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Air America Morning Sedition

Morning Sedition's List of 100 Reasons Bush Must Go 

On Iraq – He failed to build a real international coalition prior to the Iraq invasion, forcing the US to shoulder the full cost and consequences of the war.


On Terror – He allowed several members of the bin Laden family to leave the country just days after 9/11, without being questioned by the FBI.


On Homeland Security - He focused on missile defense at the expense of counter terrorism prior to 9/11, and continued to do so despite the poor test results.


On the Environment - He limited the public challenges to logging projects and increased logging in protected areas, including Alaska’s Tongass National Forest.


On Tax Policy – He passed successive tax cuts largely responsible for turning a surplus of 5-trillion dollars into a projected deficit of $4.3 TRILLION


On Education - He froze Teacher Quality Grants, cutting training to 30-thousand teachers and leaving 92-thousand fewer teachers trained than promised in his 2000 pledge to the nation.


On Foreign Policy – He ignored the Middle East Peace Process, which has deteriorated with no strategy.


On Health Care – He was dishonest to Americans regarding the cost of Medicare - saying it would cost $400 billion, although it’s real cost will be $500 billion over a 10-year period.


On Fiscal Discipline – He spent 6.5 BILLION dollars on nuclear weapons - 50% more than during the cold war - but cheated our troops out of body armor.


On Economics – He pledged a “Jobs and Growth” package that has fallen roughly one million jobs short of his promise.


On Iraq – He chose to include discredited intelligence concerning Nigerian Yellow Cake in his 2003 State of the Union , in order to sell the war to the American people.


On Afghanistan – He failed to provide security outside of Kabul , leaving nearly 80% of the population unprotected from warlords and militias.


On Intelligence- He allowed Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld to create “The Office of Special Plans” in order to provide politically advantageous intelligence.


On Foreign Relations – He sided with trade-partner China against a democratic referendum by Taiwan .


On Nuclear Proliferation – He claimed John Kerry would let Europe determine America ’s defenses, then allowed Europe to lead the anti-Iranian nuke efforts.


On Job Creation – He signed a report that endorsed outsourcing, with thousands of American workers having their jobs shipped overseas.


On the Economy – He issued inaccurate budget forecasts with proposals to reduce the deficit, leaving out the cost of the war in Iraq , Afghanistan reconstruction and the funding of Homeland Security.


On Education – He under-funded his own “No Child Left Behind” program by more than 25-billion dollars


On Taxation – He passed tax cuts for the top 1-percent of income earners in the country.


On Chemical Terrorism – Instead of finding the culprit behind the 2001 anthrax mailings, he encouraged his administration to find any possible link between Iraq and the attacks.  He continued to do so even after scientists determined that the lethal germ was an American strain.


On Iraq – He ignored the advice of General Eric Shinseki regarding the need for more troops in Iraq .


On National Security – He denied documents to the 9/11 Commission and only relented after a threatened subpoena.


On Afghanistan – He relied too heavily on locally trained troops to fill the void once US forces were relocated to Iraq .


On Osama bin Laden – He refused to commit ground troops to the capture of bin Laden when he was cornered in Nov 2001.


On Intelligence – He opposed an independent inquiry into the intelligence failures regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.


On Foreign Policy – He failed to develop a specific plan for dealing with North Korea , a rogue nation that possesses WMDs.


On Trade – He instituted steel tariffs, deemed illegal by the World Trade Organization.


On Education – He broke his campaign pledge to increase size of Pell Grants, which are awarded to students based on need.


On the Environment – He abandoned the Kyoto Treaty, without offering an alternative for reducing greenhouse effect.


On Public Health - Allowing loopholes to persist in Mad-Cow regulations, while relaxing food-labeling restrictions on health claims.


On Iraq – He made the case for war based on incomplete, coerced, and ultimately erroneous intelligence about Weapons of Mass Destruction.


On Support for Troops – He did not equip our armed forces in Iraq with adequate body armor or armored humvees.


On Foreign Policy – He derided “nation-building” in the 2000 debates, then engaged American troops in one of the most explicit instances of nation building in American history


On Terrorism – He failed to pay attention to an August Sixth, 2001 PDB named “bin Laden Determined to Attack US.”


On Drugs – He allowed opium production to soar after the ouster of the Taliban.


On Fiscal Policy – He ran up record-breaking foreign debt proportions that threatens the stability of the global economy.


On the Environment – He cut clean air standards for aging power plants.


On Education – He signed off on the Fiscal Year 2005 budget proposing the smallest increase in education in nine years.


On Science – He falsely claimed the restrictions on stem cell research would not hamper medical progress.


On Osama bin Laden – He first said that bin Laden would be captured Dead or Alive; then, when he couldn’t be found, Bush told the American people – quote - “I’m not that concerned” with bin Laden – and quote -  “I don’t worry about him much.”


On Iraq – He made the May First, 2003 announcement that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”


On Diplomacy – He failed to give UN weapons inspectors enough time to certify if weapons existed in Iraq .


On National Security – Before 9/11, White House policy was that al-Qaeda couldn’t attack without state sponsors, ignoring evidence of a growing threat not associated with Iraq or North Korea .


On the Economy – He claimed his 2003 tax cut would give 23-million small business owners an average savings of two-thousand dollars – knowing that 79% of business owners would receive less than that.


On Terrorism – He undermined military operations against terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere with the pre-emptive invasion of Iraq .


On Jobs – He ignored requests to extend unemployment benefits just as long-term unemployment hit a 20-year high.


On Education – He froze funding for after-school programs nationwide. 


On Prescription Drugs – He reduced restrictions on improper drug advertising by 80%.


On the Environment – He reduced inspections, penalties for violations, and prosecution of environmental crimes.


On Biological Terrorism – He pushed for distribution of the smallpox vaccine, which was not proven necessary and has killed some of those who took it.


On Iraq – He approved the demobilization of the Iraq Army in May 2003, which was a reversal of an earlier position. It left hundreds of thousands of armed Iraqis disgruntled and unemployed, contributing significantly to the massive security problems for American.


On International Diplomacy - He refused to cede any control of post-invasion Iraq to the International community.


On the War on Terror – He diverted 700-million dollars from operations in Afghanistan into Iraq invasion planning without informing Congress.

On Free Speech – He shut down an Iraqi newspaper for inciting violence, which led to street fighting in Fallujah, inciting more violence than anything the newspaper wrote.

On Inter-Cabinet Relations – He told Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan about plans to invade Iraq before telling Secretary of State Colin Powell.


On the Environment – He weakened environmental standards for snowmobiles and other off-road vehicles.

On Energy – He opposed legislation that would require greater fuel efficiency for passenger cars.


On Public Safety – He withdrew public information on chemical plant dangers, previously used to hold facilities accountable for safety improvements.


On Fiscal Policy – He cut grants to state and local Government in Fiscal Year 2005, forcing states to make massive cuts in job training, education, housing and environmental protection.


On Free trade – He nominated Anthony Raimondo, a supporter of outsourcing, to be the new Manufacturing Czar.


On Iraq - He sold the war to the American People by claiming that the U-S would be greeted in Iraq as liberators.


On Iraq – He intends to ask Congress for 70-billion dollars more in Iraq war funds, pushing the total cost of the war to 225-billion dollars, far more than the $50 billion that the administration initially said it would cost.


On Iraq – He turned down three chances to capture terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi because he feared it would undercut the case for war in Iraq .

On Iraq - He had members of his administration tell the American people that Saddam Hussein possessed aluminum tubes that were “only suited for nuclear weapons programs” despite the fact that nuclear experts had already told them that the tubes could not be used for nuclear weapons

On Iraq – He did not safeguard sites once related to Iraq ’s nuclear program, which led to widespread and systematic dismantling of nuclear-related equipment.


On Iraq - He awarded a multi-billion dollar, no-bid contract to Halliburton in Iraq . Halliburton is now under investigation for gouging American taxpayers with exorbitant bills for work in Iraq .

On Iraq - He ignored plans drawn up by the Army War College and other war planning agencies, which predicted most of the worst security and infrastructure problems America faced in the early days of the Iraqi occupation.


On Iraq - He disbanded the Sunni Baathist managers responsible for Iraq ’s water, electricity, sewer system and all the other critical parts of that country’s infrastructure.


On Iraq - He told the American people that Iraq would pay for its own reconstruction with profits from Iraqi oil.


On Iraq – He failed to secure a weapons site in Iraq , leading to the theft of 380 tons of deadly high explosives, then attempted to cover it up. 


On Homeland Security - He authorized a State Department report that erroneously low-balled the actual number of terrorist attacks in 2003. 


On Homeland Security – He failed to secure America’s ports, with 20-thousand shipping containers coming into the country per day and only one-percent of them being inspected.


On Homeland Security – He agreed with Congress on a specific number of federal sky marshals, then cut that number by 20-percent in the 2005 fiscal year budget.

On Homeland Security- He secured less material with nuclear capability in the two years after September 11th than was secured in the two years before September 11th.  Unsecured fissile material still exists in more than 140 countries worldwide.

On Homeland Security – He failed to catch the terrorists responsible for the deadly 2001 anthrax mailings.


On Homeland Security – He has not required the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to toughen security regulations at Nuclear Power Plants, leading the Project on Government Oversight to conclude that nuclear plants in the U-S are – quote – “not even close to being prepared for a terrorist attack.”

On Homeland Security – He did not implement a proposed computer system intended to aid the tracking of domestic terror threats.  It was supposed to be on-line in 2003 and may now be scrapped entirely.


On Homeland Security – He has not developed specific plans to address the security of hazardous materials moved by rail and the administration does not have a time frame established for completing such an effort.


On Homeland Security – He provided the nations first responders with only 15-percent of the federal funding needed to adequately respond to terrorist attacks.


On Homeland Security – He failed to capture Osama Bin Laden, the man he acknowledges was behind the mass murder of 3000 Americans.


On Iraq – He told the American people – quote – “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We have found biological laboratories” – unquote – when nothing has been found.


On Foreign Relations – He limited bidding on Iraq construction projects to coalition partners only, unnecessarily alienating important allies.


On the 9-11 Commission – He would not allow Condoleezza Rice to testify, then relented after public pressure.

On Foreign Relations – He abandoned the United States ’ traditional role as a fair moderator in the Middle East Peace Process.

On the Environment – He lifted protection for more than 200 million acres of public land.


On post-9/11 clean-up – He forced the EPA to rewrite a report on the air quality around the World Trade Center site to fool New Yorkers into thinking the area was safe. 

On Public Health – He weakened the effectiveness of the USDA testing program while downplaying the dangers of Mad Cow disease.


On Supporting our Armed Services – He under funded healthcare for troops and veterans.


On Health Care – Picked his personal friend David Halbert, who stands to make billions from prescription drugs, to write the draft of the new Medicare bill.


On Education – He under-funded the Title One Program for disadvantaged children by Seven-point-two billion dollars.


On Iraq - He threatened to veto the 87-billion dollar war budget authorization if it wasn’t in the form he wanted, then criticized John Kerry for doing the same thing.


On Diplomacy – He failed to convince NATO allies that invading Iraq was important, leaving U-S troops to bear 90-percent of the burden.


On Social Security - He depleted the Social Security Trust Fund surplus, despite making a campaign promise to not touch it.

On Government Spending - He promised to – quote – “attack pork barrel spending” – unquote – but has not vetoed a single bill while in office, despite the enormous amount of pork that has crossed his desk. 

On Taxes - He told the American people – quote – “the vast majority of my tax cuts go to the bottom end of the spectrum" – unquote – while the top 20 percent of earners received 70 percent of those tax cuts.


On Conflicts of Interest - He appointed James Baker to seek forgiveness of Iraqi debt, despite Baker’s business ties to companies that are opposed to Iraqi debt forgiveness 

On Health Care - He never established the 'Healthy Communities Innovation Fund' which would have provided grant money to health care programs, as he promised in his 2000 campaign


On Public Safety – Despite claiming to support it, he allowed the federal law banning the sale of semi-automatic assault weapons to lapse 10-years after the law was implemented and effectively reduced gun-related violent crimes.


On First Responders - He cut grants to the nation’s police and fire departments by nearly one-billion dollars in the fiscal year 2005 budget.


On Job Creation - He lost a net total of 833-thousand jobs since taking office in 2001, becoming the first president since Herbert Hoover not to create any new jobs.


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