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2004 Posts On Duplicity
11-28-04 During the 2000 presidential campaign BushCo told us that he would work with the Saudi government to maintain a stable cost of oil. We now have the highest prices ever. For a interesting point of view Click Here If you have questions as to where BushCo loyalties are Click Here
11-12-04 I find it amazing that immediately after the election that the terrorist alert can get dropped and John Ashcroft says that basically that the threat of terrorism is over due to his watch and he can now resign. So just like that it's over.
10-30-04 Why is it whenever George W. Bush talks about the war in Iraq, or talks about our country's security, of any important or serious subject George W. Bush find's it necessary to smile. Why is it that Bush gets a free pass and most Bush supporters call it folksy. I for one have found that anytime anyone has done that, they have been using the smile to hide their dishonesty. 10-30-04
George W. Bush Is still saying that we are in a recovery and things are getting better all the time. Things may be truly getting better, but the question is for who? The New York Times reported today that the Economic Index has slipped again for the 4th straight month.
In a report on CPTV by Martha Raddatz, of ABC News just returning from Iraq had this to say. She started off by saying "This may sound silly but, one of the things I noticed when I got to Iraq and I normally stay at the main military base there is that all the sand bags that have been there for a while that are bio degradable sand bags are biodegrading, we've been there a long, long time everything there is falling apart and we are having to restack the sand bags". Martha Raddatz also talked about something that I did not hear on network news. She referred to a poll from Iraq that showed that the US picked government might not fair so well, in the elections, and what do you do if a religious extremist government is picked so much for democracy and now what does the United States do. 10-22-04
First You Accuse John Kerry Of Lying and Spreading False Stories, BUT You Did Say It.
Now Do You Remember
Saying Any Of This?
You Always Accuse The Innocent Person What You Are Guilty Of, In This Case Lying.
Tell Us Just How Many Other Lies Have You Told The World?
10-17-04 George W. Bush claimed that he is a uniter not a divider. He also claimed he was a champion of states rights and that states should govern themselves. Than WHY.... of all topics and of all the important problems facing America WHY..... does he propose a Constructional Amendment to Ban Gay marriage. Is this a threat to our national security? Is this causing our jobs to go over seas? Is this the reason our medical insurance is so costly? I think NOT. So why bring it up in the first place. By doing so it becomes a issue to divide people on a issue and it takes away from states the right to govern themselves. 10-17-04
BUSH CLAIMS: That's why I'm a big proponent of clean coal technology to make sure we can use coal but in a clean way.
REALITY: Bush Broke Promise on Clean Coal. Four years ago, George Bush promised voters that he would increase jobs and spend $2 billion over 10 years on clean coal technologies. But George Bush has simply walked away from that pledge. In the meantime many coal communities have lost jobs. In his proposed budget for next year, George Bush cuts basic coal research by 30%, cuts the funds available for the Clean Coal Power Initiative solicitation by 70%, and pays for his FutureGen initiative with funds raided from these and other Clean Coal programs. [The Herald Dispatch, 10/3/00; Department of Energy Budget Request, FY2002-FY2005]
Bush Threatened to Veto $87 Billion. The White
House threatened to veto
funding for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan if Congress made
reconstruction aid for Iraqis a loan, rather than a grant as Bush
wanted. "'If this provision is not removed, the president's senior
advisers would recommend that he veto the bill,' Joshua B. Bolten, the
White House budget director, wrote in a letter to Congressional
leaders." [New York Times, 10/22/03]
Source...John Kerry.com
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor Misleading the Public About
Metal Tubes Being Used to Build Nuclear Weapons: “George, at the time,
I knew that there was a dispute. I actually didn't really know the
nature of the dispute. We learned that -- I learned that later as the
NIE was being produced and that the Department of Energy had
reservations about what these tubes were for. There were other people,
of course, people, for instance, who did rocket launchers who said that
they thought they were unlikely to be for rocket launchers so what you
had was a debate within the intelligence community.” [ABC, “This
Week”, 10/3/04]
In 2002, Rice Stated the Tubes Were “Only Really Suited for Nuclear Weapons.” During a “CNN interview in 2002, Rice said the tubes were ‘only really suited for nuclear weapons programs.’ In bolstering the administration's argument of the threat the nation faced, she added: ‘We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.’ The Kerry campaign said the latest debate over flawed prewar intelligence only furthers its contention that the administration misled the country into invading Iraq. ‘What the Times article is saying is that the top nuclear experts in the country said those aluminum tubes were not for nuclear weapons, and that this was suppressed by the administration, particularly Vice President Cheney,’ said Kerry foreign policy adviser and former U.N. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke.” [AP, 10/3/04]
NY Times Report: Rice’s Staff Had Been Told the Tubes Were Not for Nuclear Weapons. “A New York Times story Sunday quoted four CIA officials and a senior administration official as saying that Rice's staff had been told in 2001 that Energy Department experts believed the tubes were probably intended for small artillery rockets -- and not nuclear weapons.” [AP, 10/3/04]
Source: http://blog.johnkerry.com/rapidresponse/archives/003047.html#more
10-01-04 Bush said that there are 100,000 troops trained in Iraqi to date. But what he does not tell you is that only 8,000 have been fully trained, and at that it is for police training. What Armitage referred to as "shake-and-bake" forces, have only had 3 weeks of training to date but Bush includes them in the total number. I guess by that definition a 4th grader can be considered a college graduate.
09-29-04 During the debated of 2000 George W. Bush said that he felt that states should decide for themselves on how to govern themselves, and that the federal government should not interfere. When faced with loosing the presidential election he immediately runs to the federal supreme court to interfere with Florida states rights to count the votes. They stop the counting process till they decide if the should be involved or not They effectively run out the clock, as their decision handed down says that they should not be involved, but oops it's too late now to keep counting.
09-28-04 Of Osama bin Laden, "I want justice," Bush said. "And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' Several months later he says Frankly I don't think that much about him any more.
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