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2005 Posts On Duplicity


05-08-05   Arctic drilling will not reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Arctic drilling will not reduce oil prices.
Not all ANWR oil is economically viable
Over 7 billion barrels of oil are technically recoverable (if money is not an issue) in the wildlife refuge. The amount that is economically viable is much lower. Another cost problem is transportation of crude oil to the lower 48 states. Western refineries will be at capacity when drilling commences in the refuge. The majority of other refineries are in Texas, meaning the oil would have to be shipped from Alaska down through the Panama Canal back up to Texas. Some experts suggest that this makes the oil more likely to be sold to Asia rather than the U.S  .See Note 1 Below

Environmental impact far greater than administration claims
The Bush Administration claims that new advances in technology will minimize the ecological impact of drilling, causing only a 2,000-acre "footprint."

The "footprint" includes buildings, pipelines and other related facilities-- but only where they touch ground. In fact, pipelines will cover hundreds of miles of the Refuge, and only their support posts are counted toward the 2,000-acre total. Gravel mines and roads were not counted.

Note(1) http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002245699_export17m.html 


04-16-16  George The III said on "I will take every possible measure to safeguard our country" ...The Bush Homeland security budget is only one third of what experts say is needed.

03-01-05  Bush said on 3-1-03 " One of our priorities is making sure the health care systems are funded" 

Since Bush took office, 3 million more Americans have lost their health insurance, bring the total of uninsured Americans to over 43 million.   New Your Times 1/2/04

02-09-05  Bush Said " The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought uranium from Africa 1/28/03

As our CIA told the White House at the time, Hussein did not try to obtain uranium from Africa. New Your times, 7/19/03

01-14-05      There Are No Weapons Of Mass Destruction, and The Hunt For Them Is Now Over.


Over 1,400 American Military Dead

Over 10,000 Wounded Seriously enough To Be Removed From Combat

Between 50,000 and 100,00 Dead Iraqi Civilians Dead

Over $1,500,000,000.00 With Another $1,000,000,000.00 This Year.

Iraq Is Now A Breading Ground For Terrorists.

If We Could Impeach Clinton For Lying About Sex


Impeach George W. Bush.

His Lies Cost American Global Creditability

His Lies Cost Us Our Financial Future

His Lies Cost Lives

01-25-05  Condoleezza Rice on3-22-04 said "Counterterrorism expert Richard Clark chose not to voice his concerns about the administration counterterrorism policy".

    Clark sent an urgent memo to Rice in January 2001 asking for a cabinet-level meeting about an imminent al Qaeda attack. source: CBS News 3-21-04


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