’’

What is going on in America?... We impeach a president for a blow job, but we allow George to drag America into an Illegal war, turn all American's into criminal suspects, defile the Constitution, trample our rights given to us by the Founding Fathers, turn our loved ones into cannon fatter so his friends can get rich with another country's oil, and turn our children into child labor by saddling them with the debt so George can rob the Federal treasury in the name of tax cuts to give our money to richest millionaire and billionaires in this country.

This is not the vision that Washington, Jefferson, Madison...our Founding Fathers had envisioned for their posterity.

What they gave us is very clear we have allowed too many people especially "King" George to muck it up.

Please Take The Time To Read Just What Our Founding Fathers Gave Us.

By:  William A. Peary   12-18-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Republican Plan For 06...Elect The Democrats, So They Have Someone To Blame

By: William A. Peary, Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com

Published 12-12-05  

Interesting Segment on Meet The Press this week I think shows how the new strategy for the Republicans is to continue to blame the Democrats. When David Brooks was asked a question the answer he gave to me is very telling. When he was asked by Tim Russert if the Democrats were going to stage the mid terms elections after the 94 Newt Gingrich contract for America. It’s the slivers of truth imbedded in the answer that I came away with. For starters he did not want to admit the sagging poll numbers that Bush is now experiencing, so instead he says thing like *1“a lot of Republicans are going to stay home.  And so Democrats could conceivably do it”. Like the Democrats can’t possibly win an election, either on their track record of supporting the working class, and their children's education and their parents and grandparents security, and medical needs.

            Next David Brooks said, *2“It would be good for the Democratic Party to have the Democrats have some control”. This was the setup for the next point slipped in, in the next sustenance, which it the next strategy is to blame everything that the Republicans have done From the destruction of our economy to the war in Iraq, while they held all 3 branches of government, The House, The Senate, and the Presidency, oh and arguably the Judicial branch as well. The line he uttered next *3“but also to have some responsibility for what's happened in the country”. Notice he used the past tense “what’s happened”, not for what is going to happen.

So you see it’s the Democrats fault for Iraq. It’s the Democrats fault for record Deficits, which I might add started with Reagan then increased under Bush senior, while they accused the Democrats of Tax and spend politics, which I must add at least the money is there before it is spent. Rather than “Borrow and spending” politics has driven this country into serious debt. Our Country and it’s Jobs were all sold to China, a Communist country I might add. So think about it when George Says the we need to kill more troops because we have killed more troops on Iraq. What about the literally nearly 100,000 lives that were lost fighting in Korea, and Viet Nan to stop Communism, as this administration has sold our country to China and given China our jobs as well. China a Communist Country. China who now even makes the electronics that goes into our Military hardware. China, a Communist country that our children and grand children will be paying money to because that is who is buying up our national debt. In fact we are borrowing at the rate of between 1.5 and 2.5 billion dollars a week to pay not only for Iraq but to give tax cuts to people making over 1 million dollars a year. In fact this year alone we are paying 1.5 billion in interest on the debt that Reagan saddled us with. I don’t know about you but if given the choice between “Tax and Spend” or “Borrow and Spend” I prefer “Tax and Spend”. With Tax and Spend you can change your mind and stop the program with Borrow and spend once you borrow the money there is no turning back the clock, your stuck with that debt.  

From Meet The Press 12-11-05 MR. RUSSERT:  David Brooks, in '94, the Republican revolution, Newt Gingrich, Contract for America, throw the bums out, put us in.  In 2006, are we going to see the Democrats nationalizing congressional elections and saying it's time to throw out the ethically-challenged Republican majority?

MR. BROOKS:  They're going to try and they may be successful.  I don't think we're going to see the swing we saw in '94, just because the country is not quite the same.  But *1a lot of Republicans are going to stay home.  And so Democrats could conceivably do it.  Personally, I hope they do and I think a lot of Republicans hope they do because I think it would be good for the Bush presidency, it would be good for the Republican Party and *2it would be good for the Democratic Party to have the Democrats have some control.  Power corrupts as we see in the Republican Party and powerlessness corrupts, and it's made the Democrats fundamentally unserious...

MR. RUSSERT:  The most important thing a party gains if they control just one House is the ability obviously to affect legislation but also to have hearings.

MR. BROOKS:  To hold hearings but also*3 to have some responsibility for what's happened in the country and that sobers you up.  

By:  William A. Peary   12-12-05

Founder and Editor Of Founding Freedoms.com


Thought Of The Day









Consider This

12-28-05 Why Is It That Bush And The Republicans Always seem to have to go to war just before an election cycle? Isn't is strange that the "Bad Guys" always time their Activities around American elections. One other thing If the Republicans are known War Hawks wouldn't you, if you were the "bad guys", be very very quiet and not act up so that maybe those Democrats who are "soft on war" can get elected so that they can do what ever they want and get away with their "evil deeds"? 

    Maybe it's the Republicans who are like that kid you went to school with who would throw that wad of paper at you in grade school so you would jump up to get them only to get caught by the teacher and blamed for starting trouble.

    I seem to remember Don Rumsfeld selling those "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" to Iraq when he worked for Ronald Reagan and daddy Bush. Now Bush Is "Shocked" to find that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and they need to be taken away. Click Below To See The Video.

Low Rez 743KB   High Rez 2.4MB

12-01-05  Troop withdrawal? Things To Consider Before You Start CelebratingAlthough George W. Bush and the rest of the Republicans continue to act as though everything is just fine in Iraq and that they want to bring the troops home consider this.

Well first of all everything is not just fine, in fact the number of attacks per week are now at their highest levels since the fighting began, they are running at about 100 per month. Let us not forget that during the 2004 election campaign as I wrote about, there was large amounts of munitions missing that I called "Weapons of Large Scale Destruction" in the unguarded ammunitions dumps. Why? Because Bush did not allow enough troops to guard the depots. Well at the current rate of attacks with IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) enough explosives were taken to supply the attacks at the current rate for over 400 YEARS. Good move there George.

 BushCo is still building 16 military bases and one of the most expensive embassy ever. With that in mind then it only stand to reason that those bases will need to have troops stationed there right? What I already said back in August this year in my Editorial Bits And Pieces is that BushCo will up the troops for the elections again, then say he is withdrawing them, and we find that it’s just the old shell game when we are back to where we started again.

In March2003 we had 100,000 then by November 2004 it was 138,000 as we added troops for the elections, and other countries pulled out their troops. As of November 2005 the number went up to 155,000 as we added more troops for the vote on the construction. Now if all goes well the Defense Department says that we may reduce the number of troops to 100,000. WAIT A MINUTE… Isn’t that the number we started with before we temporarily added troops for the various elections…? If that’s the case BushCo, IS NOT withdrawing any troops at all, IT’S ALL NOTHING BUT A SHELL GAME.

            The Troops are NOT COMING HOME, it is all just an Illusion contrived to win the mid term elections in 2006. We have 27 military bases Including Army And Air force in Germany that has about 56,000 troops. In South Korea we have 6 bases, with 28,000 troops. As you can see that the more chances there is for a hostel environment the larger the troop contingency is, so knowing what you know now about BushCo and Iraq just how many troops do you think we will need in Iraq's it's 16 bases? 28,000? 56,000?

    If you use the South Korea model of around 4,700 men per installation, we would need a minimum of 75,000 troops, but we are not in combat in South Korea. So the final number should be somewhere between 75,000 and 155,000 which brings us back to the original number of troops around 100,000. 

Meaning NO CHANGE. Just more smoke and mirrors.

12-01-05  Troop withdrawal? Things To Consider Before You Start CelebratingAlthough George W. Bush and the rest of the Republicans continue to act as though everything is just fine in Iraq and that they want to bring the troops home consider this.

Well first of all everything is not just fine, in fact the number of attacks per week are now at their highest levels since the fighting began, they are running at about 100 per month. Let us not forget that during the 2004 election campaign as I wrote about, there was large amounts of munitions missing that I called "Weapons of Large Scale Destruction" in the unguarded ammunitions dumps. Why? Because Bush did not allow enough troops to guard the depots. Well at the current rate of attacks with IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) enough explosives were taken to supply the attacks at the current rate for over 400 YEARS. Good move there George.

 BushCo is still building 16 military bases and one of the most expensive embassy ever. With that in mind then it only stand to reason that those bases will need to have troops stationed there right? What I already said back in August this year in my Editorial Bits And Pieces is that BushCo will up the troops for the elections again, then say he is withdrawing them, and we find that it’s just the old shell game when we are back to where we started again.

In March2003 we had 100,000 then by November 2004 it was 138,000 as we added troops for the elections, and other countries pulled out their troops. As of November 2005 the number went up to 155,000 as we added more troops for the vote on the construction. Now if all goes well the Defense Department says that we may reduce the number of troops to 100,000. WAIT A MINUTE… Isn’t that the number we started with before we temporarily added troops for the various elections…? If that’s the case BushCo, IS NOT withdrawing any troops at all, IT’S ALL NOTHING BUT A SHELL GAME.

            The Troops are NOT COMING HOME, it is all just an Illusion contrived to win the mid term elections in 2006. We have 27 military bases Including Army And Air force in Germany that has about 56,000 troops. In South Korea we have 6 bases, with 28,000 troops. As you can see that the more chances there is for a hostel environment the larger the troop contingency is, so knowing what you know now about BushCo and Iraq just how many troops do you think we will need in Iraq's it's 16 bases? 28,000? 56,000?

    If you use the South Korea model of around 4,700 men per installation, we would need a minimum of 75,000 troops, but we are not in combat in South Korea. So the final number should be somewhere between 75,000 and 155,000 which brings us back to the original number of troops around 100,000. 

Meaning NO CHANGE. Just more smoke and mirrors.




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