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2004 Posts On Misleading

11-28-04 I find it to be very strange that before the election every single Holliday brought fourth a new terror alert. There was new and startling information and we had to be on our guard for the up coming Holliday. Now two things have changed this Holliday. 

The Election is over, and Thanksgiving is over and NO Terror Alert

Now isn't that a strange coincidence.

11-09-04   We are now pushing into Falluja in with the reason that we are trying to rid the city of insurgents. The people of Falluja have said that they are not insurgents but citizens fighting defend their homes, their family and to rid their country of invading forces. Even if you take the opinion that somewhere in the middle is the truth, than truly there will be innocent civilians killed. Sure you can say why don't you just leave, but where do you go to?

This boy lost his father to US bombing, hospital officials said.
(Photo: M. Scott Mahaskey, Army Times / AP)


10-30-04  We continue to be told by George W. Bush that the economy is getting better and "we are turning the cornet" so why is it that unemployment claims last week were up by 20,000 claims? Why is it General motors is laying off 10,000 workers? Why is it retail stores said that they plan on hiring less workers for the upcoming holiday season? It seems that if you are an American and you need a job you better get a passport and start looking overseas to get one. 10-30-04

10-26-04 George W. Bush continues to say how we would be better protected with him but a look a the facts shows that homeland security is just another one of his under funded programs.

BUSH: "We’ve Tripled Funding For Homeland Security"

REALITY: Homeland Security Spending Did Not Come Close To Tripling Under Bush. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), “Gross budget authority for those functions in that year, excluding supplemental appropriations enacted immediately after September 11, totaled about $17 billion. Adding the supplemental appropriations raises that figure by almost $4 billion, bringing total funding for 2001 to $21 billion. The Congress and the President increased that amount to… an estimated $41 billion for 2004.” These CBO estimates are for the homeland security function, as defined by the Office of Management and Budget. The Bush administration’s own estimates show that the Department of Homeland Security itself did not even see its budget double: growing from $19.7 billion in FY 2001 to $36.5 billion in FY 2004. [CBO, “Federal Funding for Homeland Security,” 4/30/2004 and OMB, Budget FY 2005, page 178]  

Source: John Kerry   10-26-04


10-17-04 George W. Bush continues to say give us 4 more years to get the job done. America cannot afford 4 more years of record deficit spending. America cannot afford to give the bill for him and his party to our children. In effect tax them without representation. He continues to say that John Kerry will raise taxes and spend your money, while he just spends your money and mortgages America's Future. Yes make no mistake about it either he or someone else will finally have to raise your taxes to pay for George W. Bush's debt. He Claims to be Fiscally responsible but refuses to use the pay as you go rule which worked so well for President Clinton, who gave us record 3 trillion dollar surpluses that George W. Bush spent and more, giving us now a record 7 trillion dollar deficient. George W. Bush's idea of Pay Go, Is you pay and he'll spend and give some other generation the bill. Or better yet pay me and my rich friends and you go to hell if you disagree.    10-17-04


10-6-04  When George W. Bush tells you that when he gives a tax brake to the wealthy it is good for you, because they will go out and spend more money, which will give you jobs It makes no sense if you just stop and think about it for just one minute. If you already have more money than you can already spend what makes you think that rich are going to go out and spend more of when they can't spend fast enough already?  After all they are called rich because of the millions that they already have. Now if you put that money in the hands of the working class peoples they will certainty spend it. On paying bills or buying that new car, or buying their first home. That will give a much larger boost to the economy when millions of people spend money rather than hundreds. 10-06-04

10-04-04 George W. Bush is at it again. When John Kerry made reference to a global test he quite clearly meant is a standard, as in the difference in shooting someone because you want to, or because there was no other option because they would shoot you. 


John Kerry summed it up best in four words: more of the same. George Bush showed it in four syllables; des-per-a-tion. If there was any confusion about whether George Bush is honest with the American people, this speech confirms that he is not. This was a mulligan speech where the President tried to redo the debate from last week by giving a speech full of untruths he couldn’t say on stage with John Kerry because he knew Kerry would knock them down. George Bush needs to get real with the American people and start telling the truth.


-Bush claimed he has a plan for victory in Iraq, but Bush rushed to war without a plan; has no plan to win the peace. Kerry’s plan is a strategy to win.

-Bush claimed Kerry doesn’t understand post 9/11 world, but Bush took his eye off the war on terror and al-Qaeda.

-Bush got it wrong – Iraq is a terrorist haven NOW, while it was not before.

-Bush says problems with economy not his fault, but he hasn’t lived up to his own promises

-Bush says Kerry has supported higher taxes, but Kerry voted or cosponsored over 600 tax cuts, and Cheney supported higher taxes, including on Social Security.

-Bush attacked Kerry on the deficit, but Bush has taken us from a 5 trillion surplus to a $3 trillion deficit, and has no plan to pay for his trillions of promises.

-Bush attacked Kerry’s health care plan with a charge ABC has called not true.

-Bush claimed he’s tripled homeland security funding, but that is false.


BUSH: Bush Making Excuses on the Economy


-The Economy is 7 million jobs Short of Bush Administration Prediction. The economy needed to create more than 6 million jobs during the Bush administration just to keep up with population growth. In fact, the 2002 Economic Report of the President projected more than 6 million new jobs between January 2001 and August 2004. Instead, we have lost 900,000 jobs. As a result, we are more than 7 million jobs short of the prediction which President Bush made after 9/11, the tech bubble, and the recession. [BLS and Economic Report of the President, 2002. Note the Economic Report of the President projected an average of 138.3 million jobs in 2004. That corresponds to roughly 138.7 million jobs in August; the actual jobs total in August was 131.5 million.]

-Family Income Has Declined $1,535 Under President Bush. Under President Bush the typical family has seen its inflation-adjusted income decline by $1,535, based on the most recent data showing the change from 2000 to 2003. Under President Clinton the typical family saw its inflation-adjusted income rise by $5,489. [Census Bureau]

Source John Kerry Rapid response site,

Read More   10-06-04

10-01-04 George W. Bush keeps saying that John Kerry cannot lead our country because he sends mixed messages. By that definition than Bush should resign now. First he is a war president than he wants to be a peace president. First we are safer with him as president than we have continual terror attack warnings. First we need to get Osama dead or alive than he doesn't think about him anymore. First he is opposed to Homeland security than he wants it. First when the Bush administration is asked if they told the appointed prime minister of Iraq what to say they said no now today they say well we sent over talking points, and prepared statements and helped coach him on what to say.

09-28-04 Example he creates the Healthy forest initiative, which by it's name any person would assume it means to help preserve forest, but it does not. It allows for logging roads to be built and clear cutting sections of forest under the pretense to stop forest firers. Of course it will stop forest firers there are no forest left to burn because you cut them down.   See  http://www.sierraclub.org/forests/fires/healthyforests_initiative.asp

09-29-04 GOVERNOR GEORGE BUSH AT THE 2000 DEBATES: "Half the surplus is gonna go for Social Security reform and to pay down debt. One quarter is gonna go for new programs that are needed. But I think it's fair, and I think it's right, that one quarter go back to the hard working Americans who pay the bills".

When George W. Bush took the office there was a 3 Trillion Dollar Surplus We now have a 5 TRILLION dollar deficit. what that translates into is this. That the share that  the average family of 4 share of the defect would have been $500 by the year 2008. It is now $86,000.00. Is this the Fiscal responsibility that George W. Bush promised us during the 2000 election???


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